Physical Education Department
Block Plan
Name: Ramsey Hassen
Skill(s): Water aerobic exercises, sequences, and fitness skills
*All activities mentioned are to be performed in water at a maximum of shoulder height unless mentioned otherwise.
Day 1:Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: walking around in shallow end.
Intro: Brief the class on what is going to happen within the next few days.
Lesson focus:Begin the Aqua Aerobics unit. Introducing the students to important benefits of this activityand its importanceto ones fitness, provideinteresting facts. With a partner students will race one another across pool. They will also play the resistance game. Pre assessment willalso take place.
Fitness component: Students will be focusing ona cardio work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Pre assessment – Will include assessing everyone’s capability to swim and overall comfort in pool.
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson. / Day 2:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: walking and jogging laps
Intro: Introduce fitness and more specifically resistance. Talk about how different levels of water change the difficulty of the task at hand.
Lesson focus: Students will be taught figure 8’s with arms, hula hoops, and engine arms. Will also learn methods to apply the tasks at different difficulties level.
Fitness component: Students will be focusing on a cardio work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective), Individual assignment (psychomotor)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson.
Day 3:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up:The clean up challenge game will be this days warm up.
Intro: Review on resistance, levels of difficulty and exercises performed in previous lessons.
Lesson focus:Students will be taught how to perform the Ski and Goose steps.
Fitness component(Heart rate, step counts, etc.):Students will be focusing on a cardio work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson. / Day 4:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up:Students are to jog in the pool and practice any of the exercises learned to date.
Intro: Define and explain the “Synchronized Aquatic Sequence.”
Lesson focus:Students will be taught to perform Aquatic Sequence 1(without music).
Fitness component: Students will be focusing on a cardio and endurance work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson.
Day 5:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Practice the Aquatic Sequence 1 individually.
Intro: Review on definition of aquatic sequences and exercises learned to date. Introduce the noodle (discuss how it assists in exercise)
Lesson focus:Students will be taught line jumping and bicycling with noodle. Students will experiment with noodle.
Fitness component:Students will be focusing on a cardio work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective), Individual assignment (psychomotor)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson. / Day 6:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Resistance game while holding noodle in front of them. Review exercises from previous class.
Intro: Discuss the effect the noodle had on their performance. Introduce the water dumbbells.
Lesson focus: Students will be taught Bicep curls, triceps curls, hamstring curls, crunches.
Fitness component: Students will be focusing on a cardio and muscular strength while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson.
Day 7:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Race with partner and dumbbells in hand. Practice exercises of previous class.
Intro: Remind them about the first aquatic sequence and introduce Aquatic Sequence 2 (without music).
Lesson focus: Students will be taught to perform Aquatic Sequence 2(without music).
Fitness component: Students will be focusing on a cardio, strength and endurance work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson. / Day 8:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Practice Aquatic Sequence 2 individually. Allow them to experiment with the kickboard.
Intro: Explain the importance of the kickboard review other sequences.
Lesson focus(Items to be covered during this day):Students will be taught to flutter kick, round the clock, washing machine, and kick boxing punch.
Fitness component: Students will be focusing on a cardio, strength, and endurance work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective), Individual assignment (psychomotor)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson.
Day 9:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Allow students to do flutter kick laps around the pool.
Intro: Review with class the previous exercises.
Lesson focus:Students will be taught to perform Aquatic Sequence 3.
Fitness component: Students will be focusing on a cardio and endurance work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson. / Day 10:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up: Practice Aquatic Sequence 3. Water football game.
Intro: Class will review the previous exercises covered throughout the unit.
Lesson focus(Items to be covered during this day):Students will be taught Russian twist, jumping jacks, power jacks, and side kicks. Will begin learning section of Aquatic Sequence 4.
Fitness component: Students will be focusing on a cardio and endurance work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson.
Day 11:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up (Name and brief description of the IA, game): Review last lesson section of Aquatic Sequence 4.
Intro: Introduce the remaining exercises to be learned. Present to class a video of an Aquatic Sequence and explain that they must aim to perform as such.
Lesson focus:(Items to be covered during this day):Teach the class the cross country ski and rocking horse. Teach the class the complete Aquatic Sequence 4 (without sound)
Fitness component:Students will be focusing on a cardio, strength, and endurance work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective),Individual assignment (psychomotor)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson. / Day 12:
Instant Activity (IA) /Warm-up:Practice as a class Aquatic Sequence 4 (without sound)
Intro: Review with the class all the exercises and any feedback given previously.
Lesson focus:(Items to be covered during this day):Students are to be taught to correctly perform Aquatic Sequence 4 (with sound)
Fitness component:Students will be focusing on a cardio, strength, and endurance work while participating in this class.
Assessment(s): Self-assessment (affective), Group assignment (psychomotor)
Closure: Debrief class by reviewing the cues and tasks learned in today’s lesson.
"Guiding and inspiring youngsters in the process of becoming physically educated and healthy for a lifetime."Last updated on 1/14/2019