- Admit to (name of facility) under the care of Dr.______(name). Please call to verify orders and for continuing care needs, at Fax # .
2.Admitting Diagnosis: ______
Allergies: ______
4.Treatments: (Wound care, et cetera)
5.Diet: Regular: ____Mechanical Soft: ____Pureed: ___No Concentrated Sweets: ____
No Added Salt: ____Thickened Liquids: _____Consistency: ______
High Density Foods: ______Frequency: ______Dietary Supplement: ______
Dietitian to evaluate patient: ______Others: ______
6.Weights: Routine: ______Weight patient weekly: ______
7Activity:Independent: ____ Wheelchair ad. lib.:____Remain in bed: ____Up in chair: ____
RNA Program: ____Assisted Ambulation: ______Frequency: ______Duration: ______
8.Activity Therapy: As tolerated and not to interfere with treatment plan.
9.Passes: May go on pass with responsible party: _____with Medications: ___No Passes: ____
10.Labs/other diagnostic tests______
11.Appointments at outside facilities______
12.PPD Status:Positive History: _____(Year: _____) None: ____Two step PPD: ______
Chest X-ray, PA and left lateral: ______(Indication:______).
- Rehabilitation Evaluation and Treatment as indicated: PT ______
OT: ______ST: ______RT: ______Other: ______None: ______
14.Optometry Eval:Yearly: ______Other: ______None: ______
15.Audiology Eval:Yearly: ______Other: ______None: ______
16Dental Eval:Yearly: ______Other: ______None: ______
17Podiatry Eval:Yearly: ______Other: ______None: ______
18Siderails:Up: Bilateral: ______Left: ______Right: ______None: ______
Indications:For Safety: ______Enablers in positioning: ______
19. Code and Advanced Directives Status: Full Code: ______No CPR: ______
Do Not Hospitalize: ______No Tube Feeding: ______No Antibiotics: ______
Other: ______
20.Blood Pressure Management:For Systolic BP> 180 and or Diastolic> 110. Notify MD: ______
21.Blood Sugar Management:Fingerstick:Frequency: ______
Sliding scale – treat fingerstick blood sugars as follows:
- Blood sugar greater than ____ but less than ____; give ______units of regular insulin subcutaneously
- Blood sugar greater than ____ but less than ____; give ______units of regular insulin subcutaneously
- Blood sugar greater than ____ but less than ____; give ______units of regular insulin subcutaneously
- Blood sugar greater than ____ but less than ____; give ______units of regular insulin subcutaneously
Notify MD for Blood Sugar < 80 or > 350: ______No Management: ______
22.Fever Management:Notify MD for Temp > 100* _____No Management: ______
23.Immunizations: Yearly Flu Vaccination: ______Pneumovax: ______When: ______
Tetanus Booster: ______When: ______Other: ______
24.Urinary Incontinence Management:Incontinence Brief: ______
Catheter:External: ______Internal: ______Size: ______Indication: ______
Change monthly and prn clogging/leaking ______Proto. to discont. indwelling catheter:______Bladder Training: ______Frequency: ______Incontinence Program: ______
Suprapubic catheter Management: ____Others: ______No Management: ______
25.Bowel Management:Bowel Training: ___Frequency: ______Colostomy Care: ______
For constipation: Encourage fluids _____ Sorbitol 30 cc po daily ____ MOM 30 cc po qhs prn: ______
Metamucil 1 pkt daily in juice ___ Fleets enema per rectum q 3rd day prn: ______
Other: ______No Management: ______
- Management of skin conditions: Minor skin tears shall be cleaned with normal saline, edges aligned, and
covered with transparent dressing for 5 days which shall be changed as needed. Monitor for signs of
infection for 5 days; notify clinician if tear fails to respond to treatment.
27.Present patient bill of rights to ____patient ____family member/surrogate/conservator.
28.Additional orders:______
Signature of Ordering Physician: ______Date:______
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