ANSC 433 Literature Review – Grading Scale



What problem is being discussed? How does it affect society and/or the livestock industry? (5)

-Describe in detail the pollutant/toxin you will be discussing

-Identify the physiological problem being caused by the pollutant/toxin

-Explain the overall impact and frequency of occurrence of the problem

-This should be ½ to ¾ page in length and you should write it as if you were writing a grant proposal, trying to convince the reviewers to fund your project

Points Earned ______


Discussion of the research already completed on the topic. (4)

-There must be studies cited that include data showing the various effects induced by the pollutant

-This should be combined with the physiological effects of the pollutant/toxin

Points Earned ______

What physiologic principles are involved? (4)

-Provide a detailed explanation of how the pollutant/toxin works within the body to elicit its effect

-Take into consideration all tissues and hormones involved or affected

-Include specific cell types involved within the organ(s)

Points Earned ______

Is there a solution to counteract the effects of the pollutant or treatment for the problem(s) it induces? (2)

-Research competing products and consider their efficiency, method of use, cost, etc. for products or treatments that can help negate the effects of the pollutant/toxin

-If there are not any treatments, discuss the lack of these and the implications it has

Points Earned ______

Summary of the Review:

Concluding thoughts: (2)

-If there is lack of data, discuss this and consider further studies that should be performed to further evaluate the topic

-Make sure that your assignment has a conclusion summarizing your review

-Write everything in your own words = paraphrase!

Points Earned ______

Experimental Design

Hypothesis Statement (1)

-What results do you expect from your study?

Points Earned ______

Experiment Timeline (1)

-Explain when (before/during/after) gestation each treatment, surgery, collection, etc. will occur.

Points Earned ______

Materials and Methods (2)

-What animal (species and/or breed) will you be using for the project?

-How many animals will be used? Include how many per treatment and controls.

-Explain how you will eliminate excess variables. You only want to test one variable (the pollutant/toxin being tested).

-Discuss how your control animals will be handled and maintained to ensure a true control population.

-List what tissues, blood, samples, etc. will be collected and what you want to test on these samples.

Points Earned ______

Vehicle Delivery Method (1)

-How will your animals receive the pollutant/toxin?

Points Earned ______


References (5)

-Total number of references should be reflective of the data available on the topic

-Must include at least5 references from a peer-reviewed scientific journal

-Citations must be embedded within the text (see Assignment Guidelines for examples)

Points Earned ______

Spelling/Grammar (2)

-Papers should have very minimal errors and appropriate style

Points Earned ______

Length/Format (1)

-2 to 4 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins

Points Earned ______


Points will be deducted from your final project grade for any portion of the assignment turned in past the assigned due dates. Assignments will receive a 0 if not submitted to

Points Deducted______

Final Points______