Cherry Class Autumn Term Newsletter

Monday 11th September 2017

Dear Parents/ Carers,

We have had a wonderful first week back at school. We are all enthusiastic and ready to get stuck into our new exciting topic: ‘Awesome Egyptians’. Please keep a look out for the exciting homework project which will be sent home next week.

Important changes:

It is expected that children read at least three times a week at home with a signature from an adult. In addition to this, children will need to complete a reading mission per week which will be checked in school every Monday. The reading missions are already in the front of reading records and children can choose to complete them in any order. Children will also be expected to spend one hour on IXL Maths per week consolidating the concepts they have learned in maths. Login details will be given to children this week. Finally, the spelling rules that we will cover are on our Cherry Class Page on the website. If your children struggles with spelling, you may want to practice these at home. Learning the spelling rules and exceptions is much more useful than learning individual spellings.

This year our P.E. days are Thursday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor) so please make sure children have their correct kits in school. It may occasionally be subject to change so it is a good idea to keep P.E. kits in school at all times.

To keep it touch, I will be setting up a Class Dojo page but only for the purposes of sending out important messages or Star of the Week invitations. Class Dojo will not be used to monitor behaviour as the class have chosen to earn ‘team bean’ points instead. For any other updates, you can also visit our Cherry Class Page on the school website. This will be updated with pictures and useful links throughout our Egyptians topic.

I hope this newsletter has answered any of your questions, but if you have any queries please let me know.

Miss Butler.