TEACHER: Mr. P. KimScience (Academic) 1D1ROOM: 161

Textbook:NELSON – Science 9: (Plumb, D. et. al; Nelson – Thomson Learning, 1999)


Unit 1Atoms & Elements

atomic structure, organization of the periodic table, physical and chemical properties, elements & compounds

Unit 2Characteristics of Electricity

models of static and current electricity, basic electrical circuits, current, potential difference, and resistance

Unit 3Reproduction

cell structure and function, cell reproduction, biotechnology

Unit 4Study of the Universe

the formation, evolution, structure and nature of our solar system and the universe as we currently understand it

Final Assessment


70% of a student’s evaluation will be through the unit assessment of, but not exclusive to

Tests(marked as percentages)

Projects / Presentations(levels)

Laboratory Reports (levels)

Problem Solving (levels)

Within each unit, there will be formative activities including


Lab Investigation Activities


The remaining 30% will be reserved for the Final Assessment, which will include a lab component and a written exam.

Level 1 / 50 – 59 % /
  • Shows limited understanding of ideas and applications of skills

Level 2 / 60 – 69 % /
  • Shows some understanding of ideas and applications of skills

Level 3 / 70 – 79 % /
  • Shows considerable understanding of ideas and applications of skills

Level 4 / 80 – 100 % /
  • Shows thorough understanding of ideas and applications of skills


Students are responsible for making arrangements with the teacher regarding any missed quizzes, tests, assignments, labs, etc.

Overall Course Expectations

Chemistry: Atoms and Elements

  • describe various models of the atom, the atomic structure of common elements, and their organization in the periodic table;
  • investigate the physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds and use the periodic table to predict the properties of elements;
  • describe technologies associated with the refinement, use, and recycling of chemical elements and compounds.

Biology: Reproduction

  • describe cell theory, and apply it to processes of cell division, including mitosis, and the function of sexual (including human) and asexual reproductive systems;
  • investigate and analyse cell division and factors affecting cell reproduction;
  • evaluate the implications for social decision making of scientific research and technological developments in reproductive biology

Physics: The Characteristics of Electricity

  • describe and apply models of static and current electricity;
  • design and conduct investigations into electrical circuits found in everyday life and into the quantitative relationships among current, potential difference, and resistance;
  • evaluate the social, economic, and environmental costs and benefits arising from the methods of electrical energy production used in Canada.

Earth and Space Science: The Study of the Universe

  • demonstrate an understanding of how scientific evidence and technological advances support the development of theories about the formation, evolution, structure, and nature of our solar system and the universe;
  • investigate and predict the appearance and motion of visible celestial objects;
  • evaluate how human endeavours and interest in space have contributed to our understanding of outer space, the Earth, and living things, and describe Canadian contributions to space exploration.

Specific Course Expectations by strand can be found at
