Soil Particle Layering
Teacher Name(s): Kim Collazo
Date: Spring 2007
Grade level(s): 3
Content Areas: Science, Technology
Description/Abstract: Students will watch a video about the make up of soil and participate in a soil particle layering activity. Student will then be directed on how to use a wiki to share their data and information.
Timeline: 45 minutes
Goals/Content and Cognitive:
Students will develop an understanding of the various components that make up soil. Students will see how soil scientists use soil particle layering to better understand the components of soil. Students will be able to manipulate an online wiki to share, organize, and edit their data and information.
Links to Curriculum Standards:
Grade 3 Science 2.01 - Observe and describe the properties of soil. Grade 3 Science 2.04 - Identify the basic components of soil. Grade 3 Computer Technology 1.01 - Identify uses of technology in the community. Grade 3 Computer Technology 1.03 - Recognize, discuss, and use responsible and safe behavior in the use of technology resources. Grade 3 Computer Technology 1.11 Identify and discuss guidelines for media to consider in developing multimedia projects as a class. Grade 3 Computer Technology 1.14 - Identify, discuss, and use terms/concepts (ie. web browser, URL, address, wiki, weblinks) Grade 3 Computer Technology 1.17 - Identify and discuss collaborative tools. Grade 3 Computer Technology 2.02 - Discuss and select appropriate technology tools to collect, analyze, and display data.
Guiding Questions:
Big Question: How do scientists separate soil into its distinct parts?
Students will complete open ended questions that pertain to this lesson. Their soil particle layering drawings will also be evaluated for accuracy. Informal assessment of their individual wiki information will also be used.
Learning Connections:
Students will have already participated in one form of soil separation activity (lesson 2). They will have become familiar with some of the vocabulary used throughout this soil unit. Students will be provided digital photos of their lab work thus far, in an effort to create more fluid and interesting writing on their wiki pages.
Learning Activites or Tasks:
The teacher will review the thought question and responses received from the previous lesson. The students will watch a video from United Streaming entitled, "How To Make A Mud Pie". The teacher will use the lesson 3 organizing PowerPoint (see teacher materials for this lesson) to review and illustrate concepts from the video. The students will participate in the Soil Particle Layering activity modified from the Delta Soil Science Kit. Students will complete the worksheet entitled, "Mother Nature's Mud Pie" (see Teacher Materials for this lesson). The soil tubes will be placed on a window sill in the classroom overnight to allow the particles to settle. The following day, students will be provided time to color and label the Soil Particle Layering illustration worksheet according to what they observe in their soil layering tube. Students will also be directed on how to edit their wiki pages so they can begin to add information and data from their investigations. (See student directions in Support Materials)
Teaching Strategies:
Teacher should allow for a great deal of discussion and sharing throughout all components of this lesson. The role of the teacher will be to provide direction, ask leading questions during the lab portion, and encourage unique and creative responses. The use of the hands-on activity will allow the students to participate in a true scientific investigation. The teacher should continually stress that this is what "real" scientists do. The use of technology (the wiki) will allow students to take ownership of their new learning, ideas, and hypotheses.
Each student will be provided their own materials from the Delta Soil Science Kit so they can investigate individually. Group discussion and sharing of observations will be encouraged throughout, always modeling and rewarding turn-taking and mutual respect for others.
Materials and Resources:
United Streaming Video - "How To Make a Mud Pie" (other similar videos from different sources can be substituted if the school does not subscribe to United Streaming) Delta Soil Science Kit materials for the "Soil Particle Layering" activity, including the Soil Particle Layering student diagram worksheet "Mother Nature's Mud Pie" worksheet Pre-created student wiki pages (see Support Materials)