New Mexico State University

Department of Kinesiology and Dance

PEP 185: Foundations of Physical Education, Spring 2017

Guiding young people in process of developing healthy habits for a lifetime.


Raquel Aranda, M.A

Phone: (575) 646-5766 Office (575) 649-3030 Cell


Office: Kinesiology Office

Availability and Responsiveness: I am typically available for appointments on MTTHF between 1-2:30. If you need immediate help, text me via my cell, or email and I will get back with you as soon as possible. If you do not need immediate help, please contact me via email within the Canvas learning management system. I will respond within 48 hours (usually much sooner) unless it is a holiday or weekend.

Course Description

This course is designed to engage students in critical analysis of social issues in physical education, sport, and fitness. Special emphases are placed upon issues of gender, race, social class and sexuality and their implications to physical education, fitness and sports programs. Students will explore these issues through critical reflective writing, cohort discussions and teachings, readings, exams, and inquiry projects. This is not a lecture class; you will be expected to participate daily.

The purpose of this course is to induce critical reflective self-examination of issues of social justice in physical education, fitness and sport. It is intended to educate you; not instruct or indoctrinate you. Memorization of facts will be of no value to you in this course. Your goal is to strive to understand the ideas and issues related to this course and the discussions that emerge. Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. It is quite likely that many of you will have your most fundamental beliefs, values, and feelings challenged. If you are intolerant, please make an appointment with me so that we can explore other professional options that might better suit your interests and needs.

Conceptual Framework

This class/internship prepares educators to meet the needs of diverse learners by requiring candidates to effectively demonstrate the application of pedagogical knowledge, the use of appropriate assessment strategies, and the ability to reflect on practice in order to improve their professional performance.

Course Objectives

·  Each objective must be passed in order to receive a passing grade in this course.

1.  Improve students' knowledge of foundations of physical education. (Research)

2.  Improve students’ abilities to analyze current physical activity issues based on historical, philosophical, sociological, and psychological perspectives. (Research)

3.  Improve students’ knowledge of and ability to critically analyze how gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, and ability issues affect physical education and performance programs. (Research, Diversity)

4.  Improve students' knowledge of forces influencing the development of physical education programs. In particular, attitudes, values, and beliefs about gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, and ability, etc. (Diversity, Practitioners, Reflection, Pedagogy)

5.  Improve students’ knowledge of strategies for becoming an advocate in the school and/or community to promote a variety of physical activity opportunities. (Practitioners)

6.  Improve students’ knowledge of current educational issues and trends. In particular, socio-cultural issues that affect educational, fitness, and sports settings. (Diversity, Research)

7.  Improve students' knowledge of how students' learning is influenced by individual experiences, talents, and prior learning, including language and family/community values and conditions. (Diversity, Research)

8.  Improve students' knowledge of the impact of international changes on the content of physical education, fitness, and sports programs. (Research)

9.  Improve students’ ability to critically analyze how gender, race, sexuality and social class issues affect how we view the body, and how these views can affect students' health and participation in physical education, fitness, and sports programs. (Diversity, Reflection)

10.  Improve students’ ability to become critically aware of how their feelings, beliefs, and values in relation to gender, race, social class, sexual orientation, and ability issues will affect their abilities to work as professionals in the fields of physical education, sport, or fitness. (Diversity, Reflection)

11.  Improve students’ knowledge of and ability to critically analyze cultural stereotypes of diverse populations of people. (Diversity)

12.  Improve students' knowledge of how cultural stereotypes influence the development of physical education, fitness and sport programs. (Research, Diversity)

13.  Improve students' knowledge of how groups influence individuals, and how individuals influence groups in a democratic society. (Diversity)

14.  Improve students’ abilities to communicate in ways that demonstrate sensitivity to all learners. (Diversity, Effectiveness)

15.  Students will demonstrate through writing the ability to apply the issues discussed in class to their specific fields in ways that benefit society. (Evaluation)

16.  Students will improve their ability to take the content from readings and present it in thought provoking ways to their classmates. (Research, Evaluation, Reflection)

17.  Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course.

18.  Improve students’ abilities to use computers and other technologies to communicate, network, and/or foster inquiry.

19.  Consult professional literature, colleagues, and other resources to develop as a professional.

Attendance Policy

I expect you to attend class each day. However, if you are ill or have a family emergency please contact me in advance. (e-mail or voice mail) Excused absences include illness if you have a note from the doctor documenting that you are unable to attend school, hospitalization, and death in the immediate family. Doctors’ appointments should not be scheduled during class time. You are responsible for the information you miss in class so make sure you consult a classmate and Canvas. You are allowed 2 excused absences. For each class you miss beyond two for any reason, 5 points will be deducted from your class final grade. Much of the course content will take place in class; therefore if you do not attend class there will be no way to make up what you missed. For every tardy beyond one for any reason, 3 points per tardy will be deducted from your final grade. IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN 5 ABSENSES BY THE LAST WITHDRAWAL DATE YOU WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE.

Canvas Requirement

You will be required to use Canvas in order to download course assignments and do daily reflections. In order to do so you will need to know your university user name and password. You will also need access to a computer that has Adobe Acrobat Reader. All campus computers have this program. The following information will be provided through Canvas.

·  Syllabus: The syllabus will be on Canvas in case you loose the one given in class.

·  Homework: All homework assignments will be posted on Canvas.

·  Student grades: You will be able to follow your class progress by checking your grades through Canvas. Only you will have access to your grades, no other student will be able to view your grades.

·  Email: You will do your daily reflection assignments on email. Email is also available for questions.


All acts of dishonesty in any work constitute academic misconduct. The Academic Misconduct Disciplinary Policy will be followed in the event of suspected academic misconduct. All papers, reflections, and exams must be your own work. You may not copy another student’s work. You may not allow another student to copy your work. All writing assignments must represent your own writing exclusively. Any instance of having another individual write part of your written assignments will be viewed as an act of academic misconduct. You are being graded on your ability to write coherent, logical, carefully edited prose. All group assignments must fairly represent an equal contribution from all group members. All sources that you use that come from someone else’s work must be properly cited according to APA guidelines. Any student violating these policies will at a minimum receive a zero on that assignment and may, depending on the nature of the misconduct, fail the course. If the student violates these policies a second time she or he will fail the course.

Incomplete Grades

An incomplete may be given if a student provides evidence of a documented illness or family crisis that the instructor believes genuinely precluded successful completion of the courses. Additional information for undergraduate students is available at

Fractional Grading

The university has adopted fractional grading whereas distinctions for a letter grade will be indicated by a plus or minus sign, which will be calculated into the overall grade point average. See for reference page 26 in the undergraduate catalog (; Graduate Catalog

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) covers issues relating to disability and accommodations. If a student has questions or needs an accommodation in the classroom (all medical information is treated confidentially), contact:

Trudy Luken, Director

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) - Corbett Center, Rm. 244

Phone: (575) 646-6840 E-mail: ; Website:

NMSU policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, retaliation, serious medical condition, sex, sexual orientation, spousal affiliation and protected veterans status. Furthermore, Title IX prohibits sex discrimination to include sexual misconduct: sexual violence (sexual assault, rape), sexual harassment and retaliation.

For more information on discrimination issues, Title IX, Campus SaVE Act, NMSU Policy Chapter 3.25, NMSU's complaint process, or to file a complaint contact:

Gerard Nevarez, Title IX Coordinator

Agustin Diaz, Title IX Deputy Coordinator

Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) - O'Loughlin House, 1130 University Avenue

Phone: (575) 646-3635 E-mail:


Other NMSU Resources:

NMSU Police Department: (575) 646-3311

NMSU Police Victim Services: (575) 646-3424

NMSU Counseling Center: (575) 646-2731

NMSU Dean of Students: (575) 646-1722

For Any On-campus Emergencies: 911


·  Weekly Critical Reflections

Part #1: Siedentop Book ONLY: At the end of each chapter there are discussion questions. You will be assigned 1-2 questions per chapter and you will need to select 1 additional question. Each question response should be at least 2 paragraphs. As part of your response please discuss how these issues will influence you in your specific profession. These assignments need to be sent via Canvas. Please print a copy of your reflection before sending them to insure that you have a record of your work. You need to also write 1-2 discussion questions you would be interested in discussing in class. Please put these on the bottom of your reflection.

Part #2: All other Reflections: For each article that is assigned you need to write a 2-3 paragraph response. The first paragraph should sumarize the article. In the second and third paragraphs please discuss how the ideas presented connect or conflict with your own ideas. Also discuss how the ideas might influence you ability to be a socially just professional in your area (e.g., teaching, allied health fields).

¨  Your reflections will be done via Canvas and are due by 7 am Tuesdays and Thursdays (the day of the assignment). Reflections sent after 7 am receive no credit. Each reflection you turn in is worth 4 points. I will randomly grade your reflections. 50% of your reflection grade will come from the reflections that I do not grade and the other 50% of your grade will come from the reflections I do grade. What that means is that I will take a percentage of the total points you earn on the non-graded reflections and average it with the percentage of the total points you earn on the graded reflection. (e.g., total points for non-graded reflections= 35/40 (88%) and for graded reflections 30/40 (75%). These two percentages will be averaged for a reflection grade of 81% or 81/100 points. Each student will have the same number of graded reflections over the course of the semester. Please print a copy of your e-mail reflection for your own records. It is important to save and bring these reflections to class in case something gets lost in cyber-space. J

·  Interview Assignment

In addition to your reflections, you will have an interview assignment. Depending on your area of interest (fitness, sport, or physical education) you may select one interview project to complete (HW #1—physical education teaching, HW #2—fitness professions, OR HW #3— sport professions) This assignment is worth 15 points and will be submitted via Canvas. Late assignments receive no credit. Please do NOT send these via email.

·  Inquiry Projects/Cohort Teaching

You will have an opportunity to work with a cohort group to conduct an inquiry project. Your cohort will be responsible for teaching one class upon completion of your inquiry. A detailed handout will be provided in class. Those not teaching will be expected to discuss and participate fully. This assignment is worth 125 points and is a group grade. You will have the date you are teaching well in advance. If you know of a conflict please see me immediately so that we can make other arrangements. Given the nature of this assignment make-ups are not possible. If you do not show up to class the day you teach you will receive a zero. If you have a habit of missing class you could be dropped from your cohort group. If this occurs you will receive a zero on the assignment.

·  Midterm

You will have a midterm exam (100 points). You may only make up the exam if you contact me, via e-mail or phone, 24 hours prior to the exam. Reasons for needing to make up an exam must be approved by me in advance. If you miss the exam and then contact me, you may not make up the exam.

·  Final Paper

Your final will be a paper 8-10 page paper. In this paper you will have the opportunity to critically examine your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions in relation to the course readings on the issues of race, gender, class, and homophobia in physical education, coaching, or other allied health related fields. You must represent all positions accurately, fairly, and will appropriate completeness. I expect you to use the readings from class as references in your paper. Your paper needs to include the following three things: 1) you beliefs about race, gender, social class, and sexuality; 2) the experiences you have had that have helped shape your beliefs; and 3) how your beliefs will influence your ability to become a socially just teacher, coach, allied health professional etc. Use references from the text and articles for part 3 of the paper. Part 3 is where you will critique your beliefs in relation to the literature. You must use at least 7 references from the class articles. Please use APA format for your paper (see handout). This is worth 100 points. Please be prepared to write several drafts of your paper before submitting it for a grade. You may not use a paper from another class (i.e., EDUC 315)!