Smithville High School Homecoming 2014 –– “We’re Going on a Road Trip”

The theme for this year’s homecoming is “We’re Going on a Road Trip”. Hallways, murals, and floats will be decorated with a vacation theme – PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO SHOW YOUR SPIRIT!

Our opponents are the LeBlond Eagles.


  • Big City Monday: Dress in business attire; New York wear; Night on the town
  • Midwest Tuesday: Wear camo, cowboy boots, overalls, etc.
  • On the Beach Wednesday: Hawaiian shirts; swimwear(appropriate for school)
  • Patriotic Thursday: Freshmen – White; Sophomores – Black; Juniors- Red; Seniors – Blue; Faculty – Stars and Stripes
  • Warrior Pride Friday: Dress like a Warrior- Wear Green, White, or Black

Homecoming Kick-Off: We are trying something new this year- on Monday morning, September 22, we will be having a Breakfast tailgate. OPAA is helping with the food – cost for breakfast is $2.00 – will be held out front in the grassy area beginning at 6:30am or inside if it’s raining.

CLASS & CLUB COMPETITIONS – September 21 – September 28

  • Fence Decorations: Each class will be responsible for decorating a fence in the NE section of the stadium to match the Homecoming Theme. All decorations will be done on Sunday, September 21 from 12 pm – 5 pm. All students in all grades should plan to participate. Please see your class sponsor for details.

(100-1st/74-2nd/50-3rd/25-4th points)

  • Murals: Murals should be completed by Sunday evening, September 21st so that they can be viewed all week in front of the school during Homecoming Week. Please see your class sponsor for details.

(100/75/50/25 points)

  • Floats: Please fill out a parade entry form if your group or organization is interested in being in the parade. There is a link on the school web page under Homecoming. Please email me completed forms or place in my mailbox.
  • Morning Assemblies: Monday through Thursday during Homecoming Week there will be a class competition held in the gym each morning. Students will report to the gym at 7:30 am with the daily competition to be held at 7:35 am and completed by 7:50 am. Each day the competition will be different. Points will be awarded daily. (100/75/50/25 points)
  • Spirit Week: Tallies will be taken daily during Spirit Week. A Google document will be created for teachers to input during 2nd block each day. (50/40/30/20 points)
  • Tuesday Night Activity: Points will be earned based upon what class wins the Tuesday Night Activity- Dodge ball. (100/75/50/25/10 points) – BOYS; (100/75/50/25/10 points) – GIRLS
  • Throughout the week competition points will be tallied and displayed in the commons area. (Winner announced at Pep Rally)
  • Beautiful Eyes Competition: There will be a competition to determine which member of our student body has the most beautiful eyes. Voting will take place during Homecoming week during lunch. (Award at Pep Rally)

TUESDAY NIGHT ACTIVITY – September 23RD: The Tuesday night activity will be held on September 23rd beginning at 6:30 pm. A Dodgeball Tournament (boys vs. boys & girls vs. girls) will be held in the High School Gym. Teams can have up to 8 members – six play and 2 substitutes. There is a minimum of six players. The cost to register a team is $20, $30. Or $40 – depending on when teams register. Teams should wear a common uniform. Music and an announcer will be provided – with a special half-time performance planned. Forms are located outside of Mrs. Williams’ room. There is a cost of $5 to watch the tournament. Proceeds go to Missouri Special Olympics.

HOMECOMING PARADE, PEP RALLY & FOOTBALL GAME - Friday, September 26th: Students will be released at 12:05 for the parade. All cars must be cleared from the high school parking lot. If you need to leave your car, park on the grass between the high school and central office. Organizations and Clubs participating in the parade need to be in the High School parking lot no sooner than 1:15 for line-up. The parade will start at 2:00 pm and end up in the downtown courtyard for the Pep Rally. Please note – candy should be passed out by the float representatives walking next to their float. Please do not throw any candy.

At the Pep Rally the following groups will perform: Cheer, Pom, and Guard. Also, the Homecoming King winner will be announced as well as float winners, the class competition results and the Beautiful Eyes winner.

Please Plan to attend the football game on Friday evening at 7:00 pm. The Homecoming Queen winner will be announced during half time.

HOMECOMING T-SHIRTS: If you would like to purchase a t-shirt, contact or visit The Warrior Shop at 113 E. Main Street at 532-3838.

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Student Council will help to decorate the commons area in the Upper and Primary Elementary schools with our Homecoming Theme. A large map will be placed in the Commons Area for everyone to “Pin” their favorite vacation spot.

HOMECOMING DANCE DECORATING – Saturday, September 27: All STUCO members are expected to help decorate the morning of the dance, Saturday, September 27TH. Decorating begins at 9am.

HOMECOMING DANCE – Saturday, September 27: The Homecoming Dance will be held in the Smithville High School gym and starts at 8:00 pm and ends at midnight. The cost is $10 per individual. If you plan to bring someone to the dance that does not attend Smithville High School, you must fill out a visitor permission form. They are due at Smithville High School by September 24th at 3:00 pm – no exceptions. TKO from St. Louis will be the DJ for the dance – popular DJ used at Student Council events around the state.

HOMECOMING CLEAN-UP – Sunday, September 28

Clean up for the gym at the High School and fences will begin at 10:00 am. All class sponsors are asked to be at the school to help out – it’s important that we keep as many of the cups from fence decorating as possible, for use again next year.

If you have any questions, please contact any STUCO Executive Board member: Chris Rick, Emily Schuetz, Megan Krueger, or Trent Williams