Skyward Grade Book “How To” Document

·  You cannot enter scores right in the Main Screen of your Grade Book because the module is written in HTML and it is not possible. You can enter multiple assignment scores for 1 student at a time by clicking on a student and going to edit assignments. Or – you can click on the ‘*’ for a student and it will take you directly to the score entry screen.

·  To change the way you view your students, go to Grade Book Main Screen and click on Options/Student Display Options from top of screen. At the bottom of the screen you will see sort choices for your Grade Book.

·  If you want to maintain your grade book with NEW students staying at the bottom of the student list, you must change your seating chart to have these students at the end and then you can change your Student Display Options to sort by seating chart

·  You can also control how many times the Student Name column appears in your grade book by going to Options/Student Display Options. Put in 99999 to only get on left side and far right side (no way to get rid of far right side at this point)

·  To enter grades for multiple assignments at the same time for one student, select the student’s name from Main Screen. This will bring you to the single student view of the grade book. On this screen, you can View and Edit Assignment Grades, View Report Card Grades, View and Enter Comments and Run Reports for that student.

·  To view attendance BY PERIOD, click on Post Daily Attendance for a class, then click on the View Attendance By Period link (above list of classes)

·  For Extra Credit, either 1) Set up a separate assignment called Extra Credit with a Max Score = 0 and then Mass Assign “No Count” to all students at first. When you do put in a score for the ones that get extra credit, just click OK on the error message that comes up. 2) For Extra Credit within an existing assignment, you can enter a score that is HIGHER than the max score

·  When a student changes sections for the same course, the word NEW will show up next to the student in the new section. The teacher needs to click on NEW to get to screen where it will show you if it found any matching assignments between the old section and the new section. If matches are found, the teacher can then click on TRANSFER GRADES to get the grades from 1 section to the other. If there were no matches OR if a student transferred in from a DIFFERENT course altogether – the previous teacher will have to change Options/Student Display Options to include DROPPED students in order to print off any grades for the new teacher. Note: User must drop student with date AFTER 1st day of school in order for the NEW to show.

·  The Weight Multiplier field shows up as 1.0 in your assignment screen even if you are using Total Points – just ignore it. It was created for teachers that want every assignment to show as the same max score in the grade book, but want some assignments to be counted as 2 assignments (i.e. max score of 10 and weight multiplier of 2 would make the value actually 20 – earned points would be doubled)

·  You cannot have more than 1 class open at the same time.

·  For co-teaching (i.e. same course and section but 2 meeting patterns), the 2 teachers CANNOT be in this class at the same time

·  If your students have zeros instead of ‘*’ for scores, you may have clicked on the “Mark Un-scored as 0 and Missing” from top of your grade book screen. To fix this, either 1) Remove All Scores (making *) and put valid scores back in or 2) Put ‘*’ back in for each zero

·  At this time, the PERIOD does not display in the Score Entry Screen – you can click on the Class Description and the detailed class information will display.

·  To suppress unwanted columns, you must go to Options/Grade Period Display and UNCHECK the boxes that you want to suppress. Keep in mind that you cannot suppress active grading periods.

·  If you want your “Term Grade” column to appear first, you must go to Options/Assignment Display Options and check the box that says ‘Show Term Grade Column in a fixed location on Grade book screen’.

·  To change the order of the assignment columns, go to Options/Assignment Display Options

·  To print the Progress Summary Report with student name on it and NOT id, you must pick BOTH name and id to print (due to a bug that is to be fixed in mid-October). Also – you will be able to print the letter grade on this report with an update that is due in October.

·  If someone wants to give NO scores whatsoever, go to MY CLASSES, leave the score bucket empty and click POST GRADES. You can give them just comments and citizenship as well.

·  If an asterisk shows up next to student name and student is not currently in your class, do the following: Go to Options/Grade Period Display and ‘hide’ any grade buckets and assignments that are in Semester 2 (or whatever grading period you are NOT in)

·  To make sure your student list is sorted correctly before posting your grades, do the following: 1) If doing posting from MY CLASSES, select class/select Report Card Posting/Last Name is underlined – click on it to use as search criteria. 2) If posting grades from within the grade book – click on the word STUDENTS (above first name). The sort criteria screen comes up so you can change to sort by last name. Verify sort then click on Post Grades.

·  There are 2 ways an assignment will display as missing – 1) if the ‘missing’ box is checked on that assignment for a student and 2) if the student has an ‘*’ in the grading cell for that assignment and it is past the due date. Suggestion would be to put a zero in this field and check the ‘No Count’ option. This way it will not show up as missing

·  To have assignment grades in teacher grade book MATCH what parent sees in Family Access, the teachers have to either post all assignments to Family Access or none of them. Family Access does its own calculation of grades based on the assignments showing from Grade Book to Family Access. (We are not posting to Family Access at this time)

·  The email function for progress reports is set to be released in mid-October

·  Currently there is no way to print any report for all of your classes at the same time – AND there is no way to print directly to your printer without it going to your screen first

·  You will be able to print your attendance reports for all classes at one time (and the date ranges will be able to be saved) sometime in January

·  If you put in an incorrect max score, you must edit the assignment to fix it

·  To print any of the grading reports for just one (or a few) students, you need to click on Select Students to View Report and only check the boxes for the students that you want to print

·  To view specific information on one student – i.e. attendance, schedule, demographics and so on – click on the little icon to the left of the student name and you will then get different tabs to click on for this information