February28, 2005


On February 11th, the certificated bargaining team reached tentative agreements on two items. The first is a tentative agreement on a Catastrophic/Sick Leave Program (CSLP). If ratified, it will become a permanent section in the Leaves article of the certificated contract. The program allows Certificated personnel, both Association and administration, to donate a sick day per year into a bank. If you donated a day, have used up all sick leave, and have a catastrophic illness or injury, you may apply to the CSLP committee for additional days. The committee will be composed of 2 Association members and two District staff. In addition, the bargaining team agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that would allow the program to be implemented in late March. In a short while, more information will be available for all staff members. The tentative agreement will be available online, at

The Certificated team also reached a tentative agreement on the creation of Coordinator of Elementary Education. This position will be similar to what the subject area specialists in middle school once were. This position’s emphasis will change annually, based on the current needs of the District. A team of District and Association members will help decide the annual area of emphasis.

The Certificated team will now solely focus on the health benefits cap. As stated before, we are anticipating a cost of living adjustment (COLA) over the next few years, as well as a reduction in our worker’s compensation premiums. Hopefully this bodes well for our discussions of total compensation. Our next bargaining sessions are March 11 and April 19.

CTA – Primary Contact Staff Person

On January 27th, the CTA Board of Directors approved the appointment of Vern Gates as the new primary contact staff out of the BayValleyRegionalResourceCenter. The following is a snapshot of Vern’s experience, quoted from Bonnie Shatun, our representative on the CTA Board of Directors:

“Vern comes to us from CSEA -- especially helpful since half the assignment is ESP Chapters. He has extensive staff experience and a strong union background. He holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration, a Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Employee-Employer Relations, is a Certified Interest Based Facilitator and Trainer, and is finishing his second year of law school. He has had extensive experience in collective bargaining, dispute resolution, member training, advocacy, organizing and political action.”

Releasing Exams

There has been a good deal of discussion recently, regarding the high school math teachers being directed to release their tests and quizzes. There have been inaccurate newspaper articles, public meetings, and rumors circulating about the issue. This is the current situation. After the third meeting between the high school math department and the high school administration, Dr. Stepenosky directed the math teachers to release tests and quizzes. On February 25th, Josh meet with the high school math teachers. At that meeting, the math department agreed, at a minimum, to allow students to copy down/take notes on any exam questions, during class or after. These questions/notes could then go home.

After meeting with the math teachers, Josh met with Dr. Stepenosky to present the math teacher’s compromise and get clarification on other items. Dr. Stepenosky did not commit either way on the compromise and needed time to consider it. BHEA also asked for the directive to be clarified so that teachers know specifically what is being required of them. Finally, Dr. Stepenosky stated that there is not a current interest in requiring all high school teachers/departments torelease their tests and quizzes.

Josh is meeting with the district on Wednesday to discuss this issue and attempt to find a solution that meets the needs of all people affected.

As for our contract and possible grievances, there are not many options. We are the district’s employees for 7½ hours each day. While at work, there is a limit to pupil contact minutes and we must have a minimum 30 minute duty-free lunch. With the remaining minutes each day, the district can require its employees to complete certain tasks. These tasks may include grading work, creating lessons, and writing exams.

As more information becomes available, issues are clarified, and BHEA meets with the district we will keep you all informed.

BHEA Budget Committee

For the first time in recent memory, BHEA convened a budget committee. The goal is to address our budget concerns. The members of the committee are: Tricia Tuthill, David Siskin, Ileene Berenson, and Josh Schmidt. The group met on February 3rdtowork up a general budget. The group plans to meet again on March 3rd to refine their work. Tricia, David, and Ileene should be congratulated for taking their time to take on this difficult task. Thanks!

Governor Budget: Proposition 98, Merit Pay, and Retirement

As stated in previous Consensus’, there are three important issues, the governor has brought forth, facing the teachers of California: the possible elimination of Proposition 98, a merit pay system for teachers, and a complete restructuring of the retirement system, both CalSTRS and CalPERS. As stated before, Prop.98 is the guarantee of a certain level of funding for schools. The importance of Prop.98 can not be emphasized enough. However, this section will focus on merit pay and retirement.

A special session merit pay bill, SCAx1 1, proposed by Bill Runner (R-AntelopeValley) would correlate teacher pay, job status, etc. to test scores. On Wednesday, February 23rd, the Senate Education Committee held a hearing in regards to SCAx1 1. Most of the discussion on the bill related to rewarding teachers with merit pay and making the probationary period for teachers longer than two years as well as making it easier to fire permanent teachers. The results of the hearing were mixed. The committee decided to hold the bill without taking a vote. This prevents the bill from continuing through the Legislature, but allows the author, Bill Runner, to amend his bill at a later time or to drop it altogether. CTA was instrumental in preventing this bill from passing through the Senate.

Many people do not fully comprehend the impact of Governor Schwarzenegger’s proposed changes to our pensions systems: CalSTRS and CalPERS. There are two basic types of pension programs: defined benefit and defined contribution. Our current pension system is defined benefit. Defined benefit programs provide employees with clearly stated retirement benefits that may vary depending on the employee's age at retirement and length of service. There is a formula that can compute the exact monthly payment for a retiree. In addition, the retiree’s benefits pass on to a spouse who outlives the retiree.

A defined contribution is similar to a 401(k) plan. Defined contribution pension programs offer employees more control over investments, but employees bear the entire risk of any investment strategies that are not as successful as planned.

The governor’s goal is to have all new public employees in a defined contribution program effective 2007. This would create a two-tiered system for public employees. CTA and BHEA have no interest in supporting this change. It would take away one of the greatest benefits of being a teacher.

Help CTA and BHEA fight the governor’s proposals. Contact the governor and your local legislator:

Sacramento, CA95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633 / Email:



This information can also be found on!

Letter Writing Campaign

In an effort to fight the governor’s proposal, BHEA’s Executive Board proposed an email campaign. BHEA needs a member to help draft a letter to the governor and legislators expressing our concern and disappointment in the current proposals. This letter can then be mailed, emailed, or faxed to the governor and local legislators. If you can help, please call or email BHEA.

Increase in CTA Dues

In response to the increased need to lobby against the governor’s proposals, the CTA Board of Directors is suggesting a CTA dues increase of up to $60 per year, for three years. This money would protect school funding, teacher rights and our pensions. It would go directly to fighting the governor’s proposals that would permanently cripple educational funding, undermine teacher rights and working conditions, and dismantle the public employee’s pension system. CTA’s Board feels this increase is absolutely necessary to preserve public education. The vote to increase CTA dues will most likely take place at the June State Council meeting.

Rain, Rain Go Away…

All of the recent rain has caused some possible unsafe conditions. Please be careful. If you notice an unsafe situation, please let your site administrator know immediately. If there were leaks, and you have damaged/wet ceiling tiles, let the administrators know. We need to have all the leaks and other damaged items fixed. We have done a superb job minimizing our worker’s compensation costs. Keep up the excellent work!

City Elections

At the January Rep Council meeting Barry Brucker addressed the reps, soliciting BHEA’s endorsement. At the February Rep Council meeting, groups supporting Measure A and those opposed to Measure A addressed the reps. BHEA did not take any actions in regards to the candidates and measures. It was exciting to have political groups interested in the support of teachers. This may be an excellent opportunity for BHEA to create a Political Action Committee (PAC). If you are interested in educational politics, let BHEA know! We cannot become politically involved without a PAC.


As stated in a February 17th letter, Josh Schmidt will be resigning as Certificated President, effective July 1, 2005. BHEA’s Executive Board will be meeting on March 10th to choose a course of action to fill the vacated position. Article IX, section E, of BHEA’s By-Laws state, “A vacancy shall be deemed to exist in the case of death, resignation, or inability to serve in any of the offices of the Association. If there is a vacancy occurring in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the office.”

Meeting Dates

The next Executive Board meeting is March 10th.

The next Rep Council meeting is March 17.

Both meetings are at 3:45 in room 504 at BHHS.

Your questions, concerns, or comments are appreciated. Call 277.9364 or email.

Ileene’s email:

Josh’s email: