Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences

Manchester College

Teacher: Mr. Nave Date of Lesson: Monday, November 8th Time Period: 9:01-10:13 Grade Level: 8th grade Number of Students: 25 Lesson Focus: Fitness/Weight Training Teaching Style: Reciprocal

Academic Standards

C Students will demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

A Students will exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

P Students will demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

Performance Objectives

C The students will demonstrate an understanding of safe lifting by evaluating a classmate on correct form 2 out of 2 times.

A The students will work together to learn correct lifting techniques by completing a reciprocal task sheet for 2 out of 2 lifts.

P The students will demonstrate bench pressing by using correct form 4 out of 5 times.

The students will demonstrate squatting by using correct form 4 out of 5 times.

Equipment/Materials Pencils, Reciprocal Forms, 2 cones, 5 jump ropes.

Skill Development (Incorporate Gardner and Bloom references)

Fitness Activity Station Relay

The students will be in groups of 3 and two stations will be arranged that incorporate various components of health related physical fitness. For example, the stations will include pushups, situps, jumping jacks, and various stretches. The relay will continue until each person has been at the station for a total of 3 times. One person will always be at station 1, one person will be at station 2, and one person will be the runner moving from each station. When the runner arrives at the station they will then perform the station’s drills. The person who was already at the station will then become the runner and run to the next station and complete the stations objectives.

Introduction/Set Induction

· Why is it important to have correct form when lifting weights? (Safety)

· Bench Pressing and Squatting are the 2 most significant lifts because they train the largest muscle groups in the body.

· Today we are going to have a peer evaluate our form on the 2 lifts to make sure our form is correct so we are safely and efficiently lifting the weight.

Introduce New Skill


I will explain and demonstrate the correct form and technique when bench pressing and squatting. I will explain the teaching cues for each lift while I demonstrate the lift correctly in front of the students. (Gardner/ Visual Spatial) I will then have a student demonstrate the lift in front of the class while I provide feedback in relation to the teaching cues. (Gardner/Bodily Kinesthetic)

Guided Practice Activity

The students will be in groups of 3. Three roles will be designated: Spotter, Lifter, and Evaluator. The students will simply just practice the correct form of the lifts by using very light weight to warm up. They should be very aware of their form to try and improve it to enhance safety. One person will be lifting, while one person will be the spotter, and the other person will simply be providing feedback. However, the evaluator will not be documenting the form. Documentation will only be provided in the group activity. This is activity is meant for practicing correct form before the students are assessed on their form.

Group Activity Reciprocal Learning (Bench Press, Squat)

The students will be in groups of 3 based on their lifting capacities. Three roles will be designated: Spotter, Lifter, and Evaluator. One student will spot the lifter, the lifter will be lifting the weight, and the evaluator will be critiquing the lifter on correct form of each lift in accordance with specific criteria using a reciprocal task sheet. The students should use a weight that they can lift up to 10 times. They will then switch roles, and after they are done with one lift, they will move to the next lift until they have completed both the squat and bench press. The class will be divided up so that half of the class is bench pressing while the other half of the class is squatting and then they will switch.

Assessment (Form Attached)

Instructional Adjustments

Enrichment: These students will be allowed to lift more weight to see if they can still achieve correct form.

Adaptations: These students will be allowed to use even less weight to achieve correct form. Simply using the bar with no weight included may be a sufficient alternative for these students to achieve correct form.


Why is it important to have correct form when we are lifting? (Bloom/Knowledge)

Why are bench pressing and squatting the two most significant lifts? (Bloom/Knowledge)


* Darst, P. W., Pangrazi, R. P., (2006). Dynamic physical education for secondary school students (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings.

* Himberg, C., Hutchinson, G. E., Roussell, J. M., (2003). Teaching secondary physical education: Preparing adolescents to be active for life. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Reciprocal Task Sheet: Bench Press / Squat

Name__________________ Evaluator__________________ Date___________

Lifter: Use correct form to lift a weight that can be done up to 10 times.

Spotter: Support the lifter when help is needed. Stand behind the lifter when spotting.

Evaluator: Observe the form of the lifter in accordance with the criteria below. Mark what the lifter does correct and what they need to practice at the bottom of the sheet. Let the lifter know what is done well and what needs to be corrected.

Rotate after each partner has done the lift up to 10 times.

Bench Press (Mark each criterion with an “X”) Can Do Needs Practice

1. Grip with thumbs around the bar

and no wider than notches _______ _________

2. Feet placed flat of floor _______ _________

3. Breathes out while lifting weight upward _______ _________

4. Movement and pace is controlled. Weight is

not being bounced off of chest and arms are ________ _________

extending fully at a controlled rate

Squat (Mark each criterion with an “X”) Can Do Needs Practice

1. Rests bar on Trapezius Muscle _______ _________

Not on vertebrae

2. Chest out, Head up, Back Straight. _______ _________

3. Feet shoulder width apart, feet slightly

Faced outward. _______ _________

4. Pushed through heels _______ _________

5. Goes down until 90 degrees _______ ________