2012Policy Document relating to work conducted under the ‘Pilot Residential Summer School’ programme.
The purpose of this document is to clearly define the Ulster-Scots Agency’s operational policy and practices that will underpin the work of ‘Community Summer Schools.’
Objective of the ‘Community Summer Schools’ Programme-
To provide support, encouragement and financial assistance to Ulster-Scots community groups who intend to provide a 5 day Ulster-Scots summer school for young people in their communities.
The conditions for financial support for Ulster-Scots Residential Summer Schools [USRSS] are;
- Applications for financial assistance for residential summer schools will be available annually through the Summer Schools application form, which must be completed in hard copy and returned to the Ulster-Scots Agency by 12 noon on 27th April 2012.This application should also include the group’s constitution, a comprehensive child protection policy and details relating to the groups current financial position. Additional documentation may be required in some instances.
- The Ulster-Scots Agency will fund up to a maximum of 75% of total project costs
- This is a competitive scheme and applications will be determined on the basis of content, outputs, learning outcomes and value for money
- As part of the Application Process, each Summer School should submit a programme of activities to the Agency for approval, before a funding commitment can be made.
- The Ulster-Scots Agency will seek to fund a minimum of 2 residential summer schools Groups may only apply to deliver for the following programme.
- Residential Summer School. This will be delivered over 2 full days and I overnight stay in a residential centre in N.Ireland which meets all necessary legislation requirements. During the Residential Summer School, up to 6 Ulster-Scots activities will be delivered from the list on activities on Appendix 2 (Maximum attending 24, minimum 18) – open to young people attending a Post Primary School.
- The Residential Summer School must ensure that at least one of the scheduled activitieswill be an Ulster-Scots language activity (minimum of one hour). The language tutor will normally be Ulster-Scots Agency staff; any other language tutor must be given formal prior approval by the Ulster-Scots Agency.
- The Residential Summer School will operate between June and September of each year and will be of 2 days and 1 night duration for a minimum of 6 hours per day. .
- The Residential Summer School programme is aimed at young people attending a post primary school aged 12 to 16 years.
- Financial assistance will only be provided to:-
- Residential Summer Schools with a minimum of 18 and up to a maximum of 24 young people attending. A parental consent form must be completed for each young person attending the Residential
- Staff ratios at USRSSs should be no less than 1 adult to 6 children at all times during the residential.
- There must also be a gender balance between male and female staff.
- The Agency may support eligible costs for additional staff to Summer Schools where children with special needs are present. Groups will be required to provide information on why additional staff is required.
- The successful group will complete a risk assessment form and submit it to the Agency before the project commences.`
- The Ulster-Scots Agency will annually provide training and support to community groups through a summer school networking event prior to the commencement of summer schools for that year. Each proposed summer school group should ensure that at least two members are in attendance at these networking events.
- Documentation relating to the group’s ‘Child Protection Policy’ must be lodged with the Agency, duly signed by the group’s Chairperson. The policy must state names and telephone numbers of two trained child protection officers, copies of an enhanced AccessNI certificates for all staff employed to deliver the Residential Summer School must be submitted to the Agency.
- The Group must participate with the Agency in a structured evaluation of their summer school and this will be conducted before the end of that same calendar year.The Group delivering the Residential Summer School will assist in completing an evaluation which will outline the effectiveness of the overall programme, the level of satisfaction experienced from each workshop, and feedback from the young people attending the Summer School.
- The contribution made by the Agency must be acknowledged in all publicity material issued and /or displayed in connection with the summer school.
- The Residential Summer School should in every instance bring ‘ Added Value’ to the work of the Agency
- All proper records related to the project will be retained for 7 years from the payment of any fees, and the Agency or any person authorised by the Agency, including the Internal Auditors and the Comptroller and Auditor Generals of the Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland governments, shall have rights of access to such records.
- The group must seek approval with regard to any changes to the Residential Summer School after the Letter of Offer has been issued, the group must inform the Agency in writing or my email.
- Any summer school receiving financial or other assistance from any other source, must declare the level of support to the Agency at the earliest opportunity, and provides copies of any letters of offer as soon as possible and before the Residential Summer School starts.
- The Group must provide a copy of their public liability insurance for this project indemnifying the Ulster-Scots Agency and a copy of any relevant insurance for the Residential Centre used in this project..
- Treasures and/or those who sign the application form or Annex 1 of the Letter of Offer will not be eligible for any financial payments. The Project Manger may receive payment for services provided but they must not sign the application form or Annex 1 of the Letter of Offer.
- The Ulster-Scots Agency has identified the following learning outcomes for Summer Schools in 2011, successful applicants must identify and demonstrate ways in which they will meet these objectives.
1.Provide an appropriate and sufficient range of good-quality Ulster-Scots learning opportunities and resources.
2.Use a variety of approaches to encourage creativity well-matched to the participants’ different needs and abilities.
3.Encourage and facilitate the development of Ulster-Scots interests and skills appropriate to the age/experience of the participants.
4.Encourage enjoyment and achievement for participants.
5.Participants acquire new skills and interests in Ulster-Scots language and culture.
6.Participants demonstrate improvement over their previous knowledge of Ulster-Scots.
Appendix 1- 2012
This appendix will outline the fees and payments for the year 2012.
An appropriate annex will be compiled for each successive year and decisions relating to payments will be agreed annually by the Ulster-Scots Agency board.
- Payments from the Agency for workshop tutors will be £20 per hour plus travel (45p per mile). Maximum eligible length of funding for workshops will be 2 hours.
- The staff engaged in running the Residential Summer School will be eligible for a maximum payment of £130 for staff who are present throughout the residential.
- Staff working at the residential Summer School must have an enhanced AccessNI certificate, a copy of which must be provided to the Agency.
- Individuals receiving payment for supervision duties during a summer school are not eligible for payment for any workshop activity.
- The hire of a residential centre including the hire of the premises and associated costs for the 2 days and 1 night, up to a maximum of £50 per participant.
- A maximum of 3 planning meetings will be eligible up to £25 per meeting, up to a maximum of £75 (Planning meetings can only be held between the date the Letter of Offer is received and the start date of the Summer School)
- A maximum payment of up to £4 per participant will be available to all groups to cover all consumables from the Arts and Crafts consumables list.
- In addition groups delivering an Ulster-Scots cookery workshop may claim a maximum of £1 per participant for cookery ingredients for recipes’ listed in the work book
- The hire of a bus to transport participants to and from the residential centre will be eligible, groups should provide three quotes with their application. The cheapest quote will be eligible.
No other items are eligible unless prior authorisation has been made by the Ulster-Scots Agency.
Appendix 2
Mandatory activity is:
Ulster-Scots Language (Delivered by Ulster-Scots Agency staff unless given prior approval)
Other possible activities are:
- Flute
- Drum
- Accordion
- Bagpipe
- Drum Major
- Lambeg Drum
- Fife
- Tin Whistle
- Fiddle
- Football
- Archery
- Drama
- Highland Dancing
- Scottish Country Dancing
- Ulster-Scots Storytelling
- Ulster-Scots Cookery
- Ulster-Scots Poetry / Creative Writing
- Ulster-Scots Arts and Craft
- Ulster-Scots Living History
- Ulster-Scots quiz
- Plantation Story
Consumables List
Arts and Craft materials including
- Gel Pens
- Erasers
- Paper
- Colour Paper
- Card
- Beads
- Pipe cleaners
- String
- Sequins
- Wool
- Felt
- Crepe Paper
- Paint
- Fabric
- Stencils
- Pens & Pencils
- Plates ( for painting designs groups must provide photographic evidence with claim)
- T-Shirts ( for painting designs etc groups must provide photographic evidence with claim )
- Tiles (for painting designs etc groups must provide photographic evidence with claim)
- Mugs (for painting designs etc groups must provide photographic evidence with claim)