Jaromír Máša, strukturovaný životopis vpřehledu, osobní údaje Stránka 1

Personal data

Name Jaromír

Second name Amadeus

Last nameMáša

Changes in last name~

Social statusindividually working subject

Domicile StreetKřižíkova

Cadastral No. 179

Orientation No.26


District / regionPraha 8

Post Code186 00

ContactsTelephone222 315 700

GSM721 123 794



Husband /wife


Last nameMášová

Changes in last nameSaveláková


Domicilesee under personal data

ChildrenNameMáša Pavel

Year of birth1979

Social statusstudent, European studies, Den Haag, NL

Permanent addresssee under personal data

Temporary addressLindenlaan 16, Beverwijk, 1943 DW,

The Netherlands

nameMášová Darie

year of birth1981

social statusstudent, college USA

Permanent addresssee under personal data

Temporary addressAlexander Drive 8, Monroe Township, New

Jersey, USA

nameMášová Irena

year of birth1982

social statuspracticing, agency Amos

Permanent addresssee under personal data

Temporary address~

nameMáša Cyril

year of birth1985

social statusstudent, high school of informatics

Permanent addresssee under personal data

Temporary address~

nameMáša Albert

year of birth1986

social statusstudent, high school of logictics

Permanent addresssee under personal data

Temporary address~

nameMášová Florentina

year of birth1987

social statusstudent, high school of geography

permanent addresssee under personal data

temporary address~

Education / qualification

Basic schoolObecná škola chlapecká, Praha X. – Karlín, 1948

Middle schoolStřední škola, Praha 3. – Karlín, 1952

General high schoolGymnasium, Praha Vysočany, 1955

Specific high schoolGraduat. stud.of astronomiy, Val. Meziříčí, 1979

Graduat. Theol. College , Praha, 1995 (h.c.)



Brancheoldindian / newindian philology 1966


BrancheLC / computers 1983 (6 semesters)

Language knowledgeEnglishas mother tongue

Germanas mother tongue

Frenchspoken & written

Italianspoken & written

Rumunianspoken & written

Russianspoken & written

Latinhigh school graduate

Oldgreekprivate studies (did not exist in communism)

Sanskrituniversity graduate




Practice / experiences

Functionrepetitor of weak students namely in maths

clienttheir parents

period1966 - 1968

Functionreader of foreign literature

client publish.houses Mladá fronta, Odeon

editors Vl. Kavka, M. Fialová, M. Černý

period 1966 - 1968

Functioninterpreter for delegates and translator

ClientMinistry of education, and of culture,

Period 1968 – 1973

Functiontechnical translator of huge investments

Client Chirana (St. Turá), Zbrojovka (Vsetín), Chemopetrol Litvínov (Ing. Neumann), Atomic power station Dukovany, Oil pipe line Družba

Period1973 - 1983

Functiontechnical translator of exported investments

Client Chemoprojekt (petrochemistry Syria, Iraq, Persia)


Functiontranslator of technical literature about engineering anomalies

Client VŠCHT (University of Chemistry and chemical engineering), psychoenergetic laboratory, Prof.


Period1983 – 1988

Functionhead of foreign partnerships,

Client DDM hl.p. Prahy (House of children´s leisure activities of the Prague municilaity), Dr Maget, Mgr Souček

Period1993 – 1997

Functionofficial translator and interpreter, editor in chief

Of foreign editions of the periodical „Youth for Europe“

ClientEuropean Association of leisure time Institutions for Children and Youth, Dr. Maget, Praha

Period1993 – 1997

Functionprofessor of classical and biblical languages

Client Cyril & Methody´s Theological Academy, Dr. Dandár, Praha

Period1990 - 1995

Functionprofessor of German and English

Zaměstnavatel High School of Arts Applied in Textiles, Doc. Vodák, Praha

Period 1994 - 1996

Functiontranslator of belletry and literature of fact

ClientPublishing houses: Volvox Globator, Stefanos

Period1998 – up to date

After great flood in Prague

Functionchief of foreign sales and information

ClientŠtarman ultrazvuk, s.s r.o., Praha

Period2002 - 2003

Number / Name / Type / Details / Place of edition / size / time / Notes
1 / Couple of articles / Book reviews / In Czech / Nový orient / cca 20 p / cca 1965
2 / Children tales / translations / from Bengali into Czech / Sluníčko & other children´s periodics. / cca 20 p / cca 1965
3 / Bhagavad Gíta / translation / from Sanskrit into Czech / Parts in var. Magazines collections. / cca 300 p / cca 1965
4 / Kavya Darshana / translation / from Sanskrit intop Czech / Theses to be defended / cca 500 p / 1966
5 / Samuel Feijoo / Translation of poetry / From Spanish into Czech / Magazine South America. / cca 20 p
6 / Borges, The most transparent country / Revision of a Czech translation / From Spanish into Czech / Odeon / cca 500 p
7 / Gottfr.Benn, About modern poetry / Translation / From German into Czech / Knižní kultura / cca 10 p
8 / Gottfr.Benn, A few selected poems básní / Translation of poetry / From German into Czech / Those times impossible to publish / cca 25 p / cca 1974
9 / Exhibition of German antifascost literature / Translation of poetry / From German into Czech / Collection, Památník písemnictví (Literary museum) / cca 100 p
10 / Poems on Warsaw / Translation of poetry / From Polish into Czech / Competition of Polish cultural Center / cca 30 p
11 / Ringelnatz, Complet collection of poems / Translation of poetry / From German into Czech / Left unpublished lost / cca 150 p
12 / Keshav Malik / Translation of poetry / From Hindi into Czech / Left unpublished lost / cca 150 p / Up to 1973
13 / Šyamananda Kishore / Translation of poetry / From Hindi / Nový orient / cca 5 p
14 / ASME pipe line technic. standards / Technical translation / From English into Czech / Intern Factory Publication Chemopetr. / cca 300 p / after 1975
15 / ASTM Standards for material testing / Technical translation / From English into Czech / Intern Factory Publication Chemopetr / cca 300 p / after1975
16 / Proceeding on mining science conference / Technical translation / From Czech into German / Mining University Ostrava / cca 200 s
17 / Proceeding of internat. Conf. on rlwy electrisation / Technical translation / From Czech into English / Czechoslov. Rlwy´s inst. For electris. Of lines / 3 x 150 s
18 / Handbook of parapsych. / Translation of science / From English into Czech / VŠCHT – U. of Chemistry & Technol. / 1000 p / About 1985
19 / Rýzl, Ligfe after life / Translation of science / From English into Czechz / VŠCHT – U. of Chemistry & Technol. / 150 p / About 1985
20 / Rýzl, Para- psychology / Translation of science / From English into Czech / VŠCHT – U. of Chemistry & Technol. / 150 p / About 1985
21 / Kahuda, Fundament. Radiation of matter / Translation of science / From Czech into English & Russian / VŠCHT – U. of Chemistry & Technology / 2 x 100 p
22 / Jahn, Persistent paradox / Translation of science / From English into Czech / Czech Soc. for Science & Technol. / 150 p
23 / Hobs, plant. properties, brewery / Translation of science / From Czech into English / Elsevier London / 300 p
24 / Church of Virgin Mary the queen of peace / quide / From German into Czech incl. Poetry / Parochy Lhotka Praha / 30 p
25 / Psychiatry & criminality / Contribution to internat. conference / From English into Czech / Periodical Czech prisonery / 2 x 20 p
26 / Darwinism & modern biology / Article Translation / From French into Czech / Periodical theological review Brno / 2 x25 p
27 / Proceedings of internat. Conf. On Floods / Translation of articles / From German into English / Čivil engi- neering faculty managed by EU / 300 p
28 / Diane di Prima / Translation of poem / From American slang into Czech / Disappeared with flood / 300 p
29 / Sara Sohar Spiritual intelligence / Translation of popular science / From English into Czech / Disappeared with flood the different translator / 400 p
30 / Tibetan myths & legends / Translation, footnotes, register / From German into Czech / Volvox Globator / 300 p / 2002
31 / Holy placesof Tibetan kongdom / Translation, footnotes, register / From German into Czech / Volvox Globator / 300 p / 2002
32 / Life of rev. W. Carey / Revision, footnotes / English & Czech / Stefanos / 250 p
33 / Martin Luter / Revision, footnotes / English & Czech / Stefanos / 250 p
34 / Lights in (red) darkness / Translation, footnotes, register / From French into Czech / Volvox Globator / 350 / 2004
35 / Demystified Tibet / Translation, footnotes, register / From English into Czech / Volvox Globator / 250 / 2004
36 / Harry Wu, Bitter years / Translation, footnotes, register / From English into Czech / Volvox Globator / 250 / 2004 ?
37 / Politkovska, Dirty war in Caucasus / Translation, footnotes, register / From English and Russian into Czech / Volvox Globator / 300 / 2004 ?
The list is far from that to be complete, the names are not necessarily corresponding to the original titles, the text have been archivised, but they mostly disappeared with the flood
sequence / activity / function / place / date / Name of contribution / published / Note
1 / International Congress o. n. african & asian studies / Invited lecturer / Hamburg / After 1975 / Travel not allowed
2 / Internat. Conf. On alternative medecine / lecturer / Zagreb / Before 1989 / Travel not allowed
3 / Internation parapsychological congress / Invited lecturer / Warsaw / about 1980 / Short note about activities on the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague / published
4 / International parapsychological conferences / Invited lecturer / Bratislava / about 1989 / Short note about activities on the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague / Conferences repeated
5 / International Congress o. n. african & asian studies / Invited lecturer / Toronto / 1990 / Indian ornamental poetry / published
6 / Internat. Conference on ecmelic music / Salzburg / 1990 / Ecmeclic music with children, lecture & concerto / Published bolsterred
7 / International music festival Brno autumn / Brno / Temperred & untemperred tonic systems / Lecture, discussion perhaps published
8 / Study stay at the University / Invited guest with family members / Jerusalem / After 1990 / Lectures & meetings
9 / Concerto of ecmelic music / Part of violin play courses / Bratislava / after 1990 / Lecture & concerto
10 / International conference of arameic studies / Invited participant / Oxford / About 1995
11 / International Congress o. n. african & asian studies / Invited participant / Hong Kong / 1995 / Sanskrit grammar on computer / published
12 / International conference on industrial & language development / Invited participant / Kuala Lumpur / 1996 / Social & national stratification of language usage in old Austro Hungarian monarchy / published
13 / Conference on minorities / Invited participant / Murmansk / abouti 1996 / Short history of minorities in Czech republic
14 / EU Conference on Euro-Arab relations / Invited participant / Budapest / 1996 / Muslimm in Czech press / published
15 / UNESCO conference on minorities in Europe / Invited participant / Praha / 1997 / Minorities in various civilisation contexts / published
16 / EU conference on cultural industry / Invited participant / Essen / 1997 / Cultural industry in Czech Republic / published
17 / World congress on Pacific studies / Leiden / 1997 / Czech-Pacific relations / Published on Guam island
18 / Ecology & indigenous people in India / Invited participant / Bhopal / after 1997 / Toponomastics & Ecology / published
19 / International conference on minorities / Invited participant / Almaty / Short history of minorities in Czech Republic / published
20 / Prague Internet World 2000 / Exposer / Praha / 3-day management of boot of EU youth project YETI
21 / International conference on minorities / Invited participant / Almaty / About 2000 / Building terminology in national language / published
22 / Anthropological conference / Plzeň / After 2000 / Minorities in India / published
23 / International exhibition of measuring technology / Chief of the boot / Dortmund / 2003 / One-week management of company boot, contacts with clients
24 / International exhibition of measuring technology / Chief of the boot / Rio de Janeiro / 2003 / One-week management of company boot, contacts with clients
25 / International exhibition of metalurgy / Chief of the boot / Düsseldorf / 2003 / One-week management of company boot, contacts with clients
Many events not mentioned because forgoten the data not complete
No. / Country / CityMěsto / Name of eventment of features of the visit / Note
1 / United Kingdom / Cambridge / EU youth project –YETI
2 / United Kingdom / Oxford / International conference of arameic studies
3 / Brazil / Rio de Janeiro / International conference non destrucive methods and fair
4 / Bulgaria / various / Touristic visit
5 / Danmark / Aarhus / EU youth project –YETI
6 / Egypt / Cairo / Touristic visit
7 / France / Paris / International conference EAICY
8 / France / Paris / International conference on minorities
9 / France / Paris / Repeated meetings with French youth organisation CEMEA
10 / Netherlands / Leiden / International congres of Pacific studies
11 / Netherlands / Wijk aan Zee / Cultural village of Europe
12 / Netherlands / Wijk aan Zee / Repeated private summer visits
13 / Hong Kong / Hong Kong / World congress ICANAS
14 / Criatia / Omish / Private sojour on childrens camp
15 / Croatia / Omish / Searching for the pklace of regular childrens´ summer camps
16 / Italy / Iesolo, Monfalcone / Repeated resident of a Czech childrens´ summer camp
17 / Italy / Venegono Superiore / Translating the Czech participation in EU cosmic programme
18 / Italy / Vicenza, Como / Visit to italian railway modeling industry
19 / Israel / Jerusalem / One-month study stay at the university
20 / Japan / Osaka / Translating the Czech participation in EU cosmic programme
21 / Jordan / Amman / Internetional Leadership Academy
22 / Canada / Toronto / World congress ICANAS
23 / Kazakhstan / Almaty / International conference on language
24 / Kazakhstan / Almaty / International conference on minorities
25 / Licehtenstein / Schaan / Translating the Czech participation in EU cosmic programme
26 / Hungary / Budapest / Guiding an Egyptian dance ensemble
27 / Hungary / Budapest / Mezinárodní setkání mládeže Evropa a Islám
28 / Hungary / Budapešt / tourism
29 / Hungary / Kapuvár / Conference of the Kodály association
30 / Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur / International conference Development of industry and language
31 / Germany / Blankensee / Summer camp of music school Benda Brothers
32 / Germany / Dortmund / Exhibitor on fair of measuring and controlling technology
33 / Germany / Dresden / International award „Youth Oscar“
34 / Germany / Dresden / International ecological project CIRCE
35 / Germany / Düsseldorf / Exhibitor on internation matelurgic fair GIFA
36 / Germany / Essen / EU International conference on cultural industry
37 / Germany / Frankfurt / EU youth project Photo, Audio, Video
38 / Germany / Giessen / Pedagogical week
39 / Germany / Hamburg / World congress ICANAS
40 / Germany / Hamburg / Exchange stay of youth departments of Hamburg and pragyue municipality
41 / Germany / Hiddensee / Turism in the foremer German Democratic Republic
42 / Germany / Munic / Youth week in Bavarian parliament
43 / Germany / Sonneberg / Thür. / Visit to railway model industry
44 / Germany / Sonnenberg / Harz / Repeated instruction and discussion weeks in Sonnenberg
45 / Poland / Krakow / EU youth project Photo, Audio, Video
46 / Poland / Krakow / International conference on Islam
47 / Poland / Warsaw / International parapsychological congress
48 / Poland / Warsaw / Repeated visits to the indology department of the university in Warsaw
49 / Austria / Linz / Repeated visit to Ars Electronica festival
50 / Austria / Salzburg / International congress of ecmelic music
51 / Austria / Salzburg / International weeks of ecmelic music
52 / Austria / Vienna / Visit to Austrian railway model industry
53 / Austria / Vienna, Kirschstetten / Repeated visits to austrian members of my family and stays with them
54 / Rumunia / Bucharest & others / Tourism
55 / Russia / Murmansk / International conference on minorities
56 / Singapur / The same / Tourism
57 / Slovakia / Bratislava / International psychotronic conferences
58 / Slovakia / St. Smokovec / International conference on electrical railway truction
59 / Slovenia / Lublyana / International congress on alternative medecine
60 / Šwitzerland / Zürich / Visit to lamasery in Rikonu
61 / Uganda / Entebbe / International conference on touristic cities