Skye Highland Games

2nd and 3rd August 2016

Senior Piping Competitions

Entry Form

Entry forms for the Dunvegan Medal and light music competitions will be accepted in the two months between the beginning of April and the end of May. A list of successful applicants and a reserve list (if necessary) will be circulated to all entrants at the beginning of June. In drawing up the list, the Piping Committee will take CPA gradings, previous attendance and placings at the Skye Games piping competitions into account.

Entries for the Clasp Competition will be accepted up until the beginning of August.

****Please note that entry forms sent by e-mail will not be accepted. Entries received must include the requisite fee.

Please Print

Name …………………………… Tel: Home …………………………

Address ………………………… Tel: Business ………………………

…………………………………… e-mail: ………………………………..

…………………………………… CPA Grade ………./………./………..

Competition 1: Ceòl Mòr, Dunvegan Medal.

Choice of selected MacCrimmon tunes. Judges will ask for one of the tunes to be played

1)  ……………………………………. 2)……………………………..….

3) ……………………………………. 4) ………………………………..

Places in the Dunvegan Medal Competition are restricted to 25.

Applications for a place in this competition will be accepted between

the beginning of April and the end of May.

Competition 2: Ceòl Mòr, Col. Jock MacDonald Clasp.

Open only to previous winners of the Dunvegan Medal. Choice of four MacCrimmon tunes marked **. Adjudicators will ask for one of the tunes to be played

1) ………………………………………. 2) ………………………………………..

3)  ………………………………………. 4) ……………………………………….

Ceòl Beag/Light Music Delete as appropriate

Competition 3 Competition 4

6/8 March Jig

I wish / do not wish to enter. I wish / do not wish to enter.

Competition 5 Competition 6

2/4 March Strathspey & Reel

I wish / do not wish to enter I wish / do not wish to enter.

I enclose entry fee of £10 and a S.A.E if acknowledgement is required. All applicants with an e-mail address will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Please note particularly in the attached rules the highlighted section of rule (2).

Signed ……………………………………….

Orders of play will be posted in the Royal Hotel on the evening before the event and will be e-mailed to competitors at the beginning of August.

Cailean Maclean, 60 Aird Bheàrnasdail, Isle of Skye, IV51 9NU.