Guidelinesfor Appointment,Reappointment,andPromotion of Non-Tenure Track(NTT) Academic Faculty Divisionof Extension(Approvalpending)


This document is designed to inform Extension facultymembers oftheguidelines and processgoverning promotion ofNon-TenureTrack (NTT)AcademicFaculty. Thisguidelineis applicableto full-time,ranked, non-tenure track (NTT) faculty positions. It is not designed toaddress academic appointments of anyothertype including, but not limited to, full-timeunranked, part-timenon-regularfaculty, and tenured and tenure track faculty.

This guideline applies tooff-campus Extension facultyandcampus facultywho areNOT in an academic unit (College, Division orSchool)with an NTT facultypromotion process in place. Thosecampus-based Extension facultyin an academicunit with an established NTT facultypromotion process will besubject to that academicunit’s process/guidelines.

This process is in alignment with theUniversityofMissouri Collected Rules and Regulations which may be found at

Categories ofExtensionFaculty

TheExtension facultymemberis appointed to aposition bytheViceProvost and DirectorofCooperative Extension. The facultymembermaybehoused eitheron aUniversityofMissouri campus orin an off- campus office. Thefacultymember’s primaryresponsibilityandacademicappointment will bein thearea ofExtension.

Extension non-regularfacultymembers aredivided into threegroups 1) full time ranked, non-tenuretrack faculty(NTT); 2) full timeunranked, non-regularfaculty;and 3)part-time, non-regularfaculty.

Non-Tenure-Track (NTT)Extension facultymaybeidentified as AssistantExtension Professional, AssociateExtension Professional orExtension Professional.

Extension facultywho arenot on theNTT track are considered to beunranked, non-regularfaculty. Current Extension facultymembers wishingto receivearanked titlein theNTT system must submit anapplication containing adossier for consideration.

Searches forNTTFaculty and Determining Rank for New Faculty at the Time of Hire

Initial searches forNTT facultywill be conductedon a regional ornationalbasis as appropriatewith the involvement ofa faculty-based search committee.NTT facultyshould beselected using aprocess somewhat similarto oneused fortenuretrack facultymembers with interviews/presentations to divisional faculty, staffand students, clients, and a full review of candidate’s curriculum vitae (C.V.). Recommendations forhiringdecisions will follow theUniversity’s and MUExtension’s hiring guidelines. To recommend rank for a newly hired faculty member, the search committee and the non-tenure track promotion committeewill review a candidate’s CV and recommend an appropriate rank. The Vice Provost will consider all recommendations and determine the rank of these faculty. This process is separate from the process used for promotion of currently employed faculty.Also, this does not apply to internal employees transferring from one position to another.


1.NTT facultyappointments shall begin at aspecified date and terminate ataspecified date. Such appointments areusuallyforaperiod ofoneacademicyearbut maybeforalongerorshorter period, except no singleterm appointment shall beforaperiod longerthan threeyears.

2. Renewal oftheappointment will be at thediscretion oftheuniversity.Noticeof contract renewal and acceptancebythefacultymembermust bein writingpriorto thestart dateoftheterm appointment.

3. NTT facultymembers are expected to perform allduties outlined in his/herposition description.


Decisions to reappoint NTT facultywill generallybemadein advanceofthe appointment end date.NTT facultywho will not receivea reappointment will beinformed in writingatleast threemonths in advance ofthe appointment end dateunless extenuating circumstances exist.


Specific responsibilities for eachNTT facultymemberwill appearin awritten job description. Responsibilities and duties will beupdated annuallyat thetimeofperformanceappraisal.

Annual Evaluation

A performanceappraisal will be conducted annuallyto determinethe effectiveness of each faculty member. Evaluations will bebased upon thewritten position description and documentation of accomplishments.


The Extension NTT Promotion Committee consists of NTT faculty members at the promotable rank or above who representextension programcategories – Agricultureand Natural Resources,Human Environmental Sciences, 4-HYouth Development Center, CommunityDevelopment, andBusiness Development. In addition, the committee is composed ofoneExtension NTT faculty member at thepromotable rank orabove, who has rank outside of the Extension NTT system (e.g. CAFNR or HES), and one Extension faculty member who is tenured or on the tenure track.

Each committeememberserves athree-yearterm. Elections to the committee are held as positions become vacant. Faculty in extension who are eligible for rank or who hold an NTT rank may vote for a candidate in their program area using a ballot system.

Likewise, Extension Faculty members who hold an NTT rank that was awarded through a process outside of the Extension NTT promotion system (through CAFNR or HES) may run for their position through a similar process. Extension faculty who are tenured or on a tenure track may also run to serve on the committee. In each case, colleagues will vote to select their representative. A list of eligible promotion committee candidates and a list of those who are eligible to vote in the NTT process will be supplied by the Extension Office of Human Resources.

Reviewof Dossiers andVoting to Determine Rank

To recommend rank, the NTT Promotion Committee reviews dossiers each year beginning November 1. Committeemembers with familial or comparablerelationship with the candidatewill not participatein the review ofthat candidate.Theywill be reported in thevotingtallyas “ineligibleto vote.”Thosewhomay fall into the categoryareon thehonorsystem to self-identify.The following guidelines alsoapply:

1. Recommendations forpromotion will bebased on all eligible committeemembers votingona givencandidate. Writtenballots will beused.

2. Three-fourths ofthecommitteewill be considered aquorum forvoting.

3. A majorityofaquorum is needed for recommendingpromotion.

4. Incaseofatie, thecommitteewill reconsiderthecase andre-vote, recordingtheresults ofboth votes.

5. Upon conclusion ofdeliberation and voting, the chairofthe committeewillrecord thevotes and placealetterofrecommendation in the candidate’s file.

6. Committeedeliberations will be confidential.

Criteria forPromotion(SeeAppendix A fordetailedcriteria andrequired documentation.)

The factors that areto beconsidered in promotiondecisions are1)qualityand quantityofExtension programming and 2)leadership and participation in professional activities and service.Focus will beon the followingareas:

  1. StatementofPersonal Extension/TeachingPhilosophy

2. Creationand TransferofTeaching, Programming, andCurriculumDevelopmentinAreas of

Scholarly Work

3. Extension ScholarshipandResearch

4. InnovationandCreativity in Teaching, Programming, and/orResearch

5. RevenueGeneration

6. Professional andUniversity RelatedService

Attributes oftheAssistantExtensionProfessional

The candidate fortheNon-TenureTrack academicposition and the rank ofAssistant Extension Professional should, at thetimeof application, hold an earned doctoral degree. If no doctoral degree is held, the candidate must have an appropriate terminal degree, ORamaster’s degreeand at least fiveyears ofExtension and/or equivalent full-timeacademic experience. Thecandidate’s dossiermust clearlyreflect excellencein Extension as determined bytheExtension NTT Promotion Committee. This decision will beguided bythe criteriaset forth foreach level ofExtension Professional. See“Criteria and Documentation forAssistant, Associate and Extension Professionals.” (Appendices A.1-3,AppendixA.1)

Attributes oftheAssociateExtensionProfessional

Individuals who wish toapplyforthetitleofAssociateExtension Professional will, at thetimeof application hold an earned doctoral degree and a minimum of 5 years of Extension and/or equivalent academic experience. If no doctoral degree is heldthe candidate must have an appropriateterminal degree,ORamaster’s degree and at least ten years ofExtension and/or equivalent full-timeacademic experience. The candidatemust demonstrateahigh degreeof competencein Extensionscholarship as well as local and statewideparticipation in professional activities and services. (AppendixA.2)

Attributes oftheExtensionProfessional

Individuals who wish toapplyforthetitleofExtension Professional will, at thetimeof application, hold an earned doctoral degree and a minimum of ten years of Extension and/or equivalent academic experience. If a doctorate is not held, the candidate must hold the appropriateterminal degree, ORamaster’s degree, and must have completed 15years ofExtension and/or equivalent full-time academic experience.

The candidatemust demonstratesustained excellencein Extension scholarshipas well as local, statewideand national participationin professional activitiesand services. (AppendixA.3)


At least onceeachyear,at thetimeofperformanceappraisals, theViceProvost will delegate responsibilities to supervisors to meet with each Extension facultymemberregardingprogress towardpromotion. NTT facultyshould compile an evaluation dossierofhis/herteaching, research,creativework, programmaticefforts, and serviceto bereviewedannuallybyhis/hersupervisor. This material could also serve as thefoundation forapromotion dossierthat would beused duringthepromotion process. The decision to applyforpromotion would bethat ofthe facultymember. Facultymembers seekingpromotion should submitonepaperand oneelectronic copyofhis/herpromotion dossierto his/her supervisor. All materials,includingthesupervisor’s recommendations, will be forwarded to theExtension NTT Promotion Committee forrecommendations.

TheExtension NTT Promotion Committeeshall makeits recommendations regardingpromotion to the ViceProvost. TheExtension ViceProvost shall then forward his and thecommittee’s recommendations to theProvost, who willmake final determination and inform thecandidate.

The followinglink provides detailed promotion procedures forExtension NTT faculty:

Process forDetermining Initial Rank of Currently Employed UnrankedFaculty

Unranked faculty who serve in positions that are eligible for NTT rank and who meet the requirements described in the “Attributes” section, may make a decision to applyforapromotion within theNTT system.. This decision is followed byaperiod ofintensepreparation so that the applicant maybe ableto document individual accomplishments. Such an unranked Extension faculty member may applyto beconsidered to beNTT Facultyat anylevel, specifyingthetitlesought -Assistant Extension Professional, AssociateExtension Professional orExtension Professional.

As anunranked Extension facultymemberthereis no minimum ormaximum limit on thenumberoftimes thatan applicant mayapplyforapromotion; howevercaremust betaken in preparation ofthedossierifoneis to besuccessful. Oncerank is established it is anticipated that in many cases it may take as many as fiveormoreyears beforecriteria forthenext level can be achieved. Subsequent promotions will consider only work that occurred from the last promotion to the desired promotion.

A facultymemberwho wishes to receivearanked titlemust prepareadossierthat documents his/her educational backgroundand Extension and/or equivalent academic experience. Thedossiermust include documentation ofpersonal accomplishments andperformance.Factors considered are1)degreeheld; 2) educational experience; 3)qualityand quantityofExtension programming;4)leadership and participation in professional activitiesand service; and 5)scholarlywork. This dossiershould beshared with the supervisor and thenforwarded to theExtension NTT Promotion Committee.

ThestandingExtension NTT Promotion Committee will review applications and recommend a ranked title.The committeemayrecommend anothertitleotherthan theonesought in the application. For example, if one applies to be an Extension Professional, but documentation supports thetitleofAssociateExtension Professional, the committeemaymakethis recommendation.

External Reviews

Reviews ofthecandidate’s performanceare essential components ofthepromotion process, and theyare a critical part ofthedossier. Theregional directororunit supervisor, in consultation with the candidate, will be responsible foridentifyingreviewers. Thecandidateshouldgivethesupervisoralist ofnames ofpotential reviewers whoarequalified to providean expert objective review.Inaseparateprocess, the supervisorshould also compilealist ofpotential reviewers.(Appendices E,F, G)

Two reviewers should beselected bythesupervisor.. These reviewers should bein aposition to comment on theteaching, research, creative work, programmatic efforts, and serviceofthecandidate. Qualified reviewers should come from appropriateacademicinstitutions (such as land-grant publicuniversities).In selectingreviewers,the following should be considered:

From AcademicInstitutions:

•The faculty member must haveequivalent or aboverank. If this is not possible, anexplanation should be provided.

•The faculty member should be an expert ofdocumented stateornational staturein a field closelyassociatedwith some facet ofthe candidate’swork.

•The faculty member should be ableto provide an unbiased review.

*Reviewers who might reasonablybeviewed as biased may include, but arenot limited to academic advisors,mentors, formerclassmates, and former colleagues at MU or at otheruniversities.

From Non-AcademicInstitutions/Collaborators:

The reviewer must be an expert (preferablywith a doctorate)ofdocumented national staturein a field closely associated with thecandidate’s work.

•The reviewer must be affiliated eitherwith a reputablenon-academicinstitution with amission pertinent to the candidate’swork orwith an academicinstitution.

•The reviewer must be ableto comment upon theimpact ofthecandidate’s work upon the field.


Priorto thedeliberationsofthepromotion committee, facultymembers mayprovidewritten and signed comments regardingthecandidate’s promotion. Comments must be relatedto thepromotion criteria. Theseletters ofcommentmust besubmitted to theregional directororsupervisor. Thesupervisoror regional directorwill includethesein thecandidate’s dossierundertab V.In selecting colleague/peer evaluators, the following should be considered:

•The colleague/peer must be ableto criticallyevaluatework donewithin thelast fiveyears.

•The colleague/peer must have served on ateam, orhavehad substantial interaction, and/oropportunitytoobservethe candidate’s programming.

•The colleague/peer is stronglyencouraged to havesamerank orhigherbut does not haveto hold NTT rank.


The followinginformation should appearundernamed tabs as apart ofthedossier. (AppendixD)

(InsideFrontCover)Recommendation SignaturePage and Record ofFormal Votes (beforeandafter hearings)(AppendixB)

Historyand Recommendation SummaryForm (AppendixC)

(Tab I)AppointmentFolder


(Tab II)DepartmentalSummary Lettersand Recommendations

•DepartmentP&TCommitteesummary, evaluation, and recommendation

•Departmentsummaryofproceduresusedinreviewand appeals,allformalvotes (beforeand afterappeals)

•Chair/Division Directorsummaryletterand recommendation

(Tab III)College/SchoolSummary Lettersand Recommendations

•College/SchoolPTCommitteesummary, evaluationand recommendation

•College/Schoolsummaryofproceduresusedinreviewand appeals, allformalvotes (beforeand after appeals)


(Tab IV)CompleteC.V. (Not toexceed 25 pages)

(Tab V)Summary ofAccomplishments(Notto exceed 25 pages)

•Clearsummaryofaccomplishments inarea(s)ofappointment, which provideevidenceofdemonstrated effectiveandsustained achievement inthecandidate’sassignedarea(s)of responsibility, evidenceof excellence,and potentialforcontinued growth. IfapplicableprovideabibliographiclistofallatMU, with themostrecentfirst,includingthosein press,thoseacceptedforpublication,ore-printsahead of publication. (Appendix H)

•Referto“CallforPromotion andTenureRecommendations”letterfortenure-trackfacultyformoredetail on thetypesof informationthatareapplicableto demonstrateexcellencein teaching, research,and service areas fornon-tenuretrackfacultypromotions

•Peerevaluations (no morethan 4 peerevaluationletters)forthearea(s)beingreviewed

(Tab VI)ExternalReviews

•Formentitled"ProcedureforSelection ofOutsideReviewers,”includingbriefdescriptionsofbackground, contributions,and currentpositionsofexternalreviewers, relationshipto candidate, reasonsanyoutside reviewersdid not respond (AppendixE)

(Tab VII)Departmentaland DivisionalGuidelines

•Guidelineswith criteriaforeachlevel/rankoutlined

Key:DepartmentChair=RegionalDirectororUnitSupervisorCollege/School=Division ofExtension

PT Committee=ExtensionNTTPromotionCommitteeDean=ViceProvost/DirectorofExtension


Approved 2-2014

General Points forall Dossiers

a. Dossierpagecounts: TabV should not exceed 25 pages, C.V. should not exceed 25 pages,

samples ofwork shouldnot exceed fivedocuments (ifsampledocument exceeds fivepages, select fivesamplepages from thedocument)oratotal of25 pages. External reviews, colleague/peer evaluations, and appendices arenot included in thesetotals.

b. Dossiers need to showevidencethat thework beingevaluated representsyears ofeffective and sustained scholarlyachievement in the candidate’s assignedareaofresponsibility.

c. Thepaper and electroniccopies ofthedossiermust follow the content outline and format. (AppendixD)

TimelineforEntry into theNTT System

(Thedeadline foreach isintended to bemidnight thedaypriorto thestateddate. Forexample: Nov. 1,

materials need to besubmitted bymidnight Oct 31.)

Aug. 1 / Candidate requests SharePoint Site
Nov. 1 / Candidatesubmits threepaper copies (two togo out to reviewersand oneto go through to theProvost)and one electronicviaSharePoint to his/hersupervisor.
Dec.1 / Supervisorsubmits aletterofrecommendation toNTT Promotion Committee. Ifappropriate, Program Directorletteris also submitted. Supervisorsubmits paper andelectronicdossierto NTT Promotion Committee.
Jan. 15 / ChairoftheExtension NTT Promotion Committeeprovides theViceProvost with written noticeofthecommittee’s vote and recommendation.
June 1 / Vice Provost of Extension forwards the candidate’s dossier, the Vice Provost’s vote and recommendation to the Provost.
Aug. 1 / Provost completes reviews of all dossiers.
Sept. 1 / Ifapproved bytheProvost, the candidate’s promotion becomes effective.

Reconsideration/Appeal Procedure

UniversityofMissouri Extension strives to makedecisions regardingpromotion in accordancewiththe criteriaand procedures set out in theNon-TenureTrack (NTT)Regulations. A candidatewho receives a negative recommendation at the committee, Vice Provost ofExtension orProvost level mayrequest a hearingforreconsideration/appeal. Unless otherwisestated, hearings will bebeforetheperson or committeemakingtherecommendation that has been challenged.Ifarecommendation is reversedafter reconsideration, the rationalemust be explained.

Regardless oftherecommendation at the committee, ViceProvost orProvost level, thedossierwill move forward to thenext level unless the candidaterequests to withdraw from thepromotion process. There is no appeal available beyond the Provost. For more information on the appeal process see ______

Deciding to Withdraw a DossierafterSubmission

A candidatemaywithdraw at anytime from thepromotion process. Withdrawal must bemadein writing and submitted to theNTT Promotion CommitteeChair and theExtension ViceProvost. No materials will be returned onceadossierhas been submitted.


Approved 2-2014


Priorto thestated ending dateofhis/herterm appointments, NTT facultymembers havethesame academicprotections regarding academicfreedomas tenuredand tenure-track faculty.

Accordingly, adequatecause fordismissal priorto thestated endingdateofhis/herterm appointments must be related directlyand substantiallyto the facultymember’s fitness orperformancein the professional capacityas teacher, researcher, clinician orExtension faculty.Moreinformation can be found in CRR310.020 and related sections in the campus bylaws.

Promotionand TenureWorkshops

Eachyear, Extension holds general information sessions on thepromotionprocess open toall facultyand supervisors. Thepurposeofthesework sessions is to communicatedetailsofthepromotion processto potential candidates. Specificquestions will be answered duringthesesessions.


Approved 2-2014

Appendix A.1 -CriteriaandDocumentationforAssistantExtensionProfessional

ThecandidateforAssistantExtensionProfessionalmustdemonstrateexcellence and achievementovera cumulativeperiod offiveyears.Thefollowing criteriawillbeconsidered:

Criteria / Examplesof Documentation
2.CreationandTransferof Teaching,Programming,andCurriculumDevelopment inAreasof ScholarlyWork
Demonstratesexcellenceintransferringor applying knowledge / Summaryof instructional,integrated,and interdisciplinary programmingandroleassumed
Incorporatescurrentandappropriateresearchin educationalefforts / Samplecurriculathatincludelatestresearch
Organizes,presentsandimplementshigh-quality, stimulating, educationalprogramming / Inputfromprogramdirectororsupervisorin area of appointmentandsamplesofwork
Demonstrateseffectivenessinprogramdevelopment / Curricula and other programs that have been developed
Learning modules
Contact hours
Documentssignificantoutcomeswith individualsand communitiesinhighpriorityknowledge areas/named or brandedprograms / Learnerevaluationsof programs
Short,mediumand/or longtermimpact dataandreports ProgramsummaryreportfromExtensionweb application Learneroutcomes
Publication/Disseminationofscholarlywork / Peer-reviewed publications, other publications, articles,fact sheets,competitiveandinvited scholarlypresentations, curricula,software, audioand videoclips,newsletters, institutionalplansormodels,educationalresources,websites, blogs,socialmedia,etc.
ContributionstoeXtension / MembershipinCoP
4.Innovation andCreativityinTeaching,Programming,and/or Research
Appliesnewteachingtechniques,deliverysystems andlearningapproachestosubjectmatter / Copiesofinstructionalactivitiesconducted, outliningteaching techniquesandlearning approaches
Documentation ofinnovation
Developsnewandinnovative approachestoreaching underservedcommunities/constituentgroups / Documented programdemographics,summaries/analysis Narrative describingAffirmativeActionPlanandReportsalong withWebApps
Appliesexistingresearchtonewproblems, creates novelresearchapproachtoaproblem,adapts researchagendato newneeds / Copiesofresearchmaterials,findings,or publications Testimoniesfromco-authors,co-researchers, orconstituents Integratedandinterdisciplinaryprogramming
Securesfunding orother resourcestosupport educationalprogramming anddevelopment, implementationandevaluationconsistentwith position descriptionandresponsibilities / Grantsandamountssecured
Pursuescontinuousprofessionaldevelopment and improvement / Localconferences,seminarsor othereducational experiences attended;additionaldegreesobtained
Participatesin professionalservice organizations utilizingpositionexpertise / Membershipandleadershipinprofessionalservice organizations
Contributestotheachievement ofthe goalsof
Extension,the department, collegeand/or university / Documentation ofcontributionstogoalsofExtension,the department,collegeor university
Attractsrecognition byprofessionasleader / Awardsandother typesofrecognition


Approved 2-2014

Appendix A.2 -CriteriaandDocumentationforAssociateExtensionProfessional

ThecandidateforAssociateExtension Professionalmustdemonstrateconsistencyin excellenceand achievement overaperiodoften years(fiveyears, ifthecandidateholdsadoctoraldegree.)The followingcriteriawillbe considered:

Criteria / Examplesof Documentation
2.CreationandTransferof Teaching,Programming,andCurriculumDevelopment inAreasof ScholarlyWork
Hasarecord ofexcellenceintransferringor applying knowledge / Summaryof instructional, integrated,and interdisciplinary programmingandroleassumed
Incorporatescurrentandappropriateresearchin educationalefforts / Samplecurriculathatincludelatestresearch
Organizes,presentsandimplementshigh-quality, stimulating, educationalprogramming / Inputfromprogramdirectororsupervisorin area ofappointment andsamplesofwork
Consistentlyexcelsin programandcurricula development / Curriculaandotherprogramsthat havebeen developed
Consistentlyproducessignificant outcomesandimpacts with individualsandcommunitiesin high priority knowledgeareas/named orbrandedprograms / Learnerevaluationsof programs
Short,mediumand/or longtermimpact dataandreports
ProgramsummaryreportfromExtensionweb application
3. ExtensionScholarshipandResearch
Consistent publication/dissemination ofscholarlywork / Peer-reviewed publications, other publications, articles,factsheets, competitive and invitedscholarlypresentations,curricula,software, audioand videoclips, newsletters,institutionalplansormodels, educationalresources,websites,blogs,socialmedia,etc.
ContributionstoeXtension / Membership in CoP
Consistent contributions to “Ask an Expert” and
Scholarly articles
4.InnovationandCreativityinTeaching,Programming,and/or Research
Consistently applies new teaching techniques, delivery systems and learning approaches to subject matter / Copiesofinstructionalactivitiesconducted, outliningteaching techniquesandlearning approaches
Documentation ofinnovation
Consistentlydevelopsnewand innovative approaches toreachingunderservedcommunities/constituent groups / Documented program demographics, summaries/analysis
Narrative describing Affirmative Action Plan and Reports along with
Consistentlyappliesexisting researchto newproblems, createsnovelresearchapproachtoa problem,adapts researchagendato newneeds / Copies of research materials, findings, or publications Testimonies from co-authors, co-researchers, or constituents Integrated and interdisciplinary programming
5. RevenueGeneration
Consistentlysecuresfundingor other resourcesto supporteducationalprogramminganddevelopment, implementationandevaluationconsistentwith position descriptionandresponsibilities / Grantsandamountssecured
6. ProfessionalandUniversityRelated Service
Hasarecordthatreflectscontinuousprofessional development andimprovement / Local andstateconferences,seminarsor other educational experiencesattended;additional degreesobtained
Providesleadershipinstatewide professionalservice organizationsutilizingpositionexpertise / Evidenceofmembership andstatewideleadershipin professional serviceorganizationsanddescriptionofhowexpertiseisused
Consistentlycontributestotheachievement ofthegoalsofExtension,thedepartment,collegeand/or university / Documentation ofcontinued contributiontogoalsofExtension,the department,collegeand/or university
Isrecognizedbyprofessionasleader / Local andstatewideawards andother typesofrecognition