Slinfold Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Thursday 29 Nov 2007
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
Held on Thursday 29 November 2007
At 7.30pm at the Parish Room
367/07 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Those present: Councillors A Mawer (Chairman), R Hillyard, C Burke, D Harding, A Skeates, E Sorenson, G Stenton-Chandler, D White and M Dunkerton.
Also present: Councillor P Rowlinson (District) and Parish Clerk M Burroughs.
Apologies were received and the reasons noted from: Cllrs. N Jefferys, E Grundy, R Nye (District) and M Hodgson (WSCC).
368/07 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests
There were no changes notified to Members’ Register of Interests. Cllr. Burke declared a prejudicial interest in item 378/07 as Cllr. Burke lives opposite the Mitchell Garden’s gate in the KGV field.
369/07 Chairman’s Announcements
- Precept – the precept will be discussed at the Finance Committee meeting on 6 December 2007 and a proposal will be put forward to the Parish Council for approval on 31 January 2008. HDC will be advised of our precept requirements on 1 February 2008.
- Six Acre Adoption of Land - Cllr. Mawer has spoken with a Craig Erskine, George Wimpey who is in the process of informing the owners of the caravans to have them removed. Craig Erskine will liaise with the Wimpey legal team and Cllr. Mawer will liaise with our solicitor to progress the matter of adoption.
- Post Office Closures – Cllr. Mawer advised that the proposal was that the Slinfold Post Office (PO) would remain in the network and that there is now a consultation period until 24th December 2007. This is an item that has been at the top of the Parish Council’s agenda and the Parish Council is very relieved that the proposal is for the PO to remain open. The Post Office is extremely important to the village and there was a genuine fear that it would be closed. Cllr. Rowlinson recommended that the Parish Council feed back positively. The Chairman/Clerk will send a letter to the consultation team on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllr. Dunkerton will ask the Shop Association to respond to the proposal.
- Alfoldean Bridge – an email has been received from a Mark Taylor, Senior Archaeologist WSCC regarding a proposed scheme to set up a couple of interpretation panels on the A29 south of the Alfoldean Bridge. The County Council’s Historic Environment Team is inviting a modest contribution to the project perhaps by way of the Parish Council applying for a grant from the County Local Committee. Cllr. Harding volunteered to pursue this on behalf of the Parish Council.
- KGV Field – the clerk has investigated the possibility of using the Street Scene Team Wardens to patrol the KGV field for dogs. However, HDC has advised that the field must be designated as a dog control area before this can happen. There is a very long and drawn out process involving public consultation to have the field designated as a dog control area. The Parish Council agreed not to pursue this at this time.
- County Local Committee – Cllr. Mawer advised councillors that the next CLC meeting is on 3rd December with the agenda items including Post Office Closures and The Haven Speed Restrictions should they wish to attend.
- Fit for the Future response from HDC – Cllr. Mawer read out extracts from HDC’s response to Mr. M Harris, Chairman of the West Sussex PCT. HDC has concluded that the consultation released by the PCT is fundamentally flawed as none of the proposed reconfigurations can be ‘Fit for the Future’.
370/07 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 25 October 2007
The draft Minutes, having been circulated, were taken as read. It was agreed that the Minutes be accepted and signed as a true record.
348/07 Matters Arising from item 370/07 for information only
- The Emergency Plan has been updated and is awaiting the Chairman’s signature prior to being distributed.
- The Litter Warden is preparing a weekly report on trade bin usage. A review of the Parish Council’s requirement for a trade refuge bin should take place before the contract is renewed in April 2008.
- Viewpoint Steps – Flint have been advised that the Parish Council sadly accepts the situation that the ‘steps’ will be removed.
- All forms to open the new bank account have been sent to Nat West. The Authorised Signatory form, having been completed during this meeting, will be sent by the clerk to the bank in the next few days.
- The response to the Land West of Horsham Consultation Document has been sent.
- The response regarding the School Safety Zone has been sent.
- Leaf and gully clearing will take place through to mid-December.
- All action points from the five sub committee meetings held in October are being pursued. Issues with regard to the repairs in the play areas (379/07) and the Youth Club (381/07) were tabled for discussion at this meeting.
372/07 Matters arising from the Public Session
There were no members of the public present at the meeting.
373/07 Planning Report
Cllr. Burke and the Clerk presented the previously circulated Planning Report to the Parish Council. The clerk communicated a few updates since the report was first circulated and the Parish Council reviewed and discussed application DC/07/2562, Toll House Garage. The Parish Council agreed the circulated report and the amendments to the previously circulated report, also agreed or noted, are highlighted in bold.
New planning applications:
The following applications were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Working Group. HDC have been advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows:
HDC Application number / Name Applicant or Agent / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Feedback to HDC Planning CommitteeDC/07/2562 / Toll House Garage / Five Oaks Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0SY / Forecourt signage to include 1xdirectional sign, 4xfree stranding signs and 3xpole mounted signs / No Objection - discussed at PC meeting (Split 7 No Ob, 2 Obj to Hero signs). HDC advised no objection 30/11/07
DC/07/2465 / Mr Stephen Paul / Bottlehouse Farm Stane Street Slinfold West Sussex / Construction of a sand school / No Objection (5 from 5 reviewed) - 18/11/07. Ratified full council meeting 29/11/07
DC/07/2398 / Drs Peter and Mary Greenway / Fairfields Guildford Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PG / 2 - Storey and single-storey extensions and extension to conservatory / No objection 5/11/2007 (4 from 4 reviewed) and ratified full council meeting 29/11/2007. Requested feedback from HDC as to whether part of building previously designated as an annexe.
Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC:
The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration or a decision by HDC.
Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn:
The following applications have been processed by HDC and the results follow:
HDC Application number / Name Applicant or Agent / Address & Post Code of application / Nature of application / Feedback to HDC Planning Committee (Date) / Status on planning application /EnforcementDC/07/2288 / Mr & Mrs Burgess / 1 Tannery Close Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RW / Single-storey rear extension / No objection 25/10/2007 (4 from 4 reviewed). Ratified full council meeting 25 Oct / Application Permitted
DC/07/2176 / Sussex Health Care / Clemsfold House Guildford Road Broadbridge Heath Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PW / Replacement of 11 lamp standards with 11 bollard lights / No objection 10/10/2007 (4 from 4 reviewed). Ratified full council meeting 25 Oct. To be heard at committee 6/11/2007 / Application Permitted
DC/07/2138 / Mrs Margaret Dunkerton / Forge House The Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RP / Erection of single garage / No objection 25/10/2007 (3 from 3 reviewed) ratified full council meeting 25 Oct / Application Permitted
DC/07/2139 / Mrs Margaret Dunkerton / Forge House The Street Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RP / Erection of single garage (Listed Building Consent) / No objection 11/10/2007 (3 from 3 reviewed) ratified full council meeting 25 Oct / Application Permitted
DC/07/2121 / The Caravan Club / Caravan Camping Site Spring Lane Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RT / Formation of 5 hard standing areas to accommodate touring caravans and vehicles / No objection 10/10/2007 (4 from 4 reviewed). Ratified full council meeting 25 Oct / Application Permitted
DC/07/2076 / Mr and Mrs Hammant / Fairmead, Lyons Road, Slinfold, RH13 0QS / Two storey extension and double garage / No objection 18/09/2007 (Unanimous) ratified full council meeting 27 Sept. / Application Withdrawn
DC/07/2038 / Mr A Ellis / Foxway Pinkhurst Lane, Slinfold RH13 0QR / Replacement 4 bed house and garage / No objection 18/09/2007 (Unanimous) ratified full council meeting 27 Sept / Application Withdrawn
DC/07/2040 / Mr And Mrs Gardner / The Annexe Lane End Lyons Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0QS / Replacement 5-bed dwelling / Objection by FC 27/09/2007 replacement building seems much larger than the building it replaces. / Application Refused
DC/07/2011 / Mrs C Habib / Black Barn Black Barn Farm Stane Street Slinfold West Sussex / Single storey studio ancillary to Black Barn / Objection (Unanimous) 14/09/2007, inadequate plans & possible alternative use. FC meeting 27/09/2007, plans are indicative of independent building rather than ancillary to main barn. / Application Withdrawn
DC/06/2913 / Mrs P Seabourne / Wendys Cottage Barn Five Oaks Road Slinfold Horsham West Sussex RH13 0RQ / Re-positioned windows on South elevation / No objection 18/01/2007 / Application Permitted
DC/06/2049 / Toll House Toyata / Bramble Hill Farm Five Oaks Road Slinfold West Sussex / Change of use of land to overflow of vehicles owned by Toll House Toyota Garage. / Objection opposed to storage of vehicles on farm land / Application Refused - Appeal
DC/06/1054 / H N Ansett / Burnt House Waterlands Lane Rowhook Horsham West Sussex RH12 3PX / Erection of stable block used as a garage for private collection of vintage cars (Certificate of Lawful Dev) / No objection 31/07/2006 / Application Permitted
DC/07/0149Erection of re-claimed barn, Hayes Grange, Stane Street, Slinfold – The Parish Council did not object to this planning application. A Planning Inspector visit had been arranged for 9th October 2007. Awaiting outcome.
Enforcement and other outstanding planning issues
-Old Strood - HDC advised 22 October 2007 that a planning application has not been received and that the owner has until 30 October to submit an application or proceedings will commence or direct action will be taken to take the garage down. HDC advised on 26th November 2007 that they had recently received the planning application.
-Waterlands Chalet - HDC advised on the 22 October 2007 that they are obtaining evidence of residential occupancy to enable an enforcement notice to be served. HDC advised on 26th November 2007 that they are still to obtain the necessary evidence.
374/07 Lower Lodge Shooting Ground – to consider representations and the council’s response to the same from residents of Stane Street and the Haven (letters previously circulated)
A discussion took place on the application from Lower Lodge Shooting Ground for a Certificate of Lawful Development to use off road vehicles for more than 28 days a year. Cllrs. Mawer and Burke having reviewed the application and evidence again and having consulted with HDC provided further information for the Parish Council’s consideration. The Parish Council considered if it had received any complaints in connection with the application and concluded that it had not. Feedback to HDC will be that the Parish Council has received no complaints.
The issue of the damage to the footpath caused by the off road vehicles was also raised but it was agreed that this issue should be raised separately.
375/07 Report from County Councillor
Cllr. Hodgson was not present at the meeting but advised that he will provide a report at the next meeting in two weeks time.
376/07 Report from District Councillors
Cllr. Rowlinson advised that the District Council was dismayed at the proposal to close the Warnham Post Office. The decision is a disaster for Warnham and he believes that the Slinfold Post Office may still be vulnerable and therefore recommends that there should be strong support for the Slinfold Post Office. Cllr. Rowlinson has written to Philip Circus, Cabinet Member for Local Economy outlining the materially negative effect on local economies. Cllr. Rowlinson agreed to write in support of the Slinfold Post Office staying in the network.
Cllr. Rowlinson left the meeting at 8.35pm.
377/07 HDC Housing Strategy Consultation Questionnaire (previously circulated)
Cllr. Burke has reviewed the consultation document and had completed the questionnaire on behalf of the council. The Parish Council agreed unanimously to the responses provided by Cllr. Burke. The clerk will feed back the response to HDC on behalf of the Parish Council.
378/07 King George’s Playing Field – Progress update and decision on access arrangements
Cllr. Burke left the meeting having declared a prejudicial interest.
Cllr. Mawer had previously circulated his report including a risk assessment of the entry/exit points to King George V (KGV) playing field. This report was considered by the Parish Council and it was RESOLVED that:
- Greenfields is the preferred entrance for maintenance access.
-Grattons is the preferred entrance for emergency access.
The Mitchell Gardens gate will be strengthened to prevent further damage and the Parish Council reserves the right to continued use of this gate.
The clerk will contact the emergency services and seek their comments on the access arrangements.
Cllr. Burke rejoined the meeting.
379/07 KGV and Six Acres – Decision on repairs following the RoSPA and HDC Inspection Reports.
Cllr. White provided an update on the repairs required in the KGV field and Six Acres Play Area.
KGV Field it was RESOLVED that:
The clerk should instruct the handyman to re-align the latch and pin on the five bar gate at the Greenfield entrance so that it can be closed; fit an ordinary spring so that the gate will close; and fit tree guard spacers to prevent the finger entrapment risk.
The clerk should obtain a quote from the handyman to replace the steel gate at the Grattons entrance with a RoSPA approved self-closing gate. A review of the whole area around this gate should be undertaken with a view to moving the gate to provide direct access to the field and repairing the fencing that is being damaged by the surrounding trees. This may involve removal of some trees and a safety check should also be performed on the trees. The clerk was requested to contact Will Jones, HDC for advice on this matter.
Six Acres Play Area it was RESOLVED that:
The clerk should instruct the handyman to strip off and paint the apparatus with a long lasting acrylic resin and fit tree guard spacers to prevent the finger entrapment risk on the wooden gate.
The clerk advised that RSS and HAGS would be visiting before Christmas to re-hang the chains on the swings in both play areas.
380/07 Highways Matters
- The clerk advised that she had had an email from Dr Watson, Hayes Hill Cottage to say that his study and sitting room had been flooded on the night of 19th November 2007. WSCC Highways have sent a team out to investigate and repair the offending drain. Dr. and Mrs Watson are pleased with WSCC Highway’s response and advise that no further action is required by the Parish Council.
- Cllr. Skeates advised that he had talked to the residents in Park Street regarding the dollies outside their houses. Two residents did not want them removed, one resident did. The Parish Council agreed that no further action was necessary.
- Cllr. Burke had received a complaint that the Lyons Road street sign was no longer there. The clerk will request that the sign is replaced.
381/07 Youth Club – Update and progress on re-start
Cllr. White provided an update with regards to the re-opening of the Youth Club. He advised that the four policies (Staff Vetting, Child Protection, Health and Safety and Risk Assessment) have now been reviewed and that the application for insurance can be sent. Cllr. White will pay the insurance premium, which will be reimbursed by the Parish Council. CRB checks for the Leaders are in place although these are still outstanding for volunteers.
The constitution is in draft and will be distributed to councillors for review by Cllr. White.
The intention is for the Youth Club to have a meeting on 12th December 2007 and weekly thereafter on Wednesday evenings from January 2008.
Cllr. Mawer reiterated that it is important to note that the Parish Council is ultimately responsible for the Youth Club.
382/07 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies
- Cllr. Burke’s GACC report (previously circulated) was discussed. The clerk was requested to write to Cllr. Hodgson requesting that he closely monitors the terms of the agreement between BAA and WSCC in connection with a second runway at Gatwick.
- Cllr. Dunkerton provided an update from the Village Hall Trustees Meeting on the 19th November.
- Cllr. White requested an update following the Sports Association meeting with regards to updating the insurance schedule and the padlock for the gate. The clerk provided this.
383/07 Accounts for payment/approval