Small talk-get to know a little about the person you are speaking with if you don’t know them already.
“Bob and Sue, I want to thank you for allowing me to come by today to show you what I’m doing. As you know I started with a financial firm and I’m looking to expand my agency to (XX) licensed agents by the end of the year. You may or may not be interested in what I do, but it’s important that you know what I’m doing because you may know somebody that I can help. Fair enough?” Fair enough.
“Great. Now, just to tell you a little about our firm. (Pull out the blue slick and place it in front of the client for them to read as you begin to explain) I am with World Financial Group. We are a financial services marketing firm. What that means is that we do not own our own products. So we don’t have any ‘World Financial Group’ IRAs or ‘World Financial Group’ life insurance or mutual funds, but we market for some of the best companies to provide financial solutions to our clients. We market products for companies you’ve heard of like (Pull out the black slick and place it in front of the client with the preferred providers up) Prudential…the rock, Pacific Life…you’ve seen the whale jumping out of the water…, Transamerica, Allianz and others. I liken us to the Foot Locker of financial services so to speak. Now Bob, let’s say you needed a new pair of shoes. If you walked into the Nike outlet in Round Rock, what brand of shoe are you walking out with? *WFA* Well, probably a Nike. Yeah, you’re right, probably a Nike. But Bob, if you walked into Foot Locker here at the mall, what brand of show are you going to walk out with? *WFA* Well, it could be any brand of shoe I guess, Nike, Adidas, Reebok. YEAH! It could be any one of those shoes, right? Well, Bob and Sue, that’s how we work. We market products for over 350 different companies to get the best financial solutions to our clients. So what I do is I determine what Bob and Sue need. Then I pick the plan that best suits their needs and pick the best company that offers that plan. Doesn’t that make sense? *WFA* Yeah. Of course it does. What that does is it takes pressure off of me as an agent because I don’t have to convince you that MY product is the best because we can offer the best; but more importantly it takes pressure off of you as the client because you don’t have to wonder if I’m really offering you the best product. As a firm, we can offer just about any product under the financial sun. (Pull out the brown slick and place it in front of the client with the financial solutions facing up) We offer anything from life insurance to college savings plans, long term care, estate planning, and even retirement accounts. As you see, we can even do business 401(k) accounts. In fact, the largest account with our firm is the Southwest Airlines 401(k) account. You’ve heard of them right? *WFA* Yeah, of course. Just a little about that, it took Southwest 3 years to make a decision as to which provider they were going to use. They had companies like Discover, American Express and CitiGroup all vying for their account. But, after three years of research they went with World Financial Group because we could offer exactly what they wanted since we don’t own our own stuff, whereas the other companies could only offer one or two things. Now here’s a pretty cool success story. I actually personally know the guy who set up the account for Southwest. His name is Tim Mullany and he’s out of Dallas. He was a flight attendant for Southwest when he stumbled onto World Financial Group. He knew that Southwest was in need of changing their 401(k). He happened to know the guy that knew the guy that could get in front of the guy that could make the decision. So he set World Financial Group up with that guy and after three years of research they chose to go with our firm. Now today, Tim Mullany, a guy who never made over $40,000 as a flight attendant now makes $50,000 a quarter on that account. Can you imagine? $50,000 every three months?!? That’s CRAZY!! That account is worth over $800M. And that’s just one account. Pretty cool, huh? *WFA* So like I said there are over 350 different companies we work with, (flip the black slick over with the companies facing up) and these are just a few of them. Companies like ING, John Hancock, Jackson National, T. Rowe Price, Fidelity and many many others. Don’t you think with such a selection of companies, that really sets us apart from all the other firms out there that offer their one or two products? *WFA* Yeah, I think so. Great, me too. And last, Aegon (point back to the blue slick) is our parent company. They are a $400B company with a “B”. Just to give you an idea of how big that is, remember the bank bailout? Originally it was somewhere around $700B. Aegon is more than half the size of that. In fact, if you took any three major companies in the US, let’s say McDonalds, Wal-Mart and Coca Cola, and combined their assets, it still wouldn’t reach the magnitude of Aegon. That’s how massive of a company they are. What that says for me as an agent is that when its time to get paid, I know I’m going to get paid, and in fact that’s twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. So let me ask you this, if you were with a company, would you rather be with a small company or a massive company? *WFA* A massive company. Yeah, me too.
So that’s a little about our company. I would like to share with you a little about our concept.” (draw circle below)
This circle represents the income stream of 91% of American’s (write 91% next to circle) whether you make $1000/m (write $1000/m under 91%) or $10000/m (write $10000/m under $1000/m) everyone’s at the same level of broke. Why? Because if you make more money, you…spend more money.

So, you get paid, and immediately half of everything you make goes to living expenses, right? (Draw a line from top to bottom of the circle and right L.E. on one half of the circle). That’s things like gas in the car, food on the table, diapers for the kids, and the electric bill. Then a quarter of your pay you don’t even see. (Draw a line from the center of the vertical line horizontally to the edge of the circle on the side that is not labeled L.E. and write TAX in the spot above the line). That goes to Good Ol’ Uncle Sam in taxes. (Write DEBT in the spot under the TAX). The other portion of your check goes to debt. That’s the mortgage, car payments, credit cards and student loans. (Austin team added: “What is missing from this circle? That’s right, savings. That’s because American’s haven’t been doing a good job of that. But since the financial crisis we have finally realized we need to start saving.”) Then if your extremely lucky, you did something you grandma told you to do and eeeeeeked out just a little for some savings, right? (Draw a sliver line just above or below the horizontal line either in the tax or debt spot.) What do most people do with their savings though? *WFA* They blow it. You’re right. They blow it. They will save up eight or nine thousand dollars and then spend it. For me I might say, “Honey lets go on vacation,” but she says “Let’s buy new furniture”. So as Americans we don’t really build a savings account, we build more of a put and take account, right? You put money in and then you take money out. Well for a hundred years our industry has been harping on us to save more money. Well, where do you think they tell you to save more money from here in this chart? *WFA* Probably from living expenses. Yeah, you’re exactly right. They tell us to take from living expenses. That means if you have two kids playing little league this year, you have to go tell little Johnny he can’t play this year because its little Billy’s turn and you need to save that money you were going to spend. Or, if you like your morning Starbucks, you can’t get that anymore, you have to save that money. Well do you think that has worked for our society? *WFA* No, not really. Of course not, people still aren’t saving any money! Well, our company came along and said basically that what the traditional industry is advising people to do is not working, so why don’t we take a different approach. Instead of telling people not to spend money, why don’t we TEACH people how to eliminate some debt? (Draw a line from the horizontal/vertical intersect half way thru the debt spot). Most Americans have debt; they just don’t have a plan to eliminate debt. What I do is teach my clients how to eliminate that debt. I have a client that had over $50,000 in credit card debt. We set him up with one of the companies we work with and they lowered the amount he has to pay down to about $19000. But more importantly what that did was it took his payments from over $1000/month to around $500/month. Did that open up some room for him every month? *WFA* Yes it did. Yeah, I agree. Next, is we legally TEACH people how to eliminate some taxes. (Draw a line from the horizontal/vertical intersect half way thru the tax spot). Wouldn’t you like to eliminate some taxes? *WFA* Of course! Who wouldn’t, right? Have you ever seen your paystub? Yes. So you know that there is gross pay and net pay, right? Yes. Do you know why they call it gross pay? (Pause for about one second) BECAUSE ITS GROSS TO LOOK AT, ISN’T IT? Wouldn’t you like to have some of that money back in your pocket every month? Of course I would! Yeah, who wouldn’t! Well, I teach people how to do that. It could be getting more back in their paycheck every month or even more at the end of the year in the form or a tax return. Let me just ask you this one question. If I was the government and I said “Bob and Sue, if you give me $100 one time, I will forever more pay for all of your cell phone bill; I’ll pay for your internet; I’ll pay for a portion of your mortgage or rent; I’ll pay for part of your electric and water bills; I’ll pay for a portion of the meals you eat out; and I’ll even pay you 50 cents for every mile you drive.” If that really happened wouldn’t you do that? Of course I would, I would be all over that! Of course! Your cell phone bill alone is over $100 per month in most cases! Well, the government does do something similar to that and I just teach people how to take advantage of that.
So, what we’ve done now is we’ve eliminated some debt, we’ve eliminated some taxes, and now we’ve opened up a bigger room here for some savings, haven’t we? (Shade in the new savings portion of the pie) Now, you have the ability to save more money. We can get some insurance in place (Write INS under savings). We can get some investments going for you (Write INV under INS). And then, what I’m able to do with most of my clients is turn around and put some of that right back in to living expenses. (Draw an arrow for the new shaded area under the circle to L.E.) Now, Bob and Sue, who in America do you know that needs to hear this? (Wait one second and respond) Probably everybody, right? You’re right, everybody needs to hear this. Well, when I started a business I wanted to ensure that everybody needed to hear what I was saying. And what’s a bigger market than EVERYONE IN AMERICA? There isn’t one. So now you see why I’m trying to expand my agency to (XX) agents by the end of the year. Just here in the Greater Killeen, Temple, Cove area there are 180,000 people that need my help, and I can’t do it myself! I’m looking for some honest, ethical people that want to be a part of the crusade of turning spenders into savers! I want to help people stop spending all of their money and save some of it! And I’m looking for good people that want to be a part of that! Now, Bob and Sue, if I could show you a way to eliminate some debt, eliminate some taxes, open up a bigger room for some savings and then possibly turn around and put some back in your living expenses, is that worth 30 minutes of your time? *WFA* Yes that’s worth 30 minutes. Great, well before we leave tonight we will set a time for us to come back and see what we can do to help, and I promise it won’t take more than 30 minutes. Fair enough? Great.

Now like I said before, I wanted to start a business that could affect everyone I met. Have you ever thought about starting a business? *WFA* Yes or no. Well, Robert Kiyosaki, have you hear of him before? *WFA* Well, he wrote a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad. If you don’t remember anything else, remember to get that book and read it. It will change your life. You can get it on for pretty cheap. But he says everyone in America falls into one of four quadrants.

(Draw a plus sign and write E in the top left, an S in the bottom left, a B in the top right and an I in the bottom right.) First is employee. This is 90% of America. Have you ever met anybody that was stone wealthy, meaning he had money and time to do with that money what he wanted? *WFA* No I haven’t. I haven’t either, because there are very few that exist. Why is that? Because as an employee you end up trading your time for money. It has been said that if you don’t have your own goals and dreams you’ll end up working for somebody who does. So what Kiyosaki says is you can’t be an employee and become wealthy, and I’m assuming you want to become wealthy one day, right? Of course I do! (Put and X over the E and draw an arrow from E to S) So, now you usually do the next best thing, and that is to become self-employed. It can sound pretty good because you no longer work for somebody else right? But, after a while you start to realize a few things. First, let’s say I was a real estate agent and somebody called me up at 8 pm and wanted to look at a house. What do you think I’m going to do? You’re going to go show the house. Exactly. Even if I was at home with my family I would have to get up and go show the house because that is how I make my money.