SME Post-Internship Survey

Industry Canada is asking you to take a few minutes to complete this survey. This survey is important to us as it helps us measure the benefits of the Small Business Internship Program. Thank you for forwardingthis survey to the organization that delivers SBIP along with your Final Report and Final Claim.


The name of your Company is: / E-mail and/or telephone number:

Benefits of the Small Business Internship Program for your firm.

  1. Did the project, completed with the assistance of the student-intern, result in any of the following or do you expect this to occur in the future?

__Support E-business/Information and communications technologies marketing and market research for the firm

__Improve client/customer support for the firm using E-business/Information and communications technologies

__Enhance productivity of the firm using E-business/Information and communications technologies

__Enhance visibility of the firm using E-business/Information and communications technologies

__Other (please specify) ______

  1. Specifically, have these benefits been attained because of your SBIP project?

Yes / No / Too early to tell
Increased sales
Cost savings
Increased production
Increased client satisfaction
New clients
Ability to reach customers through new channels
Improved operations
Skills gained by you or your employee(s)
  1. Have there been other benefits to date to your firm of the intern and/or the SBIP project?


  1. What was your degree of difficulty in finding a student-intern for your project?

Fairly easy __ Somewhat easy__ Difficult __

Where did you find the student-intern?(Check all that apply)

__ With the help of the organization that processed my application

__ Through word-of-mouth

__ Through educational institution

__ Through on-line posting

__ Other (please specify) ______

  1. About the SBIP application process, how long approximately did it take to complete the application form?

Less than 30 minutes___

Between 30 minutes and one hour___

More than one hour___

Your comments are important to us. If you provide us with a quote, please note that we may use it for our promotional products and our website. If you do not wish to be quoted, please indicate.


Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

If you would like to talk to Industry Canada about your experience with the Small Business Internship Program, please call 1-855-641-3923.