The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting for the Electorate of the Parish at 7.15 pm on Tuesday 21st March 2017 in the Village Hall, Smeeton Westerby
Councillors present:
Cllr. Michael Vickers (Chair)
Cllr. Anna Young
Cllr. David Brierley
Cllr. Michael Coltman
Cllr. Richard Clarke
Also in attendance: Frances Webster (Clerk) and Janet Lord (Village Hall Committee).
1.Apologies for absence
None received
2.Approval of the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on 17th March 2016.
It was resolved to approve the minutes without amendment, proposed by Cllr. Young and seconded by Janet Lord.The minutes were signed by the Chair.
3.Annual Report from the Chair of the Council
Cllr. Vickers submitted his annual report to the Council at appendix 1.
4.Annual Report from the Village Hall Committee
Janet Lord, Chair of the Village Hall Committee, spoke to the Council about funding received from the Big Lottery Awards for All fund and the renovation work now completed on the Village Hall. Painting has been undertaken by volunteers and new chairs purchased with the savings made. Funds are still required for blinds, crockery, and sealing works to the floor and a baby changing unit.
A mutually beneficial legal arrangement has been made with the neighbouring property owner over the use of a small parcel of land to the rear of the Village Hall. This has been ratified by a solicitor.
She confirmed that the minutes from the annual meeting of the Village Hall Committee, Risk Assessment and Report have been circulated to all Councillors. The Council congratulated the Committee on the works completed to date.
5.Finance Report
The Clerk submitted the annual report to the Council at appendix 2.
6.Date of next meeting
It was agreed that the next Annual Meeting of the Parish Council would be in March 2018.
7.Other Business
Janet Lord asked Councillors whether anything could be done to alleviate the traffic dangers faced by dog walkers crossing the road on the bend by Debdale Lane. Councillors confirmed that the 72 signatures are required for the Community Speedwatch Initiative and that the pledge document could be circulated at the Village Hall quiz event this Saturday evening.
Meeting Closed
An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council was then held on Tuesday 21st March 2017 at 7.15pm in Christ Church, Smeeton Westerby.
Public Participation Session– no public present.
- Apologies
None received.
- Declarations of Interest
No interests declared.
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16thJanuary 2017
It was resolved to approve the minutes without amendment, proposed by Cllr. Brierleyand seconded by Cllr. Young. The minutes were signed by the Chair.
- Resolution to approve a parish precept briefing drafted by the Clerk for publication on the parish council noticeboard and website.
Councillors reviewed the precept briefing prepared by the Clerk and, in line with LRALC advice that a pro-active approach be taken, approved this for publication. This was proposed by Cllr. Clarke and seconded by Cllr. Vickers.
- Traffic calming issues and data received from Vehicle Activated Sign.
Cllr. Brierley confirmed that the sign is in use for the second time and is now situated on a column on Saddington Road. Data will be downloaded next week before the sign is returned to Fleckney Parish Council.
Planning Matters:
17/00186/FUL: 1 Westerby Lane
Councillors discussed the application and it was agreed that no comments would be submitted.
Finance and Administration
- To agree a collective response to Leicestershire County Council’s proposals for Asset Management.
Councillors discussed the draft proposals and agreed a collective response for submission to the County Council.
- To approve the appointment of James Ireland as Internal Auditor for 2016-17 and the internal audit fee.
It was proposed by Cllr. Coltman and seconded by Cllr. Clarke to submit the internal audit to James Ireland of Ireland & Co. and approve the internal audit fee for 2017 of£250.
- Schedule of Payments for approval.
It was proposed by Cllr. Vickers and seconded by Cllr. Young to approve the accounts and invoices for payment:
F Webster, March salary: £133.81
F Webster, April salary: £133.81
HMRC Income Tax: £100.40
Autela Payroll: £30.00
4Counties, December mowing: £15.60
LRALC Councillor Training: £35.00
LRALC Councillor Training: £35.00
- Complaint received about damage to boundary hedge at allotments
Councillors noted the complaint received and that a response has been sent to the allotment holder apologising for the damage and confirming that the intent was to make safe the boundary hedge and footpath.
It was noted that the additional section of hedge within the allotments will in future be dealt with as part of the annual boundary hedge works.
- Consideration of request for funding received from the Village Hall
Councillors noted the reserves being held by the Village Hall Committee and the current restrictions on the Council’s existing finances. It was agreed not to donate further funds to the Village Hall improvement works as all funds are accounted for in the next financial year.
- Approval of Village Hall Committee plans to issue a licence of part of the land to the rear of the Village Hall.
Councillors confirmed their approval of this licence (as previously discussed above at minute 4 of the Annual Parish Meeting for the Electorate).
- Feedback on LRALC Councillor training
Cllr. Clarke confirmed that the LRALC training was excellent and informative.
- Allotment fees
The Clerk reported that all allotment fees have now been received. Councillors briefly discussed raising the allotment fees but noted that as there is no waiting list the fees would remain unchanged until 2018.
- NALC Salary Scale Adjustments
It was proposed by Cllr. Coltman and seconded by Cllr. Brierley to approve the NALC recommended salary scale increments from 1st April 2017.
- Contractual Salary Scale Adjustments
It was proposed by Cllr. Coltman and seconded by Cllr. Brierley to approve thecontractual annual salary increment to SCP 20 from 1st April 2017 and a further contractual increment to SCP 21 to reflect successful completion of the Certificate in Local Council Administration from 1st April 2017.
- Clerk claim for overtime
The Clerk confirmed an additional two hours had been spent researching and preparing the precept briefing. It was proposed by Cllr. Coltman and seconded by Cllr. Brierley to award this overtime payment.
- Clerk’s leave.
The Clerk confirmed that she would be on holiday in the last week in April so the agenda will be published a week early. The Clerk also confirmed that she is expecting a baby in July 2017 and arrangements for cover would be agreed over the coming months.
- Any Other Business
Cllr. Brierley suggested the Council purchase a roof rack to transport the ladders needed to install the Vehicle Activated Sign. It was agreed to consider quotations and discuss this further at the next meeting.
Cllr. Young noted that the public footpath A93 and Z90 are overgrown and muddy. Both require attention and maintenance.
Cllr. Vickers noted an issue with dog fouling to be discussed further at the next meeting.
- Date and time of next meeting.
It was agreed that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council would take place on Wednesday 10th May 2017.
The Chair closed the meeting at 20.42.