Supplemental Materials
Social Cognition Mediates the Relation between Attachment Schemas and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
by A. Venta et al., 2016, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
Supplementary Tables and Figures
Figure S1. Social-cognitive model of PTSD.
Note. Model taken from Sharp, Fonagy, & Allen (2012).
Figure S2.
Social cognition as a mediator in the relation between attachment and self-reported PTSD.
Note. Values on each path are regression coefficients provided by Preacher and Hayes’s (2008) test of the indirect effect. CAI = Child Attachment Interview, MASC = Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition, YSR = Youth Self-Report, TSCC = Trauma Symptom Checklist. *p < .05.**p < .01.
Figure S3.
Social cognition as a mediator in the relation between attachment and parent-reported PTSD.
Note. Values on each path are regression coefficients provided by Preacher and Hayes’s (2008) test of the indirect effect. CAI = Child Attachment Interview, MASC = Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition, CBCL = Child Behavior Checklist. *p < .05.
Figure S4.
Social cognition as a mediator in the relation between attachment and PTSD symptom change.
Note. Values on each path are regression coefficients provided by Preacher and Hayes’s (2008) test of the indirect effect. CAI = Child Attachment Interview, MASC = Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition, YSR = Youth Self Report. *p < .05.
Table S1.
Descriptive data for key study variables and clinical characteristics.
Continuous Study Measure / Non-PTSD GroupMean (SD) / PTSD Group
Standard Deviation
TSCC PTSD Scale / 6.98 (4.46) / 14.37 (6.17)
MASC Total Score / 33.07 (4.85) / 30.86 (6.08)
Clinical Characteristic / Non-PTSD Group
Percentage Endorsed / PTSD Group
Percentage Endorsed
Depressive Disorder / 34.14% / 70.18%
Bipolar Depressive / -- / 8.77%
Externalizing Disorder / 34.94% / 59.65%
Anxiety Disorder / 30.49% / 75.86%
CAI Insecure Attachment / 67.47% / 74.58%
CAI Secure Attachment / 32.53% / 25.42%
Psychiatric Medication Use / 77.11% / 94.92%
Notes. TSCC = Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, MASC = Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition, CAI = Child Attachment Interview. PTSD groups were created using the Youth Self-Report PTSD scale. T-scores on this scale higher than 70 made up the clinical PTSD group (n = 59, 41.5% of adolescents). T-scores on this scale of less than 65 made up the non-PTSD group (n = 83, 58.5% adolescents). Clinical diagnoses and psychiatric medication information are provided to characterize the sample but were not included in analyses. Diagnoses are not mutually exclusive.