RPS Field Trip Types and Requirements

A1 Curricular Trips (paid by the C&I Dept.)
·  Directly relate to a course of study
·  Students are required to participate
·  Students may not be prevented from participating due to grade in class, physical or mental ability, or space availability
·  Examples: Quarry Hill, Planetarium, Music Cluster Concerts / A2 Curricular Trips (paid with site funds)
·  Directly relate to a course of study
·  Students are required to participate
·  Students may not be prevented from participating due to grade in class, physical or mental ability, ability to pay, or space availability
·  Fees may be paid by grants or PTAs
·  Students may not be assessed a fee for the trip unless the trip and fee has received prior approval from the Exec. Dir. of C&I and the School Board
·  Examples: Eagle Bluff, HS Physics Day at ValleyFair, MN Zoo, HS Boundary Waters
B Supplementary – Day
·  Occurs during a school day
·  Students voluntarily participate (and cannot be denied participation based on ability to pay, physical ability, or behavior)
·  Is not required for a grade, credit, or graduation requirement
·  May be associated with a contest participation or a club activity
·  May extend into the evening hours, but does not include an overnight stay
·  Fees may be obtained directly from student fees or other fundraising sources
·  Examples: State Music, Math Counts, Science Olympiad, Geography Bee, Spelling Bee competitions
C Supplementary – Extended
·  Occurs during no more than one school day (Exceptions can be made for tournaments, competitions, etc. when scheduling is not at RPS discretion.)
·  May involve multiple non-school days and include overnight stay(s)
·  Students voluntarily participate (and cannot be denied participation based on ability to pay, physical ability, or behavior)
·  Is not required for a grade, credit, or graduation requirement
·  May be associated with a school contest participation or a club activity
·  Fees may be obtained directly from student fees or other fundraising sources
·  All district policies and procedures apply (including distribution of medications)
·  Examples: State Science Fair
D Non-School-Sponsored
·  Occurs during no more than one school day
·  May involve multiple non-school days and include overnight stay(s) – usually over extended breaks and summer
·  Students voluntarily participate
·  Is not required for a grade, credit, or graduation requirement
·  Is organized by individuals outside of courses or clubs
·  The school’s liability does not cover the trip. The liability will be with the trip provider or the student’s parents.
·  Meetings associated with these trips will need to be scheduled after school hours and coordinated through Community Education following their building usage procedures. No school time may be involved for meetings.
·  Fees may be obtained directly from student fees or other fundraising sources
·  Policies and procedures (including those regarding medications and medical support) do not apply as it is not a school trip.
·  Examples: spring break trip to Washington, DC; summer world language trips to France or China
E Extra Curricular
·  Associated with a group which pays an RPS activity fee
·  Trips costs can come from activity fees or additional student fees collected or other fundraising sources
·  Travel is authorized through the Activities Offices
·  Examples: sports trips to compete; club trips of Extra Curricular groups

Sept. 4, 2013