SOC7212: Program Development and Management

Course Content:

This course provides an overview of programme and project development and planning, with special emphasis on identification, preparation, appraisal, implementation, and evaluation. To address the recent challenges in development practice, particularly, at the grassroot level, the course contextualizes the sociological variables in project development and implementation, and offers extended case studies of development successes and failures.

Specific Objectives

1.To introduce the students to contemporary theory and issues in the development practice.
2.To equip student with skills and techniques of project identification, implementation and evaluation

Leaning outcomes

1.An understanding of contemporary theory and issues in the development practice.
2.Skills and techniques of project identification, implementation and evaluation

Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Development Theory and Issues

1.1The concept of Development and implementation paradoxes in the Third World.

1.2The issue of Theory and Practice:

1.2.1The issue of Heterogeneity, Actor, Agency and Structure

1.2.2Macro-diversity, Meso-diversity and Micro-diversity.

1.3The Concept of Poverty: Causes and Reduction Prospects

1.4The role of various types of projects in development process and Poverty Reduction.

1.5Broad approaches to Project planning and implementation.




Module 2:Programme/Project Development

2.1Project Identification and Selection

2.1.1Programme/Project Definition and Planning Cycle

2.1.2Project Identification and Appraisal

  • Community Mobilization
  • Needs Assessment and Ranking
  • Action Alternatives identification
  • Project identification and Appraisal: Technical, Organisational, Political, Socio-cultural (and/or Gender), environmental, Legal and Economic

2.1.3Financial Appraisal

  • Financial statements
  • Time Value of Money
  • Measures of Project Worth
  • Sensitivity Analysis

2.2Project Formulation and Preparation

2.2.1LFA and Objective-oriented Planning

2.2.2Project Proposal Writing

2.2.3Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

2.3Budgeting in Project development and Management

2.3.1Definition and types

2.3.2Objectives or rationale


2.3.4Resource allocation

2.3.5Introduction to Procurement

Module 3:Project Implementation

3.1Project Selection and Implementation

3.1.1Selection Criteria

3.1.2Drawing the Project Implementation Framework

3.1.3Negotiation for Project implementation

3.1.4Human Resource development and Management

3.1.5Financial Management, Record and Report Keeping

3.2Project Monitoring

3.2.1Definition and function

3.2.2Framework for Monitoring (Design of a monitoring system)

3.2.3Tools and processes for monitoring

3.2.4Project Supervision, monitoring and Control

3.2.5Problems of Monitoring

3.3Project Evaluation

3.3.1Definition, Types and Functions


3.3.3Problems of Evaluation

3.6project Implementation Challenges: Case Studies

Course Assessment

  • Coursework assessments will comprise of quizzes given end of each module and will contribute 40% of final marks.
  • The examination at the end of the semester will contribute 60% of the final marks.


Cusworth J, W & Frank T, R. [1993]: Managing Projects in Developing Countries. Longman, London.

David Booth [1994]: Rethinking social development theory, research and development. Longman Group Ltd.

Gittinger, J. Price. 1982. Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects, 2nd Edition, 1982:189-201

Oakeley Peter and Marsden David [1990]: Approaches to participation in rural development. International Labour Office, Geneva.

Pandey, I.M. 1999. Financial Management 8th Edition. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. Chapters 2, 7 and 11.

Project Management Institute [2000]: A guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge. [P.M. Book guide] 2000 Edition.

Young T. L [1995]: The Handbook of Project Management. A Practical Guide to Effective Policies and Procedures. Kogan Page Ltd.