Institution:Lead Contact for SEAP:
Post Held:
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a)Work Placements and Work ExperienceActivity Information
Provide information and rationale for activities and projects which should cover arrangements for all undergraduate and postgraduate students, be they full-time, part-time or distance learners. You should include current ongoing activities and new activities starting in either 2012/13 or 2013/14 with information about how the activities will enhance the employability of your students. / Targets/ Benchmarks/Objectives
These should be verifiable and benchmarked against existing data such as institutional targets / HEFCW Corporate Strategy targetsFor Our Future targets, Fee Plan Targets, NSS data, DHEL survey, HEBCIS etc
2012/13 / 2013/14
Provide a narrative of all your institutions planned activities and projects in both years which will enhance skills and promote graduate employability.
Examples ofwork placements and work experience might include, amongst others, specific schemes run at the HEI to promote work placements/experience; the Go Wales placement programme;internal HEI placement schemes; specific work based learning be it compulsory or optional;volunteering; community engagement;sandwich placements; Erasmus placements; Leonardo placements; live projects with external employers; collaborations with schools etc.
b)Employer approved coursesActivity Information
Provide information and rationale for activities and projects which should cover arrangements for all undergraduate and postgraduate students, be they full-time, part-time or distance learners. You should include current ongoing activities and new activities starting in either 2012/13 or 2013/14 with information about how the activities will enhance the employability of your students. / Targets/ Benchmarks/Objectives
These should be verifiable and benchmarked against existing data such as institutional targets / For Our Future targets, Fee Plan Targets, NSS data, DHEL survey, HEBCIS etc
2012/13 / 2013/14
Provide a narrative of all your institutions planned activities and projects in both years which will enhance skills and promote graduate employability.
Examples of employer approved courses might include, amongst others, activities aimed at enhancing links with employers; curricula changes to include approved courses; details of ongoing provision established to complement employer needs; work based learning; HEI staff/employer collaboration; bite size provision, e-learning/flexible learning designed to meet employer requirements; employers toolkit; experiential learning; provision approved by SSCs/professional bodies; CPDetc.
c)Embedding employability skills across all higher education curriculaActivity Information
Provide information and rationale for activities and projects which should cover arrangements for all undergraduate and postgraduate students, be they full-time, part-time or distance learners. You should include current ongoing activities and new activities starting in either 2012/13 or 2013/14 with information about how the activities will enhance the employability of your students. / Targets/ Benchmarks/Objectives
These should be verifiable and benchmarked against existing data such as institutional targets / For Our Future targets, Fee Plan Targets, NSS data, DHEL survey, HEBCIS etc
2012/13 / 2013/14
Provide a narrative of all your institutions planned activities and projects in both years which will enhance skills and promote graduate employability.
Examples of embedding employability skills across all HE curricula might include, amongst others, Careers service guidance within or outside of curricula; commitment to HEAR;embedding of entrepreneurial activities aimed at students; professional skills training; volunteering and community engagement; student/staff collaboration; transferable skills; Welsh medium skills; online toolkits for students; professional networking; employability schemes etc.
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Signed by Vice ChancellorDate
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