LA/SS/Science/Math 2nd Quarter Project Due: _Jan 3/4, 2013
“A is for Ancient Civilizations” ABC Alphabet Book
You are on an exciting journey! You are going to learn about Ancient Civilization and discover how they influenced the modern world. You will need to make a book out of sheets of unlined paper with at least 26 pages. Create a cover for your book and title it “A is for Ancient History.”Make sure to include your name on the cover as the author. On each page of your book, you will put a single letter from the alphabet, starting with A. Choose a term or important idea from your study of Ancient Civilizations and write it next to the letter that the word begins with. You must include at least 5 terms related to math and 5 related to science from ancient history. The rest of the terms are your choice! Under the word, write a paragraph that explains or provides more information about that term or idea. This paragraph should explain why this term is important to ancient and modern civilizations. You must also include a picture on each page that illustrates the term or idea. The picture (For ex: photographs, maps, charts or other visuals) can be hand-drawn or cut and pasted on the computer. Pictures should all have COLOR!
For example: Ais for… Abacus
Right here you would write a paragraph (at least 5 sentences in length or more) that tells more about the Abacus and its history and why it was important to our modern civilization too. Then you would put a picture of the abacussomewhere on this page. Each page in your book MUST contain the letter of the alphabet, 1 word from history, at least 1 well-written paragraph, and 1 picture to illustrate your word.You may not use the names of animals or plants for any letters in your book. Put the pages A - Z in order. Make sure each term is important and interesting. This project may be done by hand or on a computer. If you choose to use a computer, make sure you have the resources you will need to print it out before the due date!Make your book and cover page as colorful, neat, and creative as possible!
Suggested resources you could use to help with the project:
1. excellent, easy to use website)
2. Books that you sign out from our library (Mrs. Romanek will help).
3. Youtube videos (great for additional information).
4. You may use other resources of your choice, but those listed above would be plenty to do an excellent job!
Your ABC Book will be graded by all of the following teachersin the formal (45%) category: Mrs. Sutherland, Mr. Nagel, Mr. Madison, Mrs. Thore & Mr. Stanfield. Each teacher will provide you with a rubric for this assignment so you will know how to get the grade you choose!
**Ms. Schubert will be doing an alternative assignment (Product-based assessment on the Fiction Unit) as a grade for her class.
Parents: Please sign below indicating you are aware that this major project has been assigned to your student. The project needs to be completed at home.
Student’s Name (Print) Parent’sSignature Date