Unit 1 Social Studies Community/History
(Follows the Indian Unit)
HOTS: What is a parish, communityand a county? Name our parish.
1.Vermilion Parish for Kids Site-Share this site with the children. Open the different towns and cities sites. Explain that Vermilion is one of 64 Louisiana Parishes. It has 2 cities, 3 towns and 1 incorporated village. (The site shows all of this.)
2. Vermilion Parish PowerPoint- Has a few facts about landmarks and schools
3.Where is Vermilion Parish Kidspiration Template-Teacher or children's activity
4. Color a map of Vermilion Parish. Have them label the cities, towns and village
5. Optional: Graphing Vermilion Parish Population Teacher will model this activity to show the different numbers of each community.
5. Evaluation: Teacher Observation, collected class work
Standards: SS.2.10.48, SS.2.2.10, SS.2.2.7, SS.2.2.8, SS.2.2.9, SS.2.3.12
HOTS Question: Can you name Vermilion Resources and how they affect the parish? How many schools does VP have?
Teachers in Vermilion Parish have information available online for the cities, towns and villages online on the Vermilion Parish for Kids Link page.
· Link: Vermilion Parish for Kids Link
· Erath's Roots Lesson Plans
1.View area links
Other VP Communities
2.Teacher will share History pictures and information.
3.Vermilion Parish for Kids Link Use Projector/Lap top, etc.
4.Look up Web Sites on the Kids Erath Site
5.Hand Out Time Line Blackline and review it with them. Have them place it their folder, they will need these to create their Erath Time lines next week.
6.What's In a Name Lesson (Naming of Each Town Teacher must research a little about their town history before the lesson to offer facts.
Evaluation: Teacher Observation
Standards: SS.2.1.2, SS.2.1.4, SS.2.1.5, SS.2.10.46, SS.2.10.47, SS.2.2.10, SS.2.2.9,SS.2.3.14
DAY 10
HOTS Question: What is a timeline?
Hand out Children's Timeline and explain that they need to complete this and return it tomorrow for a Technology Project.
1. Hand out Erath Booklet and discuss the events in Erath's History.
2. Discuss how our ancestors lived and how we live now.
3. Teacher will model how to create a two event timeline with Timeliner 5.0
4. Directions will be posted to guide the students.
5. Then students will create a two event time line and recorded facts using Timeliner Program on the computers.
6. Evaluation: Two event timeline
Homework:Social Studies Unit Project: Complete Children's Timeline for grade!
Standards: SS.2.10.45, SS.2.10.46, SS.2.10.47, SS.2.11.49, SS.2.2.10, SS.2.3.12,SS.2.3.14
DAY 11
HOTS Question: Describe what a community is Lesson on Community
1. Students will create a five Event Community Erath Time Line
2. Lesson on Community
3. Teacher will model how to create a five event timeline with Timeliner 5.0 or another timeline program.
4. Evaluation: 5 Event Timeline
Homework:Social Studies Unit Project: Family Tree to complete for Homework for grade!
Standards: SS.2.10.45, SS.2.10.46, SS.2.11.49, SS.2.2.9, SS.2.3.12, SS.2.3.14
DAY 12
HOTS Question: Whose in your family?
1. Read the book "Whose in Your Family" and discuss family members. (Other good books are "Two of Them by Aliki, Here We All Are
2. Lesson and Ideas to help children understand their heritage. Create a Family Tree Lesson
3. Students will create a timeline of their community using a passage on Erath. Rubric for Evaluation
4. Send home a family tree to complete Family Tree to complete for Homework
Evaluation: Time Line (handwritten) and Timeline from Timeliner Program
Standards: SS.2.10.45, SS.2.10.46, SS.2.11.49, SS.2.2.9, SS.2.3.12, SS.2.3.14
DAY 13HOTS Question: Can you explain who your grandparents are?
Score Cyberguide for Now One Foot, Now Another Lesson Plan may help with this lesson.1. CyberGuide for Now One Foot, Now the Other by Tomie dePaola was developed
as part of the Schools of California Online Resources for Educators (SCORE)
Project, funded by the California Technology Assistance Program (CTAP).
2. Read "Now One Foot, Now the Other" and discuss the relationship of grandson and his grandfather.
3. Ask the students to describe their grandparent relationships. Make a chart of activities of what a child
share or do with their grandparents.
4. Using a family Family Tree printable, the children and the teacher will create a family tree for Bob.
Use the terms mom, dad, (parents), and Bob and grandmother and grandfather.
5. Read "Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs" and repeat the process above.
6. Optional: Get grandparents to come read to the students or have a "Grandparent Event in the
dePaola, Tomie; Nana Upstairs, Nana Downstairs; G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1973
dePaola, Tomie; Now One Foot, Now the Other; Putnam Publishing Group,1981
dePaola, Tomie; Tom; Putnam, 1993
DAY 14: My Own Family
Hots Question: Why is my family important to me?
1. The teacher and children will brain storm family words and discuss them. Ask these questions and allow answers.
Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, sister, brother, stepmother, stepfather, step brother, step sister, guardians, great grandparents, adopted, biological, home, etc.
· How many people are in your family?
· Who is in your family?
· Number of children?
· Who do you live with?
2. Students will write about their family. This activity may allow the child to write about the family they live with. Some may write about biological parents, guardians, grandparents or a traditional family units. Have the child draw a family picture when done.
3. Evaluation: Writing Assignment
Homework:No Social Studies Homework
Standards: SS.2.10.45, SS.2.10.46, SS.2.11.49, SS.2.2.9, SS.2.3.12, SS.2.3.14
DAY 15 Field Trip to Museum
HOTS Question: Tell me about your town's history.
1. Pick up and review Children's Timelines and Family Trees.
2. Students will create Timelines on the computer.
3. Evaluation: Student Work
Homework:No Social Studies Homework
Standards: SS.2.10.45, SS.2.10.46, SS.2.11.49, SS.2.2.9, SS.2.3.12, SS.2.3.14