/ MnDOT Contract No.


First Winter Season of Protection / Trunk Highway / Drift Identification / Control Section / Plow Route # / Reference Post
County / Truck Station / Township Name / ¼ / Section / Township / Range
Participant(s) agree(s) to provide a snow fence set back feet from the Right of Way line of the above Trunk Highway in the area indicated on the diagram on the reverse side of this form.
In consideration for this service, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) agrees to pay Participant(s) according to Section 1 Payment Formula, below providing that MnDOT certifies that the terms and conditions contained in this Contract have been met. When structural snow fencing is used MnDOT is responsible for installing and repairing the snow fence.Through this agreement participant(s) grant MnDOT right to enter and egress their property for structural snow fence installation and maintenance purposes at a mutually agreed upon location found in the plan diagram.Participant(s) agree(s) to avoid intentionally damaging the structural snow fence and if the damage is determined to be intentional and excessive the repair costs will be deducted from MnDOT’s annual payment.Participant(s) agree(s) to perform weed control surrounding the structural snow fence.For living snow fences it is the participant(s) responsibility to maintain the planting health and vigor.


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(Round all numbers to thesecond decimal point)

  1. The length of the snow fence = lineal feet.
  2. Annual compensation for protecting the snow fence, providing snow storage and the inconvenience of farming around it.

Annual compensation for snow fence of $ per lineal foot of snow fence installed for lineal feet, for a baseline payment of $.

  1. The baseline payment (p0) will be annually adjusted by the Producer Price Index for Farm Product Commodities. MnDOT agrees to not pay less than the baseline payment dollar amount at sign up for the remaining life of this agreement.

The Farm Product Price Index () from previous year of sign up.

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a.Annual payment in year (t).

Example: Payment in Year 5.

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The Farm Product Price Index WPU01 values can be obtained by visiting the MnDOT living snow fence website at:

Appropriate payment is to be made on or before April 30th each year of this agreement.



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If the Minnesota Legislature does not appropriate funds required for this agreement, MnDOT may terminate this Contract by giving Participants thirty (30) days written notice to the Participant(s).

If the living snow fence dies off resulting from neglect, lack of care-by not using agroforestry principles, and/or herbicide damage MnDOT will cease payments within thirty (30) days written notice to the Participant(s).

If MnDOT determines that the snow fence is no longer needed at the end of this Contract than MnDOT will remove the snow fence (living or structural).

If MnDOT fails to properly maintain the structural snow fence per the fencing manufacturer’s specifications, the Participant(s) may terminate this Contract within (30) days written notice to MnDOT. Upon receipt of Participant’s termination notice, MnDOT must remove the fence within 60 days.

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At the end of this Contract if MnDOT has interest in renewing a snow fence agreement and the participant(s) choose not too than it is the responsibility of the participant(s) to bear the cost of removing the living snow fence and/or removing, salvaging and delivering the structural snow fence components to the nearest MnDOT Truck Station.

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4.Length of this Agreement is years.

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Payments made from State fiscal years to

Agreement period starts on the date on which all the necessary signatures for executing this Agreement have been obtained.

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Inspected And Approved For Payment:

YearInitial $YearInitial $YearInitial$

20 20 20

20 20 20

20 20 20

20 20 20

20 20 20

** See formula for $ amount in the right column at 1.III.a.




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  1. Participant(s) must notify MnDOT within 30 days when a new owner or operator purchases or obtains the right and interest in, or right of occupancy to, the land subject to this agreement.Any new owner(s) or operator(s) must be approved by MnDOT in order to become a participant to a new Snow Fence Agreement under the same terms and conditions of this Contract;
  2. If any new owner(s) or operator(s) becomes an heir, successor, or assign to the existing Snow Fence Agreement, the new owner(s) or operator(s) shall assume all obligations under such agreement of the previous participant;
  3. If the new owner or operator becomes a successor to a Snow Fence Agreement with MnDOT;

(1)Cost-share payments shall be made to the Participant who installed the living snow fence, and;

(2)Annual rental payments paid in the fiscal year the land was transferred shall be divided equally, as determined by MnDOT.

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Books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the participant(s) relevant to the agreement shall be subject to examination by the contracting department or agency and the legislative auditor.


7.PARTICIPANTS – Signature(s)

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By signing below, Participant(s) agree(s) to the terms and conditions in this Contract and that the information I have provided is the amount on lines III, of the Payment Formula.

Participant(s) may receive a W-9 verification form requiring further information to register as a vendor with the State of Minnesota. Participant(s) will receive a 1099 form, which reports the amount received from the State of Minnesota from this Contract within the calendar year.

Participant(s) have read and understand the terms and conditions of the Contract and agree to its terms and conditions.

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A(1). Participants Name:Phone #, Address (Zip Code) / (2) Share in % / (4) Signature / Date(mm-dd-yyyy)
B(1). Participants Name:Phone #, Address (Zip Code) / (2) Share in % / (4) Signature / Date(mm-dd-yyyy)
C(1). Participants Name:Phone #, Address (Zip Code) / (2) Share in % / (4) Signature / Date(mm-dd-yyyy)
Signature of Area Maintenance Engineer (with delegated authority) / Date(mm-dd-yyyy)


To be completed by the MnDOT District Business Office

Purchase Order No. / Vendor No. & Location No. / Category
Note to Business Office: / This signed form serves as the invoice / Use the vendor number as the invoice number

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