SOL II.8abc: Post WWII Recovery and the Cold WarStudy Guide

1. / After WWII, how did the United States show that they had learned from the mistakes of their past? / The United States accepted its role as a world ____POWER______after World War II, helping to ____REBUILD_____ Europe and Japan and taking the leading role in establishing the ___United ______Nations______.
2. / What was Europe like after World War II? / Much of Europe was in _Ruins______following World War II. _Soviet______forces occupied most of Eastern and Central Europe and the eastern portion of Germany.
3. / Why did the United States decide to help countries in Europe? / The United States felt it was in its best interest to help rebuild _____Europe_____ and prevent __Communism______and __Economic___ instability.
4. / What is one way the United States provided Europe with economic assistance after WWII? / The United States instituted George C. Marshall’s plan to _Provide financial aid to rebuild Europe (the Marshall Plan).
5. / What was the Marshall Plan? / The _Marshal Planprovided massive ____financial____ aid to rebuild European economies and prevent the spread of ___communism____.
6. / What happened to Germany after WWII? / Germany was partitioned into two parts - __East_ and ___West_Germany.
7. / Describe East Germany. / ___East__Germany remained under the domination of the Soviet Union and did not adopt ______Democratic______institutions.
8. / Describe West Germany. / ___West__ Germany becameDemocratic and resumed ___self__-______government_____ after a few years of American, British, and French occupation.
9. / What happened to Japan after WWII? / Following its defeat, Japan was occupied by American forces. It soon adopted a ___democratic______form of government, resumed self-government, and became a strong __ally_____ of the United States.
10. / What is the United Nations? / The _United______Nations______is an organization of independent nations formed in 1945 to promote international peace_ and security. Fifty-one countries are members of this organization. (UN)
11. / Why was the United Nations formed? / The United Nations was formed near the end of World War II to create a body for the nations of the world to try to prevent future _global______wars____. (international conflicts)
12. / How did businesses change after WWII? / With rationing of consumer goods over, businesses converted from production of _war_ materials to production of consumer goods.
13. / How did consumers affect the rapid growth of the American economy after WWII? / Americans purchased goods on credit_, helping the rapid growth of the American economy.
14. / How did the work force change after WWII? / The work force shifted back to men_, and most women returned full time to household responsibilities.
15. / How were workers affected by the changes after WWII? / Labor __Unions______merged and became more powerful. Workers gained new _benefits__ and higher __wages_.
16. / What happened when economic prosperity continued and technology boomed? / The next generation of _women_ entered the labor force in large numbers.
17. / Which two countries were superpowers after World War II? / The _United___States_ and the _Soviet___Union__
18. / How were the United States and the Soviet Union different? / The United States was ____democratic___ and _capitalist_.
The Soviet Union was _communist__ and __dictorial__.
19. / What is the Cold War? / The Cold War is a state of _tension_ without actual _fighting_ between the United States and the __Soviet____Union__, which divided the world into two camps.
20. / What were the origins of the Cold War? /
  • Differences in beliefs_ and __ideologies_____ between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • The Soviet Union’s domination over _central & eastern
European countries
  • American policy of _containment_ to stop the spread of communism
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) versus _Warsaw___Pact__

21. / How was the division created by Cold War tensions and hostilities reflected in the United States? / There were a series of major _Conflicts_ throughout the world in which the United States was directly involved after WWII
22. / Explain how the United States was involved in the Korean War. / South Korea and the United States resisted _Chinese_ and __North ____Korean__ aggression. The conflict ended in a stalemate. (no one wins)communist
23. / What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? / The _Cuban___Missile__Crisis__ occurred when the Soviet Union placed missiles in Cuba. The Soviets removed the missiles in response to a U.S. blockade of Cuba. KENNEDY
24. / What is the Domino Theory? / The belief that there was danger of many surrounding countries becoming _communist_ if Vietnam was permitted to do so
25. / How was the United States involved in the Vietnam War? / The U.S. intervened to stop the spread of _communism_ into South Vietnam. Americans were _divided_ over whether the U.S. should be involved militarily in Vietnam. The conflict ended in a cease-fire agreement in which U.S. troops _withdrew_.
26. / What events signaled the collapse of communism in Europe? /
  1. Breakup of the Soviet Union into independent _countries_
  2. Destruction of the Berlin_Wall__ between East and West Germany

27. / How were the challenges after the Cold War different from earlier challenges? / New challenges included the role of U.S. military__ intervention, environmental__ challenges, and _global__ issues, including trade, jobs, disease, and energy