Sodom & Gomorrah
By Steven F. Deaton
A. The issue at the tip of the spear for the godless forces is homosexuality.
1. A litmus test to determine social worthiness, enlightenment, decency.
2. Pushed in entertainment, business, education, and some religious circles.
3. Not a new issue.
B. Homosexuality has been a problem among men from ancient times.
1. Numerous warnings against it in God’s word.
2. Monumental judgment against it in the account of Sodom & Gomorrah.
*Repeated references to it throughout the Bible show that the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah and the surrounding cities was a historical event.
3. Lessons to learn still today from this ancient event.
I. The Sin of Homosexuality Is Condemned
A. Sodom’s sin was homosexuality (Gen. 19:1-11).
1. Not a lack of hospitality.
2. To “know them” (cf. Gen. 4:1).
3. Filthy conduct (2 Pet. 2:6, 7).
4. Sexual immorality, strange flesh (Jude 7).
B. Homosexuality is still a sin.
1. Romans 1:18-32.
2. 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10.
3. 1 Timothy 1:10.
4. Sodomite.
a. “one who lies with a male as with a female, a sodomite” (Thayer).
b. “the male homosexual partner who takes the active role” (The NKJV Greek English Interlinear New Testament, 1 Cor. 6:9 footnote).
II. Judgment Was Rendered (Gen. 19:12-28)
A. First, major post-flood judgment.
1. Babel: confused languages.
2. Sodom: destruction, death, annihilation.
3. God promised not to destroy the world again by water.
4. Did not mean God suspended all judgments against man.
B. Used as a reference to other judgments.
1. Edom (Jer. 49:18).
2. Babylon (Jer. 50:40).
3. Israel (Deut. 32:28-33; Isa. 1:9, 10).
C. Sodom & Gomorrah is a warning to all men who live afterward (2 Pet. 2:6).
1. Israelites (Matt. 10:5-15).
2. Chorazin & Bethsaiada (Matt. 11:20-24).
3. Note: our judgment depends in part on the opportunities.
a. Stand with greater knowledge: gospel, full will of God revealed.
b. Access to that knowledge.
c. Example of judgment on Sodom.
d. More weighty obligation; stricter judgment.
III. Lot Was Delivered
A. God showed mercy to Lot (2 Pet. 2:6-9).
1. Lot endangered himself & his family (Gen. 13:11-13).
2. Family lost.
a. Daughters & sons dead in Sodom.
b. Wife dead wanting Sodom.
c. Daughters perverted with Sodom in their hearts (Gen. 19:30-38).
3. Lot was righteous, but tormented (2 Pet. 2:8, 9).\
B. We must take exceedingly great care of the environment in which we place ourselves & our families.
1. All the world wicked.
2. Some places & situations more wicked than others (Shepherdsville Xmas parade VS. Mardi Gras in New Orleans).
a. Locations to live.
b. Places to work.
c. Friendships.
d. Vacations.
e. Entertainment.
3. In the world, not of the world (Jn. 17:15).
A. The issue at the tip of the spear for the godless forces is homosexuality.
1. A litmus test to determine social worthiness, enlightenment, decency.
2. Pushed in entertainment, business, education, and some religious circles.
3. Not a new issue.
B. Homosexuality has been a problem among men from ancient times.
1. Numerous warnings against it in God’s word.
2. Monumental judgment against it in the account of Sodom & Gomorrah.
* Repeated references to it throughout the Bible show that the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah and the surrounding cities was a historical event.
3. Lessons to learn still today from this ancient event.