Social Work History NetworkSteering Group
Wednesday 29 January,Franklin Wilkin Building Room 2.44 11am – 1pm
1 Present
Keith Bilton (chair), Judith Niechcial, Sarah Matthews (notes), David Burnham, Stephen Martineau
2 Apologies
Joan Baraclough, Barbara Prynn, Mike Burt, Tom Bray, Peter Simcock, David Jones
3 Notes of last meeting and matters arising not on the agenda
Agreed as a correct record
4 Future meetings
- Meeting on Wednesday 19 March
This event has been rearranged from the provisional date (today).
Speakers are Joan and Jill and a possible third if needed– Jane Tunstall (to talkabout North Wales Inquiry?) – Jill to ask Jane if she is able to do this Action Jill
Margaret Humphreys has now agreed to speak at a meeting in May/June. David Jones is to confirm with Margaret the actual date and the format. David Jones reports that Rory Truell ISSW may also be available. The possible title may be: How to say sorry and move on? David to confirm arrangements and liaise with Sarah/Stephen
Action David J
- Wednesday 25 June CCETSW meeting –this to be combined with SWCRU and will be advertised through both networks. Seminar to be called: The legacy of CCETSW.
- Older people themed event to be held in University of Chester in September. Mike Burt to take lead on this, agree date and speakers
Action Mike
- November 27 November event Dave Burnham offered to lead a session on anniversary of WW1. He agreed to speak with Vivienne Cree (Edinburgh). Stephen and Jill to see if a social historian is available from King’s College. It was agreed that this should be held Thursday 27 November at King’s College Action Dave B and Jill
5Development of Network
- ChairIt was discussed that the chairing of the meetings on the day could be shared but that the actual chair now perhaps needs to have a ‘name’. Possibilities discussed – Terry Philpott was suggested and will be approached by Judith. John Drew to be approached by Dave B if Terry not available/willing. Action Judith and Dave
- LeafletThis is now available and has been circulated at recent Cohen event. SCWRU also have some in stock and can be made available at the March event. Sarah to send PDF to members and for posting on website
Action Sarah
- Website Stephen talked us through the website which we also looked at in the meeting. Chester website is now no longer needed. Sarah will ask Mike to confirm this with Chester and ask that it is now made defunct. Action Sarah and Mike
Audio of Bob Holman talk was taken on the day. If possible this will be made available on the website (Bob has given his permission). Mike Burt also took photographs on the day and may be able to make these available to also load onto the website to accompany this.
Action Mike
Dave suggested the resource list could be discussed and how this should be managed – perhaps we should do this at the next meeting? Rachel Pierce articles – can we get permission from BASW to put full text up? David Jones is to be asked if he can liaise with BASW about this.
Action David J
The related sites part could be developed more and perhaps themed?
Also, should we have a page which details the Steering Group members? Please can all send a photograph and a brief bio to Stephen – no more than four or so lines? Action All
Stephen would also welcome any pictorial additions. Perhaps take pictures of some of the early social work journals/community care? It was also suggested that key social work texts and reports could be photographed and uploaded. All suggestions to Stephen please Action all
The steering group thanked Stephen for his efforts
- E-bulletin Sarah is working on a first draft and will circulate a first draft. Please can members suggest additional material?
Action All
- Archives
All meeting and other notes are now being archived by Tom. Please could the steering group members continue to send what they have to Tom who will archive and catalogue them? These will ultimately be loaded on to the website under archive section.
Action Tom and All
- Social Media
LinkedIn group is now up and running and is being used occasionally Please can members continue to use this and ask others to do so?Also when tweeting please use #SWHN
Any Other Business
Date of next Steering Group
Wednesday 19 March 2014 11a.m. for Steering Group(Dave is to take notes as Sarah is not available that day) 1.30 meeting that afternoon. Sarah will confirm venue for meetingwhich will (hopefully) be near the location of the afternoon event!
Action Sarah