Soccer Works Reference Guide


Soccer Works 3

System Requirements 3

Running Soccer Works 3

Navigating Through Soccer Works 4

Command Buttons 4

Picture Buttons 4

Text Buttons 4

Soccer Works Modules 5

Main Menu 5

Editing Module 6

Editing Player Data 7

Editing Team Data 9

Editing Coach Data 9

Editing Officer Data 9

Report Module 10

Guidelines For Running Reports 10

Club Reports 10

GAASA Reports 13

GAASA Registration Module 15

Auto Calcuations Module 15

Age Group Calculation 15

Grade Increment 15

Soccer Works

Automated Registration System

Soccer Works is a registration database system designed for registering players and teams for the Greater Akron Amateur Soccer Association. The key features included in the system allow you to do the following tasks:

·  Data Entry

·  Produce Reports

·  Produce Automated Registration Disks

System Requirements

·  Any system that is currently running Microsoft Access 97 is sufficient to run Soccer Works.

·  If Microsoft Access 97 is not installed on the computer that will be used to run Soccer Works, then you will need to install Microsoft Access 97.

The recommended requirements for running Access 97 are:

- Pentium Processor

- 32 Megabytes of memory

-  1 Gigabyte hard drive

·  Monitor Settings:

For viewing purposes your monitor settings should be set to: 256 color and 800 by 600 pixels.

To change your settings do the following:

1.  Click Start on your Task Bar

2.  Go To Settings

3.  Click Control Panel

4.  Double-click Display

5.  Choose the Settings Tab

6.  Change to the appropriate settings (see above)

Running Soccer Works

To run Soccer Works after it has been installed:

1.  Launch Microsoft Access 97 (97 is required!)

2.  Click “OK” to open an existing database

3.  Make sure that you are looking in C:\My Documents

4.  Make sure that you are viewing files of type *.mde

5.  Open SoccerWorks.mde (once you open this file you should see the Soccer Works logo your screen. If you don’t see this, then you are in the wrong file!)

Navigating Through Soccer Works

Soccer Works is a menu-driven system, which makes it easy to jump from one screen or task to another. By click on the various command buttons you are able to navigate from menu-to-menu in order to perform your tasks.

Command Buttons

Each button in the database is associated with a command or a set of commands. If the user clicks, or in some cases double-clicks, on the button then a command will be executed. There are two types of buttons: picture buttons and text buttons. In most cases, if you hold the mouse pointer over a button, you will see a message that describes the action that the command button will perform.

Picture Buttons

1.  Exit: Double-click to exit Soccer Works

2.  Print Preview: Click to open a report in print preview mode

3.  Batch Print: Click to print the entire report

4.  Print by Selection: Click to enter criteria for printing a report (i.e. team number, SSN)

5.  Delete: Click to delete the current record from the database

6.  Save/Export to Disk: Click to save a file (table) in your database to a disk

7.  Update: Click to perform an auto calculation

8.  Undo: Double-click to decrement grades

9.  Create: Click to create a report

Text Buttons

10.  Back: Click to get back to the previous screen

11.  Main: Click to return to the main menu

Soccer Works Modules

Main Menu

From the Main Menu you are able to get to any of the four major modules in the system: Editing Module, Report Module, GAASA Registration Module and Auto Calculations Module. You may also EXIT the system from the Main Menu. In addition, you will find three text boxes on the bottom of the screen. Text boxes or fields provide a way for users to input text into the database. The three text boxes on this screen are: Current Season, Club Name, and Club Code.

The Current Season field should be set to the season for which you are currently registering. This is a very important field of data because many of the reports are based on the information entered into this field. You should only have to change this field when you begin a new registration season.

The Club Name field should contain your club’s name as you would like it to appear on all of the reports. Keep in mind that sometimes there will not be enough space on the reports to print your complete club name, so abbreviation may be necessary (i.e. Cuyahoga Falls SC instead of Cuyahoga Falls Soccer Club).

The Club Code field should contain the code that was assigned to your club by Greater Akron.

Never close the Main Menu. (You may not actually see the Main Menu as you navigate through the system, but it will be open in the background as long as you don’t close it).

Editing Module

In the Editing Module, you are able to add new records, edit existing records, or delete records in each of the following data entry forms: Player Data, Team Data, Coach Data, and Officer Data.

The following characteristics are common to all of the above-mentioned data entry forms:

To Add a new record click the button on the bottom of the data entry form where it says “Record”. Click the right-most button, which has an arrow and a star on it (see below). You will see that most of the data fields are blank. You can now input new data.

·  To Delete a record from the database click the Trashcan Button for the current record

·  To edit an existing record you can search for the record you would like to edit. Then, you can make changes to the existing data as necessary. To Search for a record click the SEARCH Button (binoculars, see below) on the tool bar at the top of the screen and follow the directions in the input box. (If the search button is not visible, go to the top of the screen and click “View”, “Toolbars” “Form View”).

·  At the bottom of the form, you will see a count of all the records in the database that are bound to that form. It will say: Record x of y (where x is the number of the current record and y is the total number of records.)

·  When entering data into a field, a message will appear in the lower left portion of the screen. The message describes what type of data should be entered into the current field.

Editing Player Data

·  To add a new player, click the Player Data button in the editing Module. You must first add the appropriate parent information. Only the Parent Record Number (PRN) is required, but it is a good idea to at least enter the parent’s last name also. (If the player is a senior player, you must still enter a PRN.)

·  If there are siblings in the club, then all siblings should be assigned to the same Parent Record Number. For example, if Bobby Smith is in the database under PRN 10, and Betty Smith (Bobby’s sister) needs to be added, then search on PRN 10 (or Smith) and add Betty’s information under PRN 10. Now, if you search on PRN 10 you will get parent information for PRN 10, plus two player records that are bound to PRN 10. (The record counter for the player form will say “Record 1 of 2” for PRN 10.)

NOTE: DO NOT create a new parent record for siblings. Make sure that you add the sibling to the Player Data Form and not to the Parent Data Form. It is easy to make this mistake because both forms are on the same screen.

·  To change a player’s Parent Record Number, click the Update Button on the Player Data Form. You will be prompted to “Enter a NEW Parent Record Number.” You should enter the PRN that you would like to change the current PRN to. Then, click “OK”. This will cause the current player’s PRN to be replaced with the new PRN that you entered. You will still see the current player information on the screen. However, once you advance to the next record or close the Player Data Form, the data that you wanted to move will now be under the PRN that you entered. Keep in mind that the PRN you enter must already exist. If the PRN you entered is invalid (i.e. the PRN does not exist) then you will get an error message stating so. (If, after changing a player’s PRN, you no longer have any players under that PRN, you can delete the PRN so the number may be reused).

·  To search for an existing player, you must search in one of the parent record fields. You can use the Parent Record Number or Parent’s Last Name (unless it is different from the player’s last name).

·  To Search by Player's last name, team number etc. you must click the "Search Player Data' button in the Data Entry Module. This form will allow you to search and filter the entire database on any field in the Player Form. Editing from this form is permitted but you cannot add players through this form.

·  Parent Record Numbers must be unique. You will not be permitted to add a record with the same PRN as an existing record.

·  Social Security Numbers must be unique. You will not be permitted to add a record with the same SSN as an existing record.

·  If a player is registering for more than one team you cannot enter the same SSN twice. Therefore, you are allowed to enter up to 10 digits in the SSN field. The first nine digits are for the SSN and the last digit should be a “1” for the first team that the player is registering and a “2” for the second team and so on.

·  To assign a player to a team number, you must have first entered the team information through the Team Data form. The TEAM field contains a drop-down list of all the valid team numbers that a player can be assigned to.

·  If you want a list of players who are registering for the current season but have not yet been assigned to a team, then enter “UNASS” into the TEAM field. You can then print a report of all unassigned players in the Report Module. (You must first enter the “UNASS” team in the Team Data Form.)

·  The AGE GROUP field can be calculated automatically in the AUTO CALCUALTIONS Module.

·  The CAMPAR field of the Player Data Form should contain a “4”.

·  IMPORTANT: In the PERSONAL section of the data entry form, the SEASON field should contain the CURRENT SEASON if the player is registering for the current season (the same season that was entered on the Main Menu). If the player is not registering for the current season, the SEASON field contains the last season for which the player registered. In order for a player to be active, the SEASON field must contain the CURRENT SEASON!

·  In the PERSONAL section, the GRADE field can be automatically incremented once you have entered an initial value for the player’s grade. This can be done in the AUTO CALCULATIONS Module.

·  In the PAYMENT section, the TOTAL DUE field is automatically calculated once you enter the field (by tabbing to it or mouse-clicking on it).

·  In the PAYMENT section, the BALANCE field is automatically calculated once you enter the field (by tabbing to it or mouse-clicking on it). BALANCE is the player’s account balance (total due – total paid). You can print a report of all players who have an outstanding balance in the Report Module.

·  If you delete a parent record, you will also delete ALL players that “belong” to that parent record. In addition, when a player is deleted, all of their personal, health, and financial information is deleted as well.

Editing Team Data

·  To add a new team you must assign a TEAM NUMBER to the team. The team number should consist of FIVE characters. The first two characters should be your Club Code and the remaining three should be a three-digit number ranging from 000 to 999. For example if your team code is CF then your team numbers would be CF001, CF002, CF003, etc.

NOTE: if you would like a list of all players who are not yet assigned to a team for the current registration season, then create a team with the team number “UNASS”. Then, you can enter “UNASS” in the TEAM field of the Player Data Form for all players who are unassigned. You can print a list of al unassigned players in the Report Module.

·  Team Numbers must be unique. You will not be permitted to add a record with the same Team Number as an existing record.