SNA of Mass. Volunteer Opportunities

Exhibits / Professional Development
Exhibit Chair
·  Serve on the SNA of Mass. Board
·  Work with the Industry Council
·  Set up show floor with association management
·  Head up the Onsite Volunteers and Ambassador task force
Onsite Volunteer Tasks
·  Put SNA signage on booths
Exhibitor registration
·  Morning Registration Desk
·  Registration for Show Attendees Only
·  Collect signs after the show
Ambassador Task Force
·  Serve as SNA contact for 4-5 industry members
·  Do phone/email outreach 3x year / Professional Development Chair
·  Serve on the SNA of Mass. Board
·  Facilitate Committee Meetings
·  Coordinate onsite volunteers for state conferences
Committee Member Tasks
·  Identify topics and education sessions for the state conferences
·  Develop a conference session: reach out to potential speakers, secure speakers, get speaker bios and AV needs
·  Draft session blurb for conference brochure
·  Onsite tasks for state conferences include facilitating sessions and working the registration desk
·  Meet 2x/year in person and 2x year conference calls
Industry Council / Nutrition/Legislative
Industry Council Chair
·  Serve on the SNA of Mass. Board
·  Work with the Exhibits Committee
·  Facilitate Committee Meetings
·  Represent SNA of Mass. on the USDA advisory board
Committee Member Tasks
·  Develop exhibit opportunities for vendors
·  Explore Revenue Opportunities for SNA of Mass.
·  Promote membership to Mass. school districts
·  Develop and review marketing and sales strategies
·  Meet 2x/year in person and 2x year conference calls / Nutrition/Legislative Chair
·  Serve on the SNA of Mass. Board
·  Facilitate Committee Meetings
·  Represent SNA of Mass. on the USDA advisory board
·  Attend and coordinate SNA of Mass. at the Legislative Action Conference in DC (LAC)
·  Attend and coordinate SNA of Mass. legislative breakfast at the state house
Committee Member Tasks
·  Newsletter Articles
Identify topics and submit articles for the SNA of Mass. newsletter, website and contributed columns for MASBO
·  Legislative Action Conference
o  Oversee the LAC grant application process
o  Set up Congressional meetings for LAC attendees
o  Coordinate SNA of Mass. at LAC; keep attendees informed, prepare legislative packets/gifts
·  State Legislative Breakfast
o  Support as needed
Membership/Public Relations / Chapters
Membership/Public Relations Chair
·  Serve on the SNA of Mass. Board
·  Facilitate Committee Meetings
·  Oversee Social Media; face book and twitter
·  Work with Delegates and Delegates-elect to keep membership data current
Committee Member Tasks
Super Lunch Hero
·  Review past materials, make any changes to text
·  Publicize program for applications, and later the winner on website, email blasts, etc.
Coordinate nominations; copy packets for distribution to membership committee for review
·  January & February work with membership chair to promote applications (due April 1)
·  Review and award applications and
·  January & February work with membership chair to promote applications (due March 1)
Review nominations and make recommendations to the executive committee
Represent SNA of Mass. at various industry events; MASBO – Feb., MASS –July, MASC – Nov. / Delegates (D) and Delegates-elect (DE)
·  Serve on the SNA of Mass. Board
·  Work with Ds and DEs to develop chapter meetings and educational programing
·  Facilitate Chapter Meetings
·  Serve on the nominating committee
Chapter Meeting Volunteer Tasks
·  Help at chapter meeting registration table
·  Set up raffle table
·  Sell raffle tickets
·  Hand out power points / help speaker if needed
·  Help with phone/email contact to confirm school received flyer and if attending. ( 1 person )
·  Sit with a new member if they are coming alone
·  Host a meeting and act as liaison to vender sponsor
·  Decorator/Runner helps host with setting up for the meeting, making copies, decorating, setting up registration, membership and vendor tables
·  Photographer/Reporter - take photos throughout the meeting and write up a quick blurb to post on the website and publicity.
Director Roundtable Volunteer Tasks
·  Help with gathering information on locations along with menus – cost, and time, days available, etc. for delegate/delegate-elect to follow up with.
·  Help at director registration table and set up if needed.