Skills Capital Fund
Expression of Interest
Before completing please read the guidanceappended to the end of this document
Please complete and forward along with any attachments to:
Section A
- Project overview
a)Project title
b) Contact person / Name:
Job title:
Email address:
Telephone number:
c)Description of the project
(max 150 words) / Give a concise summary of the project
d)Project location / Give the location of the facilities
e)Delivery timeframe / Anticipated start date:
Anticipated end date:
f)What does the project entail?
Please tick under all relevant boxes / New build / Refurbish / Hardware equipment / Software
g)Give a brief description ofthe physical asset/s the project would provide when completed (i.e. this excludes learning outcomes)
h)Total project cost / £ (Approx.)
i)LEP funding sought / Give the amount of funding sought from the Local Enterprise Partnership.
j)What is the long-term strategy of your organisation?
- The Project
a)The Vision of the project / Explainthe bigger picture about what the project seeks to achieve when operational
b)Mainlearning activities after completion / List thelearning activities thatwill take place once the project facilities are operational
c)Details of any applications for skills funding andcontracts awarded over last 5 years
See note 1 / Has your organisation applied for, or been awarded, a government funding contract associated with either skills delivery or with new facilities during the last five years?
If YES please give:a) result of application;b) outcome of any contract. In particular explain any issues that may have arisen such as increase or reduction in contract value, whether outcomes were fully met (or not), and if any problems were encountered.
Section B
- Impact and outcomes
a)Anticipated project outputs after operational (please append any evidence)
Evidence appended YES / NO See note 2
Outcomes / After 3 yrs / After 4 yrs / After 5 yrs
Number of businesses supported
Number of pathways into employment created
Total Attainment – Number of Learners
Breakdown – Number achieving Lev 2
Breakdown – Number achieving Lev 3
Breakdown – Number achieving Lev 4
Number of Apprenticeships – Lev 2
Number of Apprenticeships – Lev 3
Number of Apprenticeships – Lev 4
Give any additional quantifiable impact
Before / After
E.g. Improvement in Cat A, B, C, D premises
b)Learning environment / Describe how the project would improve the environment for Learners
c)Supporting business growth / Describe how the project would support priorities detailed in the Strategic Economic Plan
d)The Learners / Listthe target groups that would benefit from the project (and give approximate numbers)
e)Prevailing economic issues that the new facilitieswill address / Give localunderlying economic issues that the provision wouldtackle
f)Potential threats to project completion
See note 3 / Give potential barriers and threats that the project is likely to face in order to become operational
g)Displacement of skills training provision / Giveother similar training provision available within the LEP area thatthis project would likely competeagainst
- Strategy and funding
a)Total project cost / £ (Approx.)
b)LEP funding sought / £ ( ______% sought)
c)Thelevel of LEP contribution requested
See note 4 / Is the contribution sought above the standard 50%?
If YES please give the reason
d)Project alignment with organisations business plan / Describe how the project proposal aligns with the organisations five year business plan
e)The sources of financial contributions towards project cost See note 5
Give sources of contributions to the project and status against appropriate year.
16/17 / 17/18 / 18/19 / 19/20 / 20/21 / 21/22 / Total / Status
Private sector
LEP (proposed) / Unsecured
f)Project compliance See note 6
RIBA stage / Stage 1 / Stage 2 / Stage 3 / Stage 4
(If not applicable write N/A)
Planning permission / Give details of status
Section 3
- The Declaration See note 7
State Aid / Applicants must ensure that any funding gained through the Local Growth Fund (LGF) does not constitute unlawful State Aid. A declaration of compliance with European Union State Aid rules will be required prior to the allocation of any funding.
I agree with the above statement and also certify that the information provided in this application is complete and correct.
Job Title
- Completed Expressions of Interests will be assessed by members of the Skills Capital Panel and those that meet the required criteria will be progressed to the next stage for which a more detailed business case will be requested.
- All questions should be fully answered; assessors are not permitted to make contact with applicants to seek further clarification.
- There is no upper or lower financial limit on the request for funding.
- Following the assessment of the Expression of Interest an opportunity will be offered for the applicant to have feedback.
- Previous funding applications and contracts (Q2c):Please circle YES or NO as appropriate. If YES give details, e.g. difficulties encountered, whether milestones were fully met, extensions to timescales granted, any imposed reduction in contract value.
- Project outputs (Q3a): Use this chart to give estimated figures for anticipated outcomes. Some common outputs are listed but other anticipated outputs should be added. Indicate whether evidence is attached to support the outputs listed. Some outputs will give learner numbers as outputs but other outputs will have different success measures.
- Potential threatsto project completion (Q3f):Give potential barriers and threats that the project is likely to encounter and how these would be overcome.
- The level of contribution requested (Q4c): Please circle YES or NO to indicate whether the level of contribution requested from the Local Enterprise Partnership is above 50% contribution. If YES please give reasons why a higher than standard level of funding is being requested.
- Sources of financial contributions to project cost (Q4e):Indicatethe sources and amounts of all financial contributions until project would be operational. Other suggestions for co-financing will be considered. Calculate the totals and enter the figures in the appropriate columns.Beneath the ‘status’ heading indicate whether each contribution is‘secured’, ‘provisional’ or ‘not yet requested’.
- Project compliance (Q4f): Indicate if the project has reached a recognised compliance stage as described under the Royal Institute of British Architects framework (if the question is not applicable write N/A). Also if planning permission is needed and has already been sought then please give details.
- Declaration (Q5):Please read the statement about State Aid and, if conditions are accepted, sign and date the declaration.
Version 280416 York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Local Enterprise Partnership1