SOL Review Packet #4 Answers

WHI.5 - Greece

  1. What geographic feature shaped the economic, social, and political development of Greece?

The mountains of Greece shaped its development.

  1. What were the two main city-states of Greece?

The two main city-states were Athens and Sparta.

  1. What city-state had a direct democracy?

Athens had a direct democracy.

  1. Which Greek city-state had a militaristic and aggressive society with an oligarchy government?

That city-state was Sparta.

  1. Which wars united Athens and Sparta against an external enemy?

The Persian Wars united Athens and Sparta against the invading Persian Empire.

  1. What was a result of the Persian War for Athens?

As a result of the Persian War, Athens rebuilt its city and became the leader of the Delian League, which helped Athens rise in power among the Greek city-states.

  1. What war was caused by competition between Athens & Sparta for control of the Greek world?

The Peloponnesian War was between Athens and Sparta.

  1. Who was Pericles?

He was the ruler of Athens between the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars and was responsible for rebuilding the city and focusing attention on the arts and learning.

  1. Who wrote the Iliadthe Odyssey?

Homer wrote those two works of literature.

  1. Who was the Greek sculptor who created the statue of Athena in the Parthenon?

Phidias was the Greek sculptor of that statue.

  1. What were the three types of Greek columns?

The three types of Greek columns are Doric (plain/simple), Ionic (scrolls), and Corinthian (elaborate leaves or decorations).

  1. Name three Greek philosophers.

Three Greek philosophers were Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato.

  1. Name three areas controlled by Alexander the Great.

Alexander the Great took control of Thebes in Greece, Egypt, Persia, and India.

  1. What was Hellenistic culture?

Hellenistic culture was a blending of Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian cultures. The major city of the Hellenistic world was Alexandria in Egypt.

WHI.6 - Rome

  1. Roman slavery was not based on what?

Roman slavery was not based on race.

  1. The written laws of Rome were called what?

The written laws of Rome were the Twelve Tables.

  1. The Punic Wars were between whom? Who won?

The Punic Wars were between Rome and Carthage. Rome eventually won the wars.

  1. Name four causes for the decline of the Roman Republic.

Political office was a burden, the empire was divided, loyalty was low, inflation was high, and crops were bad.

  1. Who was in the First Triumvirate?

Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey were the members of the First Triumvirate.

  1. What happened to Julius Caesar?

He was assassinated (stabbed) on the floor of the Senate on March 15, 44 B.C.E.

  1. Who was the first emperor of Rome?

Octavian Caesar (Augustus) was the first emperor of Rome.

  1. Name three things Augustus Caesar instituted when he established the Roman Empire.

Augustus rebuilt the city with elaborate buildings, set up a civil-service government, and created a long-lasting system of law.

  1. What was the Pax Romana?

It was a time of peace and prosperity in Rome that lasted 207 years.

  1. What is the civil service?

It was a form of government in which workers were paid to manage the affairs of government, such as the grain supply, tax collection, and the postal system.

  1. Christianity was based on what religion and is what kind (monotheistic or polytheistic)?

Christianity was based on Judaism and was a monotheistic religion.

  1. Name three basic beliefs of Christianity.

Jesus was the Messiah, there was only one God, and the Ten Commandments were the rules that Christians should follow.

  1. What was the holy book for Christians?

The holy book for Christians is the Bible.

  1. What was the goal of the Apostles?

The goal was to spread Christianity and convert others to their religion.

  1. What emperor legalized Christianity?

Constantine was the emperor that first legalized Christianity.

  1. How did the Romans treat the Christians?

The Romans persecuted the Christians and did not treat them fairly at all.

  1. It was an amphitheater where gladiator games were held.

The Roman Colesseum was where the gladiator games were held.

  1. This carried water to Roman cities.

The system of aqueducts carried water to Roman cities.

  1. Name three Romance languages.

Three Romance languages were French, Italian, and Spanish.

  1. What were the Twelve Tables?

The Twelve Tables were the written laws in Rome.

  1. When did the Roman Empire “fall” and who invaded it?

The Germanic tribes from the north started to invade the Roman Empire.

Greek Name / Roman Name / God/Goddess of what?
Zeus / Jupiter / The sky, thunder, and chief ruler of the Gods
Artemis / Diana / Of the Hunt, twin sister of Apollo
Apollo / Apollo / Sun, Truth, Music, and Healing, twin brother of Artemis
Athena / Minerva / War, City, Wisdom, and Law
Hera / Juno / Marriage, Wife of Zeus
Aphrodite / Venus / Love and Feminine Beauty