SLAS Postgraduate Conference Grants
SLAS makes available a total of £2,000 per year to postgraduate members to assist them to attend conferences held outside the UK, where all other possibilities for funding have been exhausted. To be eligible, you must be: a member of SLAS; a current research student at a UK university (of any nationality); and giving a paper at the conference. Please note that funds are limited, and that SLAS can only offer a contribution towards expenses; the maximum sum available to each applicant is £500.
To apply, send THREE copies of each of the following:
- An abstract of the paper
- A breakdown of estimated costs
- A statement of any financial support already available
- A letter of recommendation from your supervisor
These documents should be submitted to the Secretary of SLAS and will be judged by a panel composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. There are TWO deadlines for applications each year: 28 February and 30 September. £1,000 will usually be allocated in each round.
Please submit your application to:
Dr Adrian Pearce, History & Heritage, School of Arts and Humanities, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Campus, Nottingham NG11 8NS.
Applications arriving after the deadlines will not be considered under any circumstances. Applications will be discarded if they relate to conferences held before the deadline in question. Priority is usually given to applicants who have not previously been in receipt of funds from SLAS. Please note that funds are available only to support travel to a conference outside the United Kingdom; grants are not awarded for conferences held in this country. For assistance to postgraduates giving papers at the SLAS Annual Conference, there is a separate bursary scheme (see below). Successful candidates are expected to produce a short report on their experience of the conference, which may be published in the SLAS Newsletter.
For any queries, please e-mail: .
SLAS Postgraduate Travel Grants
SLAS makes available up to eight awards annually to postgraduate students in Latin American Studies to encourage and assist in overseas fieldwork. These awards are aimed at those preparing for a PhD in topics related to Latin American Studies. Applicants must be members of SLAS and based at a UK institution of higher education, but may be of any nationality. Please note that funds are limited, and that the maximum grant available to each applicant is £600.
The criteria for the award are:
- Quality of project design
- Potential significance of the research
- Support from referees
- Financial need
Please note that awards MUST be spent on travel costs; other research expenses (for example specialist language or other training) are ineligible for support.
To apply, send THREE copies of each of the following:
- Outline of proposed research (maximum 500 words)
- Contact address and telephone numbers
- Details of qualifications and affiliations
- Full details of existing or expected financial support (including the funding of the PhD)
Applicants must also ensure that TWO academic references (one would normally be from the supervisor) arrive by the deadline.
These documents should be submitted to the Secretary of SLAS, and will be judged by a panel composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. There is a single annual deadline: 28 February.
Please send your application to:
Dr Adrian Pearce, History & Heritage, School of Arts and Humanities, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Campus, Nottingham NG11 8NS.
Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances. Priority is usually given to applicants who have not previously been in receipt of funds from SLAS. Successful candidates are expected to produce a short report of their research trip, which may be published in the SLAS Newsletter.
If you have any queries, please e-mail: .
SLAS Support for Conference and Event Organisation
SLAS funds amounting to around £3,000 annually are available to support conferences and other events which are likely to advance the objects of the Society, to be of high quality, to appeal to a considerable number of members, and which would in other ways reflect well on the Society. Rather than for general conference or event expenses, applications for funds must be directed to some specific purpose; thus in recent years, successful applications have typically sought funding to support the travel and accommodation costs of named individual scholars based in Latin America.
The maximum allocation will be £1,000 per conference or event. All conferences and events supported must be open to all members of the Society, subject to appropriate conference fees being paid. The contribution of the Society to any conference or event is to be clearly and publicly acknowledged.
Applications (no longer than 2-3 pages) should include statements of aims and objectives and projected outcomes. Evidence of firm support from elsewhere and a clear statement of anticipated income and expenditure will normally be required. Applications should be submitted electronically to the SLAS Secretary by 31 December in the year preceding the proposed event. The Secretary will then circulate them to the members of the SLAS Committee, and outcome decisions will be made at the first Committee meeting of the New Year (generally held in January).
Applications should be e-mailed to: . Applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances.
SLAS Conference ‘Latin American Scholar’ Grants
Funds are available to support the travel and accommodation costs of scholars based in Latin America giving papers at the SLAS Annual Conference. Around £600 plus conference registration fees is usually available to individual applicants, though there is some flexibility in this figure; the total sum available under this scheme is £3,000. In some circumstances, funds may be granted to prominent speakers from outside the academy (for example representatives of NGOs). Please note that while we accept applications on behalf of Latin American scholars working outside the region (for example in the United States), priority will be given to those who work in Latin America or are employed by Latin American institutions.
Latin American scholars presenting papers at the SLAS Conference are nominated for grants by the convenors of their panels. Convenors may nominate only ONE Latin American scholar for a grant per panel. Convenors should contact the SLAS Secretary directly by e-mail, giving details of the speaker and the title of his or her paper, by the deadline of 15 February. You will be informed promptly after this deadline as to the outcome of your nomination.
Nominations should be submitted by e-mail to: . They will be considered by a panel consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, on the basis of the paper proposed and its “fit” with the panel. Nominations arriving after the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances.
SLAS Conference Postgraduate Bursaries
SLAS bursaries are available to postgraduate students based at British institutions of higher education (of any nationality) who are presenting papers at the SLAS Annual Conference. These bursaries cover a contribution towards “shared facilities” postgraduate accommodation costs and registration fees; they do NOT cover any travel costs associated with attending the conference. £2,000 has been made available for SLAS Conference postgraduate bursaries, and it is anticipated that around ten awards will be made each year.
Postgraduates presenting papers at the SLAS Conference are nominated for bursaries by the convenors of their panels. Convenors may nominate only ONE postgraduate speaker for a bursary per panel. Convenors should contact the SLAS Secretary directly by e-mail, giving details of the postgraduate speaker and the title of his or her paper, by the deadline of 15 February. You will be informed promptly after this deadline as to the outcome of your nomination. Postgraduates awarded conference bursaries will be expected to pay accommodation and registration fees in advance, for reimbursement by the Treasurer at the conference.
Nominations should be submitted by e-mail to: . They will be considered by a panel consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, on the basis of the paper proposed and its “fit” with the panel. Nominations arriving after the deadline will not be considered under any circumstances.