PTFA Meeting

Held on Wednesday 7th March 2012 at 7.00 pm

1. Present

Jayne Aldred (Joint Chair), Rachel Bacon (Joint Chair), Lynne Hand (Secretary), Julia Goodliffe (Treasurer), Sue McCormick, Fiona Lambourn, Caroline Trivett, Suzanne Pancisi, Diane Evans, Lisa Shaw, Matt Crawford, Sarah Armitage (Smalley Lawn Tennis Club), Helen Evans (Smalley Lawn Tennis Club), Helen Rastall (Smalley Lawn Tennis Club).

2. Apologies

Michelle Eley, Claire Whitfield, Heather Buckley, Brigitte Barnes, Lorna Taylor, Diane Watson, Michelle Hicklin, Jodie Slater, Annette Meek, Rachel Watson, Clare Cox, Danielle Barnes.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

These were accepted as a true record.

4. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes


5. Correspondence

None reported.

6. Treasurer’s Report/Update

The Treasurer advised that there had been a relatively small amount of expenditure since the last meeting, however, a number of larger commitments are currently pending payment.

Once these have been paid, approximately £1,300 will be available for allocation.

Mr Crawford confirmed that KS1 Reading Books had been ordered – the school had been able to take advantage of a Government match funding scheme for these books which had doubled the funds available. The KS2 Reading Scheme is in the process of being ordered and the Greenhouse and Gardening Equipment will be ordered shortly. Easi Speak Voice Recorders and Maths Resources have already been delivered.

7. Fund Raising

Summer Fayre

Three representatives from Smalley Lawn Tennis Club attended the meeting. There was a discussion regarding the Tennis Club taking part in this year’s Summer Fayre – a suggestion for the Club to run sporting competitions and races on the field was tabled. It was agreed that this should go ahead and that the Tennis Club would also have a stand to promote its facilities to potential new members, particularly children.

There was a further discussion regarding potential grant funding for the Fayre – Community Action Grants and sports based grants were suggested. However, due to the short timescales involved, it was noted that it may be difficult to submit applications in time. As the “Let’s Celebrate” theme ties in with the celebrations being led by Smalley Church, it was agreed that a potential donation from the Church could be followed up.

It was agreed that PTFA stalls would be located on the lower playground, with a focus on those stalls which have been most profitable in the past few years. The following will be offered – Bottle Hoopla, Sweet Tombola, Toy Tombola, Tin Can Alley, Hook A Duck, Lucky Dip, Picture Board, Face Painting, Balloons & Bubbles, Nails & Tattoos. Opportunities for external stallholders, eg Vie at Home, Usborne Books, will be considered.

The usual raffle, barbecue, ice creams and refreshments will be available. Jayne to contact the DJ regarding hire of a PA system/disco. PTFA will also look into the costs of advertising the event eg banner, posters, flyers etc – Jayne/Lynne to review.

It was suggested that a newsletter should be sent out to advertise the event and to request support

in organising/helping on the day – Lynne to action.

Easter Art Event

This was confirmed for Friday 30th March from 3.15pm onwards. It was agreed that a chocolate tombola should be held, rather than the planned raffle. A letter requesting donations of chocolate eggs will be sent out – Lynne to action. Refreshments and cakes will be on sale.

Bag 2 School Collection

Jayne confirmed that another Bag 2 School collection will take place on Thursday 21st June. This will be advertised in the forthcoming PTFA Newsletter.

8. Allocation of Funds

The following requests were agreed –

(i) Music Trolley (Mrs Mason) – £295

(ii) Keyboard Stand (Mrs Mason) – £25

9. Any Other Business


10. Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 17th April at 7.00 pm.