Social Problems
You will have to do a 15-20 minute (minimum) presentation on any topic related to sociology/social problems. It MUST be at least 15 minutes long. Again, this is a minimum, if you are trying to earn an A; you should probably be well over 15 minutes. The goal is to present information regarding your topic. You must do a controversial topic such as the death penalty which has people both for and against it. You must present arguments for both sides and then if you wish you can then attempt to persuade the class towards your point of view.I would actually prefer you to create a bit of debate with your presentation.
You will be required to use PowerPoint(or another presentation program) for at least part of your presentation.
Your grade will be based on the following:
Depth in coverage of topic (how complete the information you present is - do you cover everything related to your topic – or do you leave out vast areas) If your presentation is not well over 15 minutes you probably will lack depth of your topicA-Cover BOTH sides of topic completely, thoroughly explaining each side. Very well researched. Use case studies and specific examples when possible.
B-Cover BOTH sides of topic well, missing a few key reasons. Well researched
C-Average coverage of Both sides of topic or one side covered well and the other side neglected. Research moderate.
D-Below average research and miss major points on each side.
F – Does not meet requirements for a D. Or one side is neglected completely. / 100 points
Presentation was well planned and coherent (class could hear and understand the presentation, also information is organized well so that it is easy to understand)How much you involved the class in the presentation. Presentation is NOT READ
A – TALK to/with the group, Do not just read your slides. PowerPoint slides have bullet points and short notes on them. Presentation organized in well thought out manner. Text on slides is easily readable. (Smallest font should be 18! It should really be in the 20’s)
Limited words on each slide – No paragraphs!
B- Mostly talk to the group. PowerPoint has some slides that have too much writing. Presentation organized well. Text on slides is easily readable.
C – An even mix of talking and reading. Several slides have too much writing on them. For the most part presentation is organized well.
D – More reading than talking. Numerous slides have too much writing. Organization in not well thought out.
F – Does not meet requirements for a D / 20 points
Knowledge of topic (able to field questions after the presentation, not just reading off notes)
A – You are able to answer all questions that someone who has thoroughly researched your topic should be able to answer
B –You are able to answer most of the questions.
C – You are able to answer some of the questions.
D – You are able to answer a few of the questions
F – You are able to answer none of the questions. / 20 points
Communication aids were clear and useful. (Power Point) Visual aids used when appropriate. Oral report included computer-generated and/or hand made visuals (clip-art, graphs, tables, charts, and/or movies), audio-visual clips, and was presented with multimedia software that enhanced presentation. There is a plethora of visuals out there, use them! Use videos in presentation with the topic they cover, not at the end.
A/B – Videos used are completely related to the topic and aid in the understanding of the topic.
C – Videos aid in the understanding of the topic but have areas that are not necessary for your presentation directly.
D – Videos are too long and have parts that are not related directly to your topic.
F – Do not use videos or they are not directly related to your presentation. / 25 points
Sources – List of all of the sources you used for your presentation – to be turned in on the day of your presentation. You should use a wide variety of sources.
A – Use many sources covering both sides of topic.
B – Use many sources for one side and only several for the other side.
C – Use 3 or 4 sources.
D – Use only one or two sources
F – Do not turn sources in. / 10 points
Interaction with class – this can be asking questions throughout, some type of activity that involves the class, etc… Be creative. Involve the class! Either pose questions…Do Jeopardy…or any other activity that involves the class. A debate can be part of your interaction.
A – Continuous interaction throughout. Well thought out questions posed. Unique and original interaction. If debate is used, you must provide specific questions for discussion.
B – Good interaction throughout. Good questions.
C – Some interaction throughout.
D – Very little interaction
F – No interaction / 25 points
Some type of review or assignment that accompanies your presentation, such as a cross word puzzle, etc. Word searches are not acceptable. It should NOT be trivial, but should be a comprehensive review or your topic. It will be handed out after your presentation. Do not make it so difficult that it can not be completed nor so easy it is not a viable review of the material you presented. If you do not create one, I will give the class a writing assignment on the topic. (For cross words there are many cross word makers on the internet if you type in “free crossword maker” in to google)
A-Comprehensive review of topic. Difficult enough to be a good review of material.
B-Overall good review of topic. Difficult enough to be a good review of material
C-Average review of topic. Some areas too easy (or give a word bank)
D-Poor review. Too easy or too difficult.
F – No Review or word search (which is not really a review) / 25 Points
Outline of presentation – will be due earlier in the semester. / 20 points
Copy of “Handout” of slide show with 3 slides per page. (make sure readable)
Email me a copy of your presentation so that it can be shared with the class. / - 20 points if not turned in.
You must meet the MINUMUM of 15 minutes, anything less; you will lose 10 points per minute you are short. This is NOT negotiable! / -10 per minute short
Your presentation should NOT be read. If you read through most of your presentation, your grade will be reduced significantly. Involve the class by asking questions, having an activity, etc.
You need to turn in your sources, during your presentation you should also explain where you acquired statistics or any quotes you use. It is expected that you will not read information off of a web page, if you say something you better be able to explain what it means. You must use power point, but do NOT read off them – use only outlines, graphs, pictures etc. to enhance your presentation if you use power point. It is advisable to get the class active in your presentation by starting a discussion, including them in an activity dealing with your topic, etc. Just remember you are required to inform the class on your topic, so if you choose to show a video clip, do a class activity, etc. you will go well over 15 to 20 minutes. If you have 5 minutes of material to present and then try to discuss to topic for the rest of the time your grade will suffer tremendously.
You will have to turn in a rough outline of your presentation by: ______(20 points)
This presentation is REQUIRED to pass the class. If you do not do the presentation, you will NOT pass the class.
Your topic must be a controversial topic, meaning that it must have at least 2 sides. Examples would be abortion, gun rights, legalizing marijuana, etc…