Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1 Release Notes47
Small Business Server2000
with Service Pack 1
Release Notes
Updated June 2003
In addition to the release notes included on Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1 Disc 1, this document contains an Updated Release Notes section providing you with important late-breaking information about Microsoft® Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1. Before installing Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1, please read this entire document. It contains critical information that will help you ensure proper installation and use of the product.
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These materials are provided “as-is,” for informational purposes only.
Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers make any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the content of these materials or the accuracy of any information contained herein, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of implied warranties, the above limitation may not apply to you.
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Updated Release Notes
What’s New in Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1?
Before Installing Small Business Server 2000
Suite Requirements
Server Upgrades
Windows 2000 Components
Small Business Server Setup
SQL Server 2000
ISA Server
Microsoft Exchange Server
Small Business Server
Installing Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1
Windows 2000 Components
Small Business Setup
SQL Server 2000
Microsoft Exchange ServerService Packs
Management Consoles
Server Health and Monitoring
Shared Fax Service
Shared Modem Service
Exchange 2000 Server
Microsoft Connector for POP3 Mailboxes
ISA Server 2000
Client Notes
Uninstalling Applications
Notes for International Versions
Updated Release Notes
The release notes in this section contain additional information that was not available at the time Microsoft® Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1 was released for manufacture.
Upgrade Each Instance of MSDE 2000 to Prevent a Slammer Worm Attack
One or more instances of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) may be running on your Small Business Server computer. Each instance of MSDE 2000 that you are running may be vulnerable to the Slammer worm, and should be upgraded to make the server more secure.
You can protect each instance of MSDE 2000 from the Slammer worm by running the SQL Critical Update Wizard. This wizard is part of the SQL Critical Update Kit, which can be downloaded from the following Microsoft Web site:
For more information about the Slammer worm, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Cannot Connect to MyConsole
When you try to connect to http://servername/MyConsole on a Small Business Server 2000-based network, you may receive a script error message or a blank page on your client computer or server.
To work around this problem
1. Install the Remote Desktop Web Connection software on the Small Business Server 2000 computer.
To obtain this software, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
To connect to the server from a network client, complete the remaining steps from a network client.
2. Click Start, click Run, type http://servername/tsweb, and then click OK.
3. If you are prompted to download and install an ActiveX control, click Yes.
4. On the Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Web Connection screen, type the Small Business Server 2000 internal IP address, NetBIOS name, or fully-qualified DNS name, and then click Connect.
5. Log on to the server with a user name and password.
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 May Not Be Installed Automatically on Client Computers Running Windows 2000 Professional
Client computers running Windows 2000 Professional may not be automatically upgraded to Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 as expected. If you experience this problem, reinstall the Client Deployment component and all client applications.
To reinstall the Client Deployment component and client applications
- Insert Small Business Server with Service Pack 1 Disc 1 into your CD-ROM drive.
- On the Component Selection page of Setup, select the Reinstall action for the Client Deployment component and for all client applications.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete Setup.
- After completing Setup, log off and then log back on to client computers running Windows 2000 Professional.
Upgrade from SQL Server 7.0 May Fail During Small Business Server Setup
When you upgrade from Small Business Server 4.5 to Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1, Microsoft SQL Server™ 7.0 may fail to upgrade successfully while executing the Messages.sql script.
To identify this issue, review the file Sqlstp.log, located in either %SystemRoot%\ or <Drive>:\Winnt\ of the server computer. This file may contain a line that immediately precedes the line that runs Messages.sql, which indicates that the MSSQLServer service has started and that the exit code succeeded. However, the MSSQLServer service has not started.
For example:
scm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQLSERVER -StartupOptions \-T4022 \-T4010 \-m 08:55:27 Process Exit Code: (0)
Later, the Sqlstp.log file may contain lines that resemble the following:
08:55:27 \\ServerName\Progra~1\MSSQLS~1\Msss80\STANDA~1\x86\BINN\osql.exe -S EG-ISDSQLQA-A01 -b -n -d master -o "D:\MSSQL7\install\messages.out" -i "D:\MSSQL7\install\messages.sql" -E
08:55:36 Process Exit Code: (1)
08:56:06 Error running script: messages.sql (1)
... 08:56:06 Installation Failed.
Additionally, the file Messages.out, located at C:\MSSQL7\Install\ may contain the following lines:
[Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
This issue is caused by a race condition that occurs between the startup process of SQL Server, and the process that initiates the Messages.sql script. It is isolated to only the original Release To Manufacturing (RTM) version of SQL Server 2000 and does not apply to any subsequent service pack setup.
To resolve this issue, follow the steps outlined in Knowledge Base article Q300676 at:;EN-US;Q300676
Installing SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a May Fail
Installing SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a to update SQL Server 2000 on a computer running Small Business Server 2000 may result in the following error message:
“Error running script: sp3_serv_uni.sql(1)”
To exit the service pack installer, click OK.
To install SQL 2000 Service Pack 3a after receiving this error, restart your computer and run the service pack installation again.
Unable to Receive a Dynamic IP Address from ISP
On Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1, the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server DHCP Client packet filter prevents an Internet service provider (ISP) from assigning a dynamic IP address to an external network adapter if the network adapter does not have a valid IP address currently assigned to it.
You may encounter this issue in any of the following situations:
· When attempting to enable an external network adapter after installing Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1.
· If a DHCP lease for a network adapter expires without being renewed.
· If a network adapter is switched from a static to a dynamic IP address.
To restore the dynamic IP address from your ISP
- Click Start, point to Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then click Services.
- Right-click Microsoft ISA Server Control, and then click Stop. The Stop Other Services dialog box appears.
- Click Yes to stop the related services (Microsoft Scheduled Cache Content Download service, Microsoft Web Proxy service, and Microsoft Firewall service).
- Open a command prompt.
- Type ipconfig /renew.
- Type ipconfig /all to verify that a valid IP address has been assigned to the network adapter. If problems persist, contact your ISP.
- Return to Services to restart the Microsoft ISA Server Control and other related services.
Once a network adapter is correctly configured, it should not be necessary to perform these steps again. If you need to renew the IP address of a network adapter at a later date, you can do so by performing steps 4 and 5.
Do not run the ipconfig /release command. Once an IP address of a network adapter has been released, it will be necessary to follow these steps again to get a valid IP address from the DHCP server.
You Must Manually Install Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 when Upgrading from an Evaluation Version ofSmall Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1
When upgrading from an evaluation version of Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1 to a retail version, an error message will appear during Setup informing you that you must manually install Microsoft Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 after the upgrade is complete. This is necessary even if Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 is listed on the Component Progress page during Setup.
To manually install Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3
- Insert the Additional Service Packs disc into your CD-ROM drive.
- Click Start, and then click Run.
- Type <Drive>:\EXCHSRVR60_SP3\launch.exe where <Drive> is the letter of your CD-ROM drive.
- At the Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 Setup page, click Install Service Pack 3.
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
When Outlook 2002 is Installed on a Computer RunningOffice 2000, the "Send To" Menu Item in Office 2000 Programs Results in an Error
When you upgrade to Microsoft Outlook® 2002 on a computer running Microsoft Office 2000, and then attempt to send an e-mail using the Send To menu item from the File menu in an Office 2000 program, you will receive one of the following error messages:
“ProgramName could not start the e-mail program. Check your network connection. Make sure Office is installed correctly, your e-mail program is set up correctly, and you can connect to your e-mail server.”
“ProgramName can't load the e-mail envelope. This could be caused by a network connection problem or a problem with your Office installation.”
To e-mail a file in Office 2000 using Outlook 2002
· Save the file in the Office 2000 program, such as Word 2000, create a new mail message in Outlook 2002, and then attach the file and send the e-mail.
The “Send To” functionality is restored when you run identical versions of both Office and Outlook.
Opening Small Business Server White Papers on a Computer Running Windows 2000 Server Results in a Word 97 Conversion Error
If you attempt to open the white papers located on Small Business Server Disc 1 on a computer running Windows 2000 and Word 95 or earlier, or not running any version of Word, you may receive the following error message:
“Microsoft Word 97 Conversion
Unable to load graphics conversion filter. Continue with document conversion?”
You may have to click Yes multiple times before the document opens.
This error occurs because WordPad is the default document file viewer and it cannot display the embedded graphics and links to Web sites that are included in the Small Business Server white papers.
To correctly view the white papers, you can use either Microsoft Word 97 or later, or the free Microsoft Word Viewer 97/2000, which can be downloaded from the following Web site:
What’s New inSmall Business Server 2000with Service Pack 1?
Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1 delivers updated server component service packs and Small Business Server-specific fixes to address security and support issues discovered since the product first became available in April 2001. These updates help make Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1 the most secure version to date.
Major Components Updated in This Release
· Microsoft Windows® 2000 Service Pack 4. Small Business Server Setup installs Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 as part of the operating system installation. This service pack addresses known security fixes for the Windows 2000 operating system. Additionally, during Small Business Server Setup, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 is copied to the server computer so it will be available for deployment to your client computers running Windows 2000 Professional. The first time users log on, they are prompted to install the service pack in attended mode. For more information, see the Windows 2000 Web site at:
· Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3. If you are installing Exchange 2000 Server, Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 will also be installed. This service pack addresses known Exchange 2000 Server security fixes, including QFE Q32046. For more information about the service pack, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article “XGEN: List of Bugs Fixed by Exchange 2000 Server Service Packs” at:;EN-US;Q311456
· Microsoft Outlook®. Small Business Server 2000 with Service Pack 1 includes Outlook 2002. Outlook2002 contains security improvements designed to protect your Small Business Server network from e-mail virus and worm attacks. It also blocks access to certain file types that could spread a malicious program, allows you to specify whether you trust the source of incoming messages, and enables you to encrypt sensitive information.
As part of Small Business Server Setup, Outlook 2002 is installed on the server computer in administrative mode, making it available for deployment to your client computers using the Set Up Computer Wizard.
Other Updates
· Small Business Server Updates.To address security and support issues, the following bug fixes have been made to Small Business Server:
VPN clients are able to browse the network and connect to a network shared folder.
Client computers running Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP can view Network Neighborhood.
The ASPEnableParentPaths setting for Internet Information Services (IIS) is turned off.
The RestrictAnonymous registry key value is now set to “1”.
Loss of data when there are more than 14 mailboxes for the POP3 connector will no longer occur.
Client Setup no longer has file contention with multiple users.
· Additional Service Packs. SQL Server™ 2000 Service Pack 3 and ISA Server 2000 Service Pack 1 are included on the Additional Service Packs disc. It is recommended that you install these service packs to take advantage of their built-in security-related features.