SNOM Board of Directors

Board Minutes for October 27, 2014

Vision: The School Nurse Organization of Minnesota envisions student health for student success.

Mission: The School Nurse Organization of Minnesota advances excellence in school nursing practice to promote and support student health for student success.

Goal #1-Elevate the quality and practice of school nursing through research, education, and advocacy.

Goal #2-Increase and retain SNOM/NASN membership to broaden the impact of high quality school nursing practice.

Goal #3-Accelerate the leadership involvement of SNOM members.

Date: October 27, 2014

Place: Hopkins Community Education Center, Eisenhower Community Center in Room 215.

1001 Highway 7

Hopkins, MN 55303


Time:5:00 PM -8:00 PM


Board members: Mary Jo Martin, Mary Heiman, Lillian Levine, Gail Setterstrom, Cindy Hiltz, Liz Zeno, Bernie Bien, Tammy John, Jill Stewart, RuthEllen Luehr, Shelley Kilgore, Sue Nokleby.

SNOM Members:


  1. Call To Order (Mary Jo Martin President) meeting called to order 4:55 PM.

Upcoming Workshops / Continuing Education/ SNOM Participation:

  • Diabetes Management in the School setting: November 1, 2014, United and Children’s Hospital Conference Center St. Paul, MN
  • Annual Fall SNOM Conference: November 7-8, 2014. Minneapolis Marriot Northwest
  • SNOM annual business meeting: November 8, 2014 Marriot Northwest
  • Healthy Schools Conference 2014: Take Action for Healthy Kids.
    Wednesday, November 12, 2014
    Sheraton Minneapolis West Hotel, 12201 Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka, MN 55305


  1. President Report (Martin), quick updates:

Thanks to Cindy Hiltz for being NASN representative for the past 4 years.

Fall Conference is coming up, November 7-8, AnnualBoard meeting on Saturday during the conference.

  1. Old Business (Martin/Others)

Strategic plan expires this year. Steering committee will work on this and bring it to the large group in January.

  1. New Business (Martin/Board)

Step Up and Be Counted: National School Nurse Data Base- three data collections throughout the year, starting soon. Information was shared at Greater Metro Nurses. A designee will complete the survey, which will be done online.

NASN Communications: NASN School Nurse Net would allow us to have our own SNOM online community. Registrants will be automatically connected. We will test this in November. There have been issues with automatic pay; this is being worked on.

  1. Secretary’s Report (Stewart)

Minutes from August 2014 were approved by the executive board and are posted on the SNOM web page for review.

  1. Treasure’s Report (Setterstrom)

Checking Balance: $ 10,331.36

Savings Balance:$ 48,624.21

Budget vs. Actuals: Budget - FY15 P&L
Actual / Budget / over Budget / % of Budget
BankInterest / 8.10 / 25.00 / -16.90 / 32.40 %
DiabetesIncome / 500.00 / -500.00
InformationTechnologyIncome / 400.00 / 200.00 / 200.00 / 200.00 %
LSNOrientation / 9,341.47 / 5,000.00 / 4,341.47 / 186.83 %
MembershipDues / 9,071.99 / 15,000.00 / -5,928.01 / 60.48 %
ProgramIncome / 7,300.00 / 35,000.00 / -27,700.00 / 20.86 %
SNOMSavings / 26,150.00 / -26,150.00
TotalIncome / $26,121.56 / $81,875.00 / $-55,753.44 / 31.90%
GrossProfit / $26,121.56 / $81,875.00 / $-55,753.44 / 31.90%
AgencyDues / 100.00 / 100.00 / 0.00 / 100.00 %
BankServiceCharge / 25.00 / -25.00
BoardMeetings / 270.90 / 1,500.00 / -1,229.10 / 18.06 %
ConferenceFunds / 500.00 / -500.00
ContingencyFund / 50.00 / -50.00
DiabetesTaskForce / 750.00 / -750.00
EducationalPolicyFellowshipProgram / 1,283.15 / 4,000.00 / -2,716.85 / 32.08 %
ExecutiveCommittee / 318.00 / 750.00 / -432.00 / 42.40 %
FinanceCommittee / 220.00 / 1,600.00 / -1,380.00 / 13.75 %
GiftsAwards / 500.00 / -500.00
GovernmentAction / 5,333.36 / 8,000.00 / -2,666.64 / 66.67 %
ImmunizationCommittee / 100.00 / -100.00
InformationTechnology / 1,869.18 / 1,500.00 / 369.18 / 124.61 %
Insurance / 813.00 / 1,000.00 / -187.00 / 81.30 %
LegislativeCommittee / 142.93 / 750.00 / -607.07 / 19.06 %
LSNOrientationExp / 4,327.32 / 5,000.00 / -672.68 / 86.55 %
MembershipExpense / 50.00 / -50.00
Mileage / 1,023.84 / 3,200.00 / -2,176.16 / 32.00 %
NASN / 6,485.82 / 7,500.00 / -1,014.18 / 86.48 %
NominatingCommittee / 200.00 / -200.00
PresidentOfficeSupplies / 100.00 / -100.00
ProgramExpense / 2,798.47 / 35,000.00 / -32,201.53 / 8.00 %
PublicRelations / 1,598.59 / 4,500.00 / -2,901.41 / 35.52 %
RegionalReps / 200.00 / -200.00
Research / 1,000.00 / -1,000.00
ScholarshipExpense / 1,500.00 / -1,500.00
SpecialEdCommittee / 339.03 / 500.00 / -160.97 / 67.81 %
StrategicPlan / 1,500.00 / -1,500.00
SubPayforSNOMReps / 500.00 / -500.00
TotalExpenses / $26,923.59 / $81,875.00 / $-54,951.41 / 32.88%
NetOperatingIncome / $-802.03 / $0.00 / $-802.03 / 0.00%
NetIncome / $-802.03 / $0.00 / $-802.03 / 0.00%

The 2013 Fiscal Year taxes are being prepared by Donna Dahl, CPA and will be filed by November 15, 2014.


  • Ann Conklin had been paying for Constant Contact; this has been moved to Finance Committee and Ann was reimbursed for her expenses.
  • Constant Contact is very useful, however they have not been quick to address concerns. We do not use this every month. Lillian Levine will make a follow up call.
  • Expenses for laptop computer purchased in August 2014 were moved to Information Technology budget area.
  • Conference Vendors- 43 vendors have signed up.
  • RuthEllen Luehr- reimbursement for training materials for the 2014 School Nurse Orientation

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report – Lillian Levine

Seconded By - Mary Jo Martin

  1. Committee Reports

a)Awards Committee (Nokleby/ Martin)

We plan to have the awards ceremony at the SNOM luncheon on Saturdayfollowing the the SNOM conference. The awards luncheon will be held on Saturday November 8; Sue has sent out invitations to honor Mary Tomes and Tammy John.

b)Bylaws: (Heiman) No report necessary at this time; no bylaw changes are pending.


Annual Fall Conference (Levine)

The Annual SNOM Conference is scheduled for November 7 and 8, 2014. Our title is “Firing Up: Purpose in our Practice.” Topics are: Emerging Trends in Adolescent Drug Abuse; DSM-5 Implications for Pediatric Diagnoses; New Products, Old Tricks; Analyzing the Bully; Chlamydia Epidemic and Eye Health. Our key note speaker is Deirdre Van Nest: Fire Your Fear! We will have poster sessions again presented by school nurses. We have over 140 registered as of 10/27 planning on 175 by the day the conference begins. There are over 40 vendors scheduled. The conference is at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest. This is our last confirmed year at the Marriott. The committee will be discussing our return to the Marriott or looking for a new venue. The committee is excited about this conference as it will be another great presentation of information.

Flash drives with SNOM logo have been ordered and handouts will be available. Two poster presentations and several new vendors will be present in addition to the scheduled speakers.

New LSN Orientation (Luehr)

LSN Orientation was held August 12 and 13, 2014. There were 75 participants, about a third of which had little to no previous clinical experience; about a third had some previous experience including a partial year of school nursing; as well as some experienced school nurses seeking refresher training. The sessions were well attended and lively discussions ensued. All but one participant already had employment as school nurses. The training in 2014 will be Monday August 11 and Tuesday August 12. Several “early start” districts in outstate Minnesota have already started classes and it is difficult for them to attend. Information was shared via Google Drive this year, which was efficient and useful. There is a school nurse Sharepoint space that may be used in the future for information, connecting and resource sharing. MDH presented a vision and hearing workshop this year and 50 people attended.RuthEllen will follow up on participants Q & A section.

Continuing Education: Diabetes Task Force (Kaup)

When: Saturday, Nov. 1st
CEU's: Approximately 6 CEU's
Topic: Diabetes Management in the School setting
Target Audience: School Nurses
Information is posted on the website for those interested.

d)Historical (Nelson) No report.

e)Immunization Task Force : MIPAC (Tammy John) Tammy John will be the new representative.

f)Information/Technology (Martin)

  • Website content was updated with the Calendar of Events, President’s Column, Current News, new Job Postings as well other new forms and information as needed.
  • There were approximately 15 “web inquiries” which were responded to. Inquires ranged from SNOM members needing assistance to log into Member Only section, job postings, inquires about our profession, LSN Orientation and the annual fall conference. Mary Jo Martin has received inquiries from parties wanting to advertise on our website. This has been done in the past, however we did charge for this. We need to develop guidelines about whether we should implement this again and how it would be done. The committee will take this up again in January 2015.
  • The MDH Mailbag is available for non-LSN postings; SNOM only posts LSN employment opportunities.
  • There were 8 new job postings from August - September.
  • Web Editor continues to work with the Membership Chair to update member information in the SNOM website.

Next Steps:

  • Update website contents as needed.
  • Discuss and create guidelines for outside events and services to be posted for member’s information on the website


Mary Heiman asked whether our SNOM logo could be available as a bookmarks toolbar. Mary Jo Martin will follow up.

g)Legislative: (John)

Tammy John, SNOM’s new representative, will report further after the election. Pupil Support services may change depending on the outcome of the election. Liz Zeno reported about the July meeting. School Counselor lobbyist proposes that school nurses, school counselors, school psychologists and social workers do more interdisciplinary teaming on a comprehensive funding plan for student services, not entirely depending on Education/fund 1 dollars (ex., not grant dependent) “Healthy students become a healthy workforce” engaging business to support a whole child approach. The lobbyists will meet soon to continue their work.

RuthEllen Luehr shared that there has been some discussion about Related Services at the state level.

h)Membership Committee (Flaten)

  • Mary Jo Martin reports that there are 364 members in good standing and one lapsed member, according to records available today.
  • Membership Chair asked to email all new members, welcoming them to SNOM/NASN and giving information as to how to access Member’s Only page and list serve. Lapsed members are to receive a “we missed you” email.
  • RuthEllen will share a list of those who attended the School Nurse Orientation and Mary Jo Martin will follow up.
  • New members will receive an e-invitation to join Nurse Net. More information will be forwarded as available.

i)NCSN (National School Nurse Certification) (Hiltz/Kilgore)

  • We currently have 31 nationally certified school nurses in Minnesota.
  • We are planning to offer a study group for the winter testing time frame.
  • The next application deadline to test.
  • Deadline to Register Dec 31, 2014Test Time Frame Feb-March, 2015

j)NASN (Hiltz)

  • NASN worked on strategic planning for the next 3-5 years and it was finalized in January 2014 at the NASN board meeting. NASN hired a public relations firm to help with the national school image.
  • Legislative priorities last winter included support of these bills:
  • NASN requests that the bills reflect the many essential aspects in school nurse involvement in addressing concussions.
  • NASN requests the inclusion of specialized instructional support personnel (SISP) throughout legislative language.
  • NASN requests support for the Student-to-School Nurse Ratio Improvement Act.
  • With regards to the court ruling and who is allowed to deliver diabetic care in California, NASN sent the following letter of support to the California affiliate:

The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) commends the joint project between the California School Nurses Association (CSNO) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) to take the lead in development and provision of a medication administration training program taught to California unlicensed assistive personnel by California school nurses. NASN supports school nurses as leaders of school health teams who determine training needs for unlicensed assistive personnel on school health services topics.

Over the spring NASN committees were working on operationalizing the strategic plan that was adopted in January 2014. The Board Standing Rules and How 2 Guides were reviewed for any needed changes to carry through on the plan.

The NASN conference in San Antonio Texas was well attended with around 1200 members total. The incoming MN NASN director attended the June board meeting as a guest.

Several new position documents were approved at the board of directors meeting. Look for them on the NASN website. They include:

  1. Delegation to unlicensed assistive personnel in the school setting.
  2. Emergency preparedness and response in the school setting: Role of the school nurse.
  3. The use of restraints or seclusion in the school setting.
  4. Service animals in schools.

NASN is using endowment research funds to repeat the workforce study that is about 10 years old now. The study will probably be completed in about 2 years.

The HANDS program has been updated and is an e-learning video on the NASN website.

Fifteen of the annual conference sessions were taped and are also being offered in e-learning.

This was the last summer of regional conferences being offered with AHI. We will start to offer NASN regional conferences in the near future.

A national data set is starting to be gathered by the school nurse consultants with district level data of:

  • Number of students enrolled
  • RN FTE providing direct services
  • LPN FTE providing direct services
  • Non licensed Aides FTE providing direct services
  • Float FTE
  • RN on special assignment FTE

School level data to be gathered is:

  • Number of student encounters to RN resulting in student returning to class.
  • Number of student encounters to RN resulting in 911 being called.
  • Number of student encounters to RN resulting in student going home.
  • Number of students enrolled.
  • Number of students with Asthma diagnosis.
  • Number of students with Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis
  • Number of students with Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis
  • Number of students with seizure diagnosis
  • Number of students with life-threatening allergy diagnosis.

SNOM and MDH will work together to gather this information statewide.

The next NASN conference is in Philadelphia June 24-27, 2015. Dates to remember are:

  • August 4, 2014: Abstract site opens
  • October 7, 2014: Oral presentation submissions due
  • February 2, 2015: Registration and Room Block open
  • February 5, 2015: Poster presentations submissions due

It has been an honor to represent SNOM as the NASN director from Minnesota for the past 4 years. Thank you for this opportunity.

Respectfully submitted, Cynthia Hiltz

j)Nominations: (Heiman, Past President)

Cindy Hiltz was appointed as Member-At-Large to join the Executive Committee for a two-year term.

There was a brief recess at 6:25 for dinner.

k)Public Relations: (Heiman)

The new membership guide was mailed to all of our members. It would be nice to have a few available for non-members who are considering joining SNOM. Mary reports that Eden Prairie Schools production was used for printing.

l)Research: (Vacant) No report

m)Scholarship: (Heiman, Interim) One inquiry; no applications.

Scholarship money can be used for National Certified School Nurse by the National Board for Certification of School Nurses. See the web page for the application. One person asked about non-member scholarships. Scholarship applications are due in the summer.

n) Special Education: (Lowe/ Yackley)

Meeting Dates for 2014/2015 School Year

The Special Education Committee is scheduled to meet on the following dates for the 14/15 school year:

October 29, 2014 / 3:30
December 3, 2014 / 3:30
January 21, 2015 / 3:30
February 25. 2015 / 3:30
March 25, 2015 / 3:30
May 27, 2015 / 3:30

Special Education CommitteeMembers include:

Mary Tomes, Jill Stewart, Ann Fate, Janet Lowe (Chair), Jennifer Nordstrand, RuthEllen Luehr and Joan Asmus. Also inviting Dona Haines 320-905-3766 from Wilmar.

The committee has been having meeting via telephone conferencing which has assisted some members in attending. 651-744-8472 Phone Conference Number. Please let us know if you hear of anyone interested in the special education committee.

Goals of the Special Education Committee:

  • Professional development for all Minnesota school nurses related to the school nurse's role in the special education process
  • Partnering with other agencies and facilities to expand professional development available to nurses

The Special Education Committee Goals are in alignment with SNOM’s Goal #1: Elevate the quality and practice of school nursing through research, education, and advocacy.

Topics for 2014 - 2015 School Year

Topics – Seizures, 504, administration, communicating with other agencies, cross disciplinary work, social workers, Communication, mental health, topics from Children’s (rounds), website;

One other consideration – MN Special Health Care Needs – ADHD; OHD/504; current trends;

MDE will reserve Conference Center B Wednesday April 22 and Thursday April 23, 2015. Probably on Thursday, with the Third Party Billing workshop.

Thank you Committee members for being part of the Special Education Committee and thank you for all your work on the Autism School Nursing Forum. You are advancing the practice of school nursing in Minnesota.

o)Strategic Plan: (Heiman, Past President) No report January 2015 meeting TBA

Agency Representatives:

Action for Healthy Kids Minnesota Steering Committee (Setterstrom)

Action for Healthy Kids is a public-private partnership of more than 50 organizations dedicated to promoting school health. Check out their website for information, resources and grant opportunities. Sign up for Action for Healthy Kids at Check out the Minnesota section and Like their Facebook page.

Specific Details and information:

  1. Healthy Schools Conference will be held November 12, 2014at the Sheraton Minneapolis West. Registration remains open.
  2. is the conference website and look here for further details. Application to be a presenter is available there.

MDE (Minnesota Department of Education) (Luehr) No report

Ebola- much discussion about this; MDE has sent information to Superintendents. RuthEllen shared that School Nurses have been involved and that plans are being rolled out. This is a severe but rare communicable disease and existing public health procedures are in place. A phone conference will be held this week (TBD). Lead nurses, Epidemiologists and Public Health contact information will be used to develop a contact list for updates. Dr Ehlinger of MDH released new plans today, outlining a tiered approach including exclusions from public transportation and mass transit, and Public Health management on a case-by-case basis whenever a child is involved. This has the potential to affect schools.

Third Party Billing meeting for new coordinators is being held tomorrow; the new manual is online. may be posted on the Sharelink also. The manual’s language has been updated. ICD-10 Codes are being updated. It will be helpful to ask for ICD-10 codes when getting medication orders or other forms- it is required to have this as of October 1, 2015. It will be important to attend the TPB workshop this.

MDH (Minnesota Department of Health) (Smoot)

MNSIC (Minnesota State Interagency Coordination) (Stewart)

The Strategic Interagency Committee met on September 10, 2014 at MDE.