SOFOR 2006 Proceedings Template: Start with a Brief, But Descriptive Title with Small and Large Capital Letters

Joseph A. Smith and Mary A. Jackson

Forestry School, Anywhere University, Anywhere, GA 30412

Jane P. Johnson and Steven B. Brown

Forest Products Inc., Anywhere, GA 30412

Samuel R. Harris

USDA Forest Service, Anywhere Research Station, Anywhere, GA 30412


Abstract should be a brief summary of the article. It should include statements about the motivation or rationale for the study or application of GIS to natural resource management (i.e., a problem statement). Regardless of whether you paper represents a research study or an application we will refer to it in subsequent sections of this document as a “study.” In addition it should include the objective(s) or goal(s), brief methods used, the quantitative results and the significance of your findings. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.

For a new paragraph, do not tab over, just hit the Enter key twice to leave a single line in between. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.

Keywords. List keywords or key phrases, separated by commas. List both specific and general terms that will aid in searches and will allow the reader to quickly identify your main areas of emphasis.


The introduction section should include relevant background information related to your study and should be geared for a general audience in natural resources. It should end with a statement of your goals/objectives for this study.

Uniformity: Our goal is to assemble a professional-looking conference proceedings book. This “template” helps provide a uniform appearance for all papers by controlling formatting details such as margins, font selection, indenting, and spacing. If you choose not to use this template please as least set your page for letter-sized paper with all margins at 1.0 inch. There should be no header and no footer (i.e., no page numbers, we will paginate all documents in the proceedings). Use the Times New Roman font and size= 12 point for main text and author information, 14-point for the headings and 16-point for the paper’s title. We would also prefer to receive the paper as a Microsoft Word document, but you may also submit as a rich text file (.rtf) from another word processor.

Spacing: Leave one space between paragraphs within a section. Double space before and after a section title (e.g., Introduction).

Citations. Cite each of your references in the text, either parenthetically (Author et al., 1998) or as part of a sentence, e.g., “Bookauthor (1993) stated that….”

Units. In general, units should fit the needs of your target audience. If there is no general preference then please use SI (metric) units.

Document Length: This document should be between 5 and 12 pages in length (including embedded figures, and references). If you have difficulty fitting the document into this page limit please contact the SOFOR proceedings chair.


The methods section should be a brief description of the techniques used in this study (may include field and laboratory techniques) and the geographic area(s) where the study was conducted. Techniques used to analyze the data should be described (again to a general audience in natural resources) so that the reader can follow the major steps used in this process. Any models should also be adequately described.

Underline Primary Sub-Headings (under Introduction, Methods, etc.)

You may use superscripts and subscripts, and other special characters as appropriate. It's best to choose symbols from the Symbol or Times New Roman fonts; avoid unusual symbols. Use plain text or Equation Editor for equations. Put several spaces (not a tab) between the equation and the equation reference number. Italics, bold, underlines should only be used when absolutely necessary, for example using italics for a species name (e.g., Pinus palustris).

Secondary Sub-Headings should be italicized (and used sparingly)

You do not need to indent or put an extra space after primary or secondary sub-headings.


The results section should verbally walk readers through the results of your study. Describe the key results, trends, patterns, etc. that are found in figures and tables.

About Tables and Figures (This is a first-level heading style)

Each table and figure should be mentioned in the text, either parenthetically (Figure 2) or as part of a sentence, as "Table 4 shows that…." Put your figures and tables in the body of the paper soon after you first mention them or at the very end of the paper.

Table 1. Use the Table Caption Style above each table. Left-justify the table title.

County / Land Area
(sq km) / Population 2000 / Population Density
(per sq km) / Percent Land
within National
Forest Administration
/ 2,242.4 / 80,130 / 35.73 / 25.36%
Nacogdoches / 2,540.1 / 59,203 / 23.31 / 9.51%
San Augustine / 1,537.3 / 8,946 / 5.82 / 43.63%
Shelby / 2,162.5 / 25,224 / 11.66 / 31.89%

Please leave a single space before and after tables and figures.

Put your graphics into the Word document (embed them). If you insert a scanned figure, please use 600 dpi line art or 300 dpi grayscale (.tif or .jpg). If you insert a digital-camera image, please use the "large" .jpg setting. Lower-resolution settings may yield fuzzy images in the paper copies. Color figures may be used in the electronic file for the web version, but only the black-and-white figures on your paper copy will be printed in the book. Please test your color figures (by photocopying) to be sure they are legible in black and white.

Figure 1. Use the Figure Caption Style for a caption below each figure. Do not put the caption in the graphic.

Left-justify the caption.

Format graphics to be "In Line With Text.” The choices vary a bit depending on your version of Word and type of graphic. For most versions, first double-click on the figure to select it, then go to the layout tab and select “In Line with Text”


This section should discuss the significance of your results including how these results relate to other studies and to your goals/objectives, and also the primary strengths and limitations to this type of approach.

About Lists

If you like you may use the List Bullet (preferred) or List Number Styles for your lists. Type in the material, hitting Enter between items. Then, select all the listed items and apply the List Bullet (or List Number) Style from the Style menu. If Word forces text into the list against your wishes, hit Backspace or select the text and make it Normal style.

The paragraph above the list is in the List Start Style. This is typically a phrase such as "We found that" used to introduce the list.

·  This is an item in a bullet list. Use bullets unless numbering is necessary.

·  This is a second item.

Here is a numbered list:

  1. This is number one.
  2. This is number two.


The conclusions section is optional and can be used to briefly restate the major findings. It may also be used to suggest where further research is necessary. It is the last main heading before References.


Acknowledgements, if any should be included after the discussion (or conclusions) section.


Compose your reference entries following the examples below. The references should be in alphabetical order. Examples of the desired style are noted below. Note the issue number only when page numbers begin with page 1 in each issue of a volume (such as with the Journal of Forestry).

(Journal Article)

Diemer, J.E. 1986. The ecology and management of the gopher tortoise in the southeastern United States. Herpetologica. 42: 124-133.

Aresco, M.J., and C. Guyer. 1999. Burrow abandonment by gopher tortoises in slash pine plantations of the Conecuh National Forest. Journal of Wildlife Management. 63: 26-35.

McCoy, E.D., H.R. Mushinsky, and D.S. Wilson. 1993. Patterns in the compass orientation of gopher tortoise burrows at different spatial scales. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters. 3: 33-40.

Alexy, K.J., K.J. Brunjes, J.W. Gassett, and K.V. Miller. 2003. Continuous remote monitoring of gopher tortoise burrow use. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 31: 1240-1243.


Eastman, R.J. 1999. Guide to GIS and Image Processing Vol.1. Worchester, MA: Clark University.

Meefe, G.K., and C.R. Carroll. 1994. Principles of Conservation Biology. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.

Coombs, T. R., and F. C. Watson. 1997. Computational Fluid Dynamics. 3rd ed. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Elsevier Science.

(Part of a Book)

Booth, B., S. Crosier, J. Clark, and A. MacDonald. 2002. Disconnected editing. In Building a Geodatabase, 319-351. Redlands, CA: Environmental Systems Research Institute.

Lipscomb, D.J., and T.M. Williams. 1995. Use of geographic information systems for determination of red-cockaded woodpecker management areas. In Red-cockaded woodpecker: recovery, ecology and management, 137-144, D.L. Kulhavy, R.G. Hooper, and R. Costa, eds. Nacogdoches, TX: Center for Applied Studies in Forestry, College of Forestry, Stephen F. Austin State University.

(Bulletin or Report)

Wilson, D.S., H.R. Mushinsky, and R.A. Fischer. 1997. Species profile: Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) on military installations in the southeastern United States. Technical Report SERDP-97-10. Vicksburg, MS: Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Barker, G.R. 2002. Athens-Clarke County Community Tree Council, Mapping and Information Management Program, Final Report, Urban and Community Forest Grant Assistance Program 2001 (01-01). Dry Branch, GA: Georgia Forestry Commission.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2003. Recovery plan for the Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Second Revision. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Farrar, R.M., Jr. 1985b. Predicting stand and stock tables from a spacing study in naturally regenerated longleaf pine. Research Paper SO-219. New Orleans, LA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station.

Farrar, R.M., Jr. (Editor). 1989. Proceedings of the symposium on the management of longleaf pine. General Technical Report SO-75. New Orleans, LA: USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station.

(Proceedings Paper)

MacDonald, W.L. 1995. Oak wilt: An historical perspective. In Oak Wilt Perspectives: The Proceedings of the National Oak Wilt Symposium, 7-13, D.N. Appel and R.F. Billings, eds. Houston, TX: Information Development.

Lipscomb, D.J., and T.M. Williams. 1998. RCWFAT: an Arc/Info AML program to assist in evaluating RCW foraging. In SOFOR GIS '98: 2nd Southern Forestry GIS Conference, 43-56. Athens, GA: University of Georgia.

(Dissertation or Thesis)

Campbell, M. D. 1991. The lower limit of soil water potential for potato growth. Unpublished PhD diss. Pullman, Wash.: Washington State University, Department of Agricultural Engineering.

Lawrence, D. J. 1992. Effect of tillage and crop rotation on soil nitrate and moisture. MS thesis. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, Department of Soil Science.


SAS. 1990. SAS User's Guide: Statistics. Ver. 6a. Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc.

SPSS. 2000. SigmaPlot for Windows. Ver. 3.2. Chicago, IL: SPSS, Inc.

3D Nature. 2001. Visual Nature Studio. Arvada, CO: 3D Nature LLC.

(Online Source)

Shepherd, P.J. 2004. Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission–Environmental Essay. Available at: Accessed 17 November 2004.

McGarigal, K., S.A. Cushman, M.C. Neel, and E. Ene. 2002. FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical Maps. Fragstats Ver. 3.3 Build 5. Available at: Accessed 16 August 2004.