Anti Social Behaviour Policy – April 2011

1.0Soho HA Anti Social Behaviour Policy

1.1Soho Housing Association believes that all residents are entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their home and their local environment. Soho Housing Association will work to try to ensure that as far as possible this is achieved. Soho Housing Association wishes to ensure that its homes and estates are sustainable long-term and therefore does recognise the importance of involving its tenants and the wider community in plans to address anti-social behaviour.

1.2The Residents of Soho HA have an expectation that all residents will behave reasonably towards each other and their environment and therefore Soho HA promotes social behaviour through engaging with the residents from the first point of contact to establish and share the expectations of residents in this regard.

2.0Strategic Residents Group: Definition of anti social behaviour

2.1Anti social behaviour can cover a wide range of behaviour. We take a wide view of what may be considered anti social behaviour, it is considered to include acts which interfere with the peace, comfort or convenience of any person or which cause or are likely to cause nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to any person. We think the following are examples of this:

  • Damaging property
  • Verbal abuse and insults
  • Intimidation, using or threatening violence
  • Racial harassment
  • Nuisance from pets such as dogs barking
  • Noise nuisance
3.0 Policy Statement

3.1Soho Housing Association must have a balanced approach when dealing with anti-social behaviour. It must ensure that any action is proportionate to the issue being dealt with.

3.2Soho Housing Association will work to ensure that where possible prevention of anti-social behaviour is achieved e.g. positive diversionary engagement.

3.3Enforcement action will be taken where necessary and Soho Housing Association will deal with incidents of anti-social behaviour as quickly and as thoroughly as possible.

3.4The Soho team take a victim centred approach and accept that if someone feels they have been subject to ASB then that allegation will betaken seriously on every occasion and the team support them as far as is reasonable. While this cannot mean that the person making the allegation can determine the action that Soho HA takes to resolve the problem we will consult and advise the complainant of all our plans to resolve the matter.

3.5The Soho HA Team will engage with perpetrators as well as victims to understand and resolve ASB and where appropriate include other agencies such as the police and environmental health to ensure that perpetrators have a clear understanding of the implications of behaviours.

3.6The Anti-Social Behaviour procedure prescribes the way in which Soho Housing Association will deal with incidents of anti-social behaviour; how the incidents are investigated and the various remedies available to deal with the issue.

This policy statement will be reviewed on an annual basis.

4.0Anti-Social Behaviour Policy Objectives

4.1To ensure that the tenancy conditions are observed and that local residents have the right to quiet enjoyment of their property, free from the effects of anti-social behaviour.

4.2To prevent incidents arising where possible and minimise the number of instances of anti-social behaviour.

4.3To take prompt and effective action where incidents of anti-social behaviour occur.

4.4To inform tenants of Soho Housing Association of how the Housing Association deals with incidents of anti-social behaviour, including situations whereby local residents are acting as witnesses in particular cases.

Carmen Clarke

Housing Manager

15 March 2011