Energy Resource Economics
Questions for Jamie
- Clean Coalition asked if in the process for filing comments, is there a procedure to follow
- Yes, but step 1 is to be a party to the Rule 21 proceeding. Then you can file comments in the rulemaking and advice letter process
- Schedule for phase 1?
- Don't know exactly what the tariffs will look like
- Once the tariffs are filed with the Rule 21 changes that enable autonomous inverter capabilities, submit a resolution, and when the resolution is approved, it will go forward.
- 18 months after whatever process is used
- Will phase 2 or 3 results be available before 18 month period?
- When phase 2, hopefully it will be given to the commission in maybe December (schedule to be discussed this meeting)
- No reason phase 2 completion has to wait until phase 1 is done
SIWG Phase 2: Areas of Agreement?
- Frances noted that determining what the data exchanges will be is a big step in letting manufacturers design their systems
- When previously discussing utility-to-facility and utility-to-aggregator, we’ve been talking about market based items
- For other interactions, things are more unclear
- There is a distinction between the information models of 61850 and the information protocols
- The Information model for exchanging data between entities shall be IEC 61850
- Frances would like at least agreement that we will be able to do data exchanges for phase 1 functions
Schedule for Phase 2
- Task 1: Attempting to get document to CPUC by 7/7 so staying at a high level with this discussion
- We can do a deeper dive into the issues once it's submitted
- Parties did not have many comments on the rest of the schedule
- Parties noted that it may be difficult to agree on schedule without knowing what the use cases are
- Frances noted that the point is to get the basics like phase 1 functionality, which is not real time, set up
- As a start, we can say that the use cases are enabling the phase 1 functions
- Frances would at least like to agree on updating and enabling phase 1 functions
- There is more to discuss but this is important for now
- Parties question what needs to be submitted
- Frances said we need to submit the issues and will also submit areas of agreement
- Parties noted that the commission did not ask for all of that
- What is the next step after submitting our list of issues? The CPUC has mentioned a list of tasks but don't we need comments on the issues first?
- Jamie notes that after the list of issues is submitted, another scoping memo will be issued after the 18th to lay out a plan
- We are currently telling them what we are discussing
- There are two documents
- SIWG phase 2 issues (presentation slides)
- Will documents be sent out once more before the 7th
- It is ok if we disagree later on something that we said we agreed upon in the submittal
- We can change our minds. It is just important that we have a process to resolve our issues
- We could have an internal schedule with specific tasks and a more general one to submit to the CPUC
- Number of tasks?
- 2 tasks
- a) Turn this document in and b) finish by Nov or Dec 2014
- Is this adequate or does the CPUC want more details
- Parties are not concerned with the number of tasks in the PowerPoint but about the timeline
- CPUC says that they are flexible dates and that we can try to hold to them or at least use them to measure progress
- Frances suggests using the same dates for tasks 2 and 4
- Utility schedule
- Jamie hopes that the utility proposed schedule goes along with this schedule
- Frances asked what this group can do to help with the development of the IOU use cases.
- Would an occasional review of what utilities are coming up with before submitting it to the group be useful?
- Possibly
- Workshop
- It would be best to plan on getting as much done as possible before the workshop
- The workshop will be an all-day meeting
- CPUC needs 3-month notice to schedule the workshop, and that will begin after this document is submitted. That gives everyone 3 months to determine the schedule
- Frances asked if the group wants to ask the CPUC to set up a meeting in October or wait until we get a grasp on our progress
- Parties would like to aim for late October
Moving forward
- Frances suggested taking three slides from the powerpoint (schedule, areas of agreement, resolution items) and putting those into the document
- Parties did not have any more suggestions about what should go in the document