SES 4UI Ms. Roy
Solar System Planet Investigation
Learning Targets:
To analyse each planet in our solar system by gathering, inferring and reporting scientific findings
To collaboratively work in a group setting to research and present findings in an effective manner
- Information must be presented in a slideshow in an effective manner so students will be able to make notes on your particular planet. A quiz on all planets will occur after the presentations.
- A one page handout will be made for the class and given to Ms. Roy at least one day prior to the presentation date so photocopies can be made. If your handout is not given to me by 2:25 the day prior to the presentation, then you will be responsible for photocopying your own class handouts. Handout may include a diagram, chart, visual or key points. It may be just key information, but it should be interactive: Fill in the Blank, Crossword, multiple choice etc. One page in length only. One side of the page only. You will also be responsible for sharing your presentation with me ahead of time.
- As a group, you will create and present to the class, a presentation that includes all of the information in the chart below. All information presented will be based on research and collaborative thinking. Please review the school’s plagiarism guidelines to be successful. Please share your presentation with me on google before you present. You will also include a breakdown of the work on the last slide, indicating who was responsible for each slide and task. (.i.e. handout, bibliography etc). Not all group members will receive the same mark.
- A reference list must be cited on your second last slide in proper APA format. may also use easybib on google.
- Presentation should be approximately 10 – 15 minutes in duration. Be sure that the font is visible and the slides are appealing with graphics and valuable information. Use your own words and reference appropriately. You may include a short video clip about your planet.
- Information must be presented in an effective manner so students will be able to make notes on your particular planet. You will be quizzed on each planet after the presentations.
Diameter, Mass, Density; and in relation to earth
Distance in AU; revolution and rotational periods
Eccentricity of orbit. Tilt on planet (degrees) &details
General Appearance/structure/composition
What technologies have allowed for this planet to be studied in the past?
Unique features: explanation and discussion
Satellites (moons): names and numbers or explanation for absence (must include planet discovery info for Mercury and Venus only). May include how these bodies affect planet
Exploration: past or future plans (discuss) What technology has allowed for this?
Other interesting pieces of information
In the opinion of your group, is the investment made in space exploration to this planet money well spent? Why or why not?
Success Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Knowledge and thinking
Quality of information
10 / Information in not significant and/or accurate
Quality of information is below an accepted 4U level; significant details have been excluded.
Many components from research requirements are inaccurate/incomplete / Information is somewhat significant and accurate
Quality of information is approaching an accepted 4U level; many significant details have been excluded. / Information is considerably significant and accurate
Quality of information is at an accepted 4U level; some significant details may have been excluded. / Information is thoroughly significant and highly accurate
Quality of information is at or above an accepted 4U level; all significant details have been included with exceptional detail.
All key details have been included.
Communication of presentation and information
8 / Presentation is not effective
Written Information is not organized
Font is hard to read
Graphics are absent or ineffective
Oral presentation lacks organization and is hard to follow. / Presentation is somewhat effective
Written Information is somewhat organized
Font may be hard to read at times
Some basic graphics exist; and are somewhat effective
Oral presentation is somewhat effective / Presentation communicated with considerable effectiveness
Written Information is considerably organized
Font is considerably clear and easy to read
Graphics are considerably effective
Oral presentation is effective. All group members participate. Slides are explained, not read / Presentation is communicated with thorough effectiveness
Written Information is thoroughly organized to a high level
Font is very clear and easy to read
Graphics are highly effective and a variety of types of graphics, ie charts, pictures, diagrams exist
Oral presentation is highly effective. Students explain concepts using accurate detail. Slides are well explained with great accuracy.
Thinking, application. Communication
Prepared Handout
6 / Handout for class is ineffective / Handout is somewhat effective and interactive / Handout is effective and interactive and a useful learning tool / Handout is highly effective and well planned. Students have included accurate and relevant information and it is a useful and effective learning tool for all students
Bibliography and citations
6 / Bibliography and in text citations have not been used appropriately.
Websites/sources have been listed, but are not formatted. / Bibliography and in text citations have been included in some instances;
format is somewhat correct is some places. / Bibliography and in text citations have been included and format is correct.
Citations have been used correctly.
Student has referenced more than on-line sources. / Bibliography and in text citations have been included and format is correct in all instances.
Bibliography is alphabetized and more than 5 sources have been used,
A variety of sources has been used
Citations have been used accordingly.