SNMMI-TS Membership Committee
December 6, 2016
Members in attendance: Dmitry Beyder, MPA, CNMT, (Chair), Kasha Balestrieri, CNMT , Norman Bolus, MSPH, CNMT, FSNMMI-TS, Edward Melvin, CNMT, Margaret Doonan, MS, CNMT, MBA, Leesa Ann Ross, CNMT, PET, RT(N)(CT), Jody Leopardi, CNMT
Members not in attendance: Crystal Botkin, MPH, CNMT, PET, Anthony Knight, MBA, CNMT, RT(N), NCT, FSNMMI-TS, Charlie Flores, CNMT, Vasken Dilsizian, MD, Loukisha Collins, CNMT, Sara Vandehey, CNMT, RT(N)(CT), Mark Crosthwaite, CNMT, PET, FSNMMI-TS
Staff: Joanna Spahr, Kaitlin Solomon
Welcome and Call to Order, Dmitry Beyder, MPA, CNMT, Chair
Dmitry Beyder, MPA, CNMT, Chair called the meeting to order at 4:35pm and a quorum was not established.
Approval of Minutes
Due to the lack of a quorum the minutes from the June, 10, 2016 meeting and the August 30, 2016 conference call could not be approved.
Work Plan – Status Update
The committee reached out to 27 program directors that have lapsed or never been members of SNMMI.
Key motivations for Program Directors not joining were:
· Too expensive
· Employer paid for association membership other than SNMMI (Ex. ASRT) so saw little reason for paying for another membership out of pocket
· Complaints about SNMMI member services when trying to renew or get answers to questions
Program Director pain-points:
· Feeling that the in-training membership application process is not user friendly and difficult for students to get their free membership.
· SNMMI is trying to spread the word about the digital process, but it appears Program Directors prefer to send in a list. This was originally streamlined to make it easier on the back-end, as manually entering student lists is very time consuming for staff.
· Program Directors want confirmation when in-training membership has been approved
Action Item: Staff to re-evaluate the process and consider streamlining the in-training application process.
Action item: Staff to send list of program directors that have yet to submit their students to the committee for follow-up.
Incentives for Program Participation
Digital recognition: Promote participating programs on the SNMMI website as proud partners of in-training membership or list as endorsing SNMMI membership for their students
Action item: Staff to update the membership/student section of the website to list programs that have submitted students. Supporter of in-training program.
Multi-year dues resolution
Joanna updated the committee on the draft resolution on multi-year dues. It is currently in the process of being drafted as it is more complicated since there are discounts involved. Joanna is working with the CFO to look at different scenarios to avoid a significant loss in revenue.
Recruitment Update
Kait updated the committee on the latest recruitment results with 48% to YE goal of 670 new tech members. Campaign results are as follows:
1. Targeted those around quarterly webinars
a. 3 conversions
2. Last 2 weeks in December did an incentive campaign offering access to a Virtual Meeting Highlights Bundle
a. 50 of the 73 new members came from targeted lists
b. Following up with a direct mail campaign to get people to join by the end of 2016
3. Upcoming:
a. December graduates
b. Quarterly lists (NMTCB)
c. Quarterly webinars
d. Abstract Submitters
e. Corresponding Country referrals
In an effort to increase retention Kait also asked the committee for feedback and testimonial to be used in upcoming campaigns.
Membership Update
Joanna Spahr updated the committee on the latest membership numbers. As of November 29, 2016, there are 5,983 Technologist members compared to 6,179 this time last year. This includes 169 students that transitioned from the free trial program and 95 transition members that have upgraded. Also, as of November 29, 2016 there are 668 free trial students. Applications are still coming in and staff is working with Program Directors to get them set up.
Joanna also identified possible revisions to the Fellows application. She will add them to the next agenda for discussion.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20pm.