Social Studies Review / Study Guide

Test will be: ______


  1. A government in which all people vote directly for everything is called a direct democracy.
  1. A government in which the people vote for someone to make decisions for them is called a representative democracy.
  1. The branch of government that interprets laws is the judicial.
  1. The branch of government that enforces laws is the executive.
  1. The branch of government that makes laws is the legislative

6. Many of today’s modern buildings were influenced by Greek architecture.

7. A constitution is a set of rules that outline how an organization, state, or country will be run.

Famous Americans: What were the accomplishments (they fought for/against…) of each of the following Americans that made America a better place for all of us?

1. Paul Revere - Paul Revere fought for independence from British rule. Paul Revere’s diligence as a silversmith, messenger, and member of the Sons of Liberty helped him overcome obstacles. Paul Revere and the Sons of Liberty led a boycott on British goods. Their protest against the tax on tea became known as the Boston Tea Party. Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride warned the colonists that British soldiers were coming.

2. Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass was born a slave, but he spent his entire life as an abolitionist trying to end slavery. As a slave he was the property of his owner and was not allowed to learn how to read. Frederick Douglass overcame not being allowed to learn to read by giving poor white boys the little food he received in exchange for teaching him what they learned in school. His first teacher was his slave owner’s wife, Sophia Auld. Frederick Douglass escaped and later a group of British friends raised enough money to buy his freedom from Hugh Auld. Frederick Douglass used his eloquent freedom of expression, his newspaper The North Star, and courage to overcome barriers.

3. Thurgood Marshall –Thurgood Marshall had to overcome segregation rules and unfair treatment of African Americans to become the first African American Supreme Court justice. He won the case of Brown vs Board of Education against separate but equal schools that allowed blacks and whites to attend the same schools. Thurgood Marshall also won many cases that protected the civil rights of all Americans.

4. Susan B. Anthony - Susan B. Anthony was a strong independent woman who fought for equal pay for women, the right for women to own land, and for women’s right to vote. Susan B. Anthony had to overcome being arrested and fined when she tried to vote, being paid less money than men, and being called names and spit on when she gave speeches around the country. Susan B. Anthony’s diligence and Quaker beliefs helped her overcome barriers.

5. Mary McLeod Bethune- Mary McLeod Bethune was not allowed to attend school when she was a little girl and that is why she dedicated her life to providing a good education for African-American girls. Mary McLeod Bethune’s diligence helped her start her own school in Daytona, Florida for African American girls and helped many African-American women get good paying jobs during World War II because of their training at her school.

6. Eleanor Roosevelt –Eleanor Roosevelt was called “The First Lady of the World.” She had to overcome her shyness, her husband’s illness, and unfair treatment of women to become one of the greatest humanitarians to ever live. Eleanor worked for human rights of all people. Today, First Ladies are expected to work for important causes because of Eleanor Roosevelt.

7. Franklin D. Roosevelt –FDR created a program called The New Deal to put Americans back to work during the Great Depression. New Deal projects that put Americans back to work included building new bridges, roads, libraries, schools, and airports. FDR had to overcome the Great Depression, World War II, and polio to become one of our nation’s greatest Presidents.

8. Cesar Chavez –Cesar Chavez had to overcome poor living conditions, working long hours, unfair pay, and a lack of education to become the leader of migrant farm workers. He fought against the unfair treatment of migrant farm workers by organizing protests against grape, lettuce, and apricot farmers. Chavez started the United Farm Workers (UFW) union to help fight against the use of pesticides on crops and unfair treatment of migrant workers.

9. Lyndon B. Johnson–Lyndon B. Johnson had to overcome unfair voting practices, unfair treatment of African Americans and an unpopular war to create The Great Society. LBJ’s Great Society was created to fight the war on poverty and racial injustice. Johnson’s Great Society created programs like Head Start, Voting Rights Act, and the United States Space program. He appointed Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court and is given credit for sending the first two people to walk on the moon.

Map Skills

1. The Prime Meridian divides the Earth into the eastern and western hemispheres.

2. The equator divides the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres.

3. Longitude lines run north and south.

4. Latitude lines run east and west.


1. Give at least two examples of each type of resource:

Natural – coal, oil, air, water, sun

Human – teacher, lawyer, doctor, waiter

Capital – cell phone, computer, fax machine, markers

1. Entrepreneurshipis when a person takes a risk or chance, and starts a business

2. What is the difference between a good and a service?

Goods can be held or touched by a consumer, but services cannot be held or touched.

3. The government pays for certain goods and services for the community through taxes.

4. A consumer is a person who buys goods or services.

5. A producer is a person who makes goods or provides services.

6. Supply is the amount of something that is available.

7. Demand is the amount of something people actually want or need.

8. The form of money used by a country is called its currency.

9. When there are not enough goods or services for everyone who wants them you have scarcity.

Character Traits- Write a definition for each.

1. Diligence -working hard for a long time to achieve a goal.

2. Tolerance– respecting the beliefs and practices of others.

This test will be multiple choice, matching, and short essay (2-3 questions).

Parent Signature ( 2 points)

1. Please visit Mrs. Moore’s ( or Mr. Bailey’s ( class webpage to help your child review.

2. Please return Study Guide on March 30th.

3. Students who do not return their Study Guide on time will not receive the 2 extra bonus points.