Project Read: April 7-11,2014
Monday---Unit 26
Skill: schwa symbol and sound
Students will learn the vowel in an unaccented syllable is represented by the schwa sound /u/.
Students will know and understand the schwa symbol.
Students will read words with the schwa sound.
Teacher will display the schwa symbol on page 26-5. In this lesson you will learn about the schwa symbol and sound. The schwa can be compared to a UFO. It is a vowel sound that can appear in any word or syllable. It hovers above the vowel. The schwa makes the vowel says /u/ the short [u] sound, and makes the syllable weak. This is called the unaccented syllable.
Teacher will model the word (pilot) on the white board. Blend the two syllables [pi] and [lot] together. When blending syllables together, drop your voice on the second syllable. The second syllable is unstressed.
Teacher directly states the facts about schwa on page 26-7 and displays them in pocket chart.
Each student will trace around a schwa symbol from page 26-9 while saying the word schwa followed by the hand signal for the short [u] sound (fist on top of fist, lift thumb to unlatch umbrella and lift thumb and fist upward while saying /u/).
Check for understanding: Student will practice words on page 26-11 with teacher guidance, students will syllabicate words and read words out loud. This will be done from the white board and students will write on their own paper.
Oral Reading: BK Story “Rascal” Students will place this story in their notebooks to read at home. Teacher and students will read the story together in class. Students will read the story to their partner. Students will popcorn read to the class. Students will take a quiz over this story the next school day.
Spelling List Unit 26---Students will write and read words from the white board.
Tuesday----Unit 26
Review schwa sound and how to write symbol.
Student will be given page 26-11 to syllabicate the words and read words and sentences. Teacher will go over with students the correct way to syllabicate the words. Then students and teacher will read the words and sentences together in class.
Oral Reading: BK Story “Rascal” Students will place this story in their notebooks to read at home. Teacher and students will read the story together in class. Students will read the story to their partner. Students will popcorn read to the class. Students will take a quiz over this story in class.
Oral Reading: BK Story “A Horse in Striped Pajamas” Students will place this story in their notebooks to read at home. Teacher and students will read the story together in class. Students will read the story to their partner. Students will popcorn read to the class. Students will take a quiz over this story the next school day.
Spelling Unit 26 Word List: Students will practice spelling words in class.
Wednesday----Unit 26
Students will make a study guide for Assessment on Unit 26.
Oral Reading: BK Story “A Horse in Striped Pajamas” Students will place this story in their notebooks to read at home. Teacher and students will read the story together in class. Students will read the story to their partner. Students will popcorn read to the class. Students will take a quiz over this story in class.
Oral Reading: BK Story: “Is It Real?” Students will place this story in their notebooks to read at home. Teacher and students will read the story together in class. Students will read the story to their partner. Students will popcorn read to the class. Students will take a quiz over this story the next school day.
Spelling Unit 26 Word List: Students will practice spelling words in class.
Thursday---Unit 26 Assessment
Oral Reading: BK Story: “Is It Real?” Students will place this story in their notebooks to read at home. Teacher and students will read the story together in class. Students will read the story to their partner. Students will popcorn read to the class. Students will take a quiz over this story in class.
Spelling Unit 26 Word List: Students will practice spelling words in class.
Friday---Lexia Reading Lab (9:00-9:45)
Spelling Test over Unit 26 word list.
Students can listen to online stories from Barns and Noble.