Version: 6/2016

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County
AWSMP Stream Management ImplementationProgram Fund

SMIP Local Flood Analysis Planning Application

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County in partnership with the Ulster County Soil and Water Conservation District and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection is soliciting applications for Local Flood Analysis (LFA) projects in eligible population centers of the Ashokan Reservoir Watershed.

Local Flood Analysis is a new category of funding within the existing Stream Management Implementation Program (SMIP)Fund to support projects led by municipalitiesto:

  • Reduceinundation of public and private infrastructure associated with high flows within population centers;
  • Develop and analyze the potential of specific projects, and projects in combination, to mitigate these flood damages and hazards;
  • Provide planning assistance to characterize the relative costs and benefits of technically effective projects; and
  • Assist communities in determining the social feasibility of projects that are shown to be both technically and cost- effective.

Projects must be located within the LFA-eligible population centers listed below:

Town of Olive: West Shokan, Boiceville, Ashokan
Town of Shandaken: Big Indian, Shandaken/Allaben, Pine Hill, Chichester,
Phoenicia, and Mount Tremper
Town of Hurley: Glenford

LFA analysis and planning will complement past planning, such as Town Flood Mitigation Plans, NY Rising Community Reconstruction Plans, and the County All Hazards Mitigation Plan, by further defining future projects and prioritizing between projects. Upon completion of the LFA’s engineering analysis and feasibility study, the Towns may seek funding for design and construction of priority projects.The Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program (AWSMP) will provide technical, administrative, coordination, and outreach support to the LFA effort.

Application Deadline:Funding is available on a rolling basis until LFAs have been completed for all eligible population centers or until July 31, 2017. All applications must be received by 4:30pm, July 31, 2017.Proposals received after this proposal due date and time will not be funded.

Funding Available: The AWSMP reserves the right to not fund projects that exceed available funds, or that do not comply with program rules (see LFA Program Rules below).

Maximum Grant Request:Towns are encouraged to obtain cost estimates for completion of LFA before applying for funding. AWSMP estimates costs to complete all LFAs under this RFA are:

Town / Hamlets / Estimated Award
Olive / West Shokan, Boiceville, Ashokan / $120,000
Shandaken* / Big Indian, Shandaken/Allaben, Pine Hill, Chichester,
Phoenicia, and Mount Tremper / $110,000
Hurley / Glenford / $20,000

* Shandaken previously received $72,000 for work toward completion of LFA in Phoenicia and Mt. Tremper.

Eligible Applicants:Town governments are eligible to apply for LFA funding provided they meet the following criteria:

  • The Town has adopted, by resolution, its respective stream management plan, and entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ulster County Soil & Water Conservation District(SWCD) and Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Ulster County to collaborate and seek the County’s guidance on stream management issues;
  • The Town has designated a “flood advisory committee” or equivalent official representative body of the municipality to oversee the process of the LFA with the consultant;and
  • The Town has or agrees to use the LFA Scope of Services to select a proposal and secure a qualified consultant for which they request funding, or will officially authorize the SWCD/CCE to do so on its behalf. A copy of the template LFA Scope of Services can be obtained from the AWSMP contact person listed below.

Eligible Use of Funds:Requested funds may be used for expenses directly related to the proposed project, including wages and consultant fees. Applicants must be able to meet CCE liability insurance requirements to directly receive funds. Contact Leslie Zucker at r (845) 688-3047, Ext. 2 if you have questions about insurance requirements.

Schedule:The anticipated term of the grant award is12 months. The AWSMP and its Stakeholder Council will strive to complete review and approval of LFA applications within one month of receipt.

Reporting Requirements: The grantee will provide CCE Ulster County with:

  • Documentation of expenditure of the funds as required by DEP.
  • Progress reports submitted with invoices and a final report to the Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program.
  • Data and other final deliverables in electronic format.

CCE Ulster County reserves the right to require additional documentation.

Proposal Submission Instructions:For an electronic version of the application go to:

One (1) hard copy and one (1) electronic copy should be sent to: Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program, Attn: Leslie Zucker, PO Box 667, Shokan, NY 12481 and .

AWSMP Contact Person for More Information:

Leslie Zucker, Program Coordinator

Ashokan Watershed Stream Management Program

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Ulster County

(845) 688-3047, Ext. 2

All organizations receiving grant funds from the AWSMP must be able to certify that they do not discriminate based upon race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation with respect to employment or programming.

Checklist of Documents:


Cover Letter - indicating municipal or institutional support for the project

Other Letters of Support (if applicable)

Section 1: Applicant Information/Signature Page

Section 2: Information about the Grant Project

Section 3: Project Description MUST INCLUDE:

  • Project location – attach map or site sketch/photos if needed;
  • Project team and qualifications;
  • Relevance to flood mitigation and stream/floodplain management priorities within the townand population center – reference local flood mitigation plans, stream management plans, or municipalneeds and objectives;
  • The specific planned use of AWSMP funds and how AWSMP funding will relate to other funding for the project;
  • Specific planned outcomes and deliverables; and
  • Project timeline.

Section 4: Project Budget

Section 5: AWSMP Budget Narrative

Section 1: Applicant Information/Signature Page

Applicant organization:
Type of organization: / 501(c)3 Government Agency School College/University
Contact person:

I certify that the information provided in this application is true:

Signature of Authorized Representative:

Name, Title:



Section 2: Information about the Grant Project

Proposal title:
Total cost of project:
Expected start and end date of project:

Section 3: Project Description

Include the following information: (1) Project location; (2) Project team and qualifications; (3) Relevance to flood mitigation and stream/floodplain management in the Ashokan watershed – reference existing plans or Town needs and objectives; (4) The specific planned use of AWSMP funds and how AWSMP funding will relate to other funding for this project; (5) Specific planned outcomes and deliverables,and (6) Project timeline.

Section 4: Project Budget

AWSMP Funds / Matching Grant / Other In-Kind / Total
Supplies/Non-Capitalized Equipment
Total Direct Costs
Indirect [1]
[1] The percentage of indirect charged to AWSMP cannot exceed the percentage of indirect charged to a primary matching grant. For example, if 10% of the total direct program costs are charged for indirect expenses in the primary grant, the amount requested for indirect expenses from AWSMP cannot exceed 10% of the amount requested for direct program costs in the AWSMP request. All requests for indirect expenses must include information about how indirect costs are calculated by the organization.

Section 5: AWSMP Budget Narrative

Explain how the AWSMP funds will be used, including your assumptions in the budget.

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