The Art of Writing

By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter. (Confucius)

I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and hold it there you're never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.

~Zig Ziglar

Setting Effective Goals:

Category / My Goals
Public service

You must have at least 20 goals to submit. Please number them as you list.

*10 points*

Career Research Assignment (20 points)

Job # 1 / Job # 2
-What would your major be in school?
-How many years would you be in school?
-What type of school would you need to attend?
One Technical School/University that offers this program
-What would you be paid?
-Is the job field growing or declining?
-What is the stress level involved in the career?
-Where would I have to live to be successful in this career?
Real Life Activity Answers
*you may need a separate sheet
How suitable am I for this profession? Explain.
What would a school/employer want to know about me to see I am right for these careers?

English 4 Research Paper

Essential Question: How does ______career impact society?

The North Carolina Standard Course of Study states that each student in English IV will be prepared to enter issues of public concern as an advocate. Your individual research paper will serve as a means to that end. Ideally, your research will help you answer the essential question, and your answer will become your thesis statement.

Note: Your paper should not be a history or other kind of “report,” but rather an argumentative, analytical paper. Your paper must have evidence of higher order thinking, synthesis of research materials, and attention to the “so what factor.”


·  Your paper must be in correct MLA format. (We will devote some class time to reviewing this format, and the media center provides access to style guides. Ignorance is no excuse.)

o  black, twelve-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font

o  one-inch margins all around

o  proper heading: Full Name, Teacher’s Name, Course Name, Inverted Date

o  last name included with page numbers in each upper right-hand corner

o  adequate title, centered on the first page

o  presence of direct quotations and proper use of parenthetical citations

o  Works Cited page with hanging indents, double-spaced text, alphabetical order, proper citations, and the presence of each source within the paper

·  Your paper must be 5-7 FULL pages of writing including the Works Cited page.

·  You are required to use at least FIVE sources.

o  Three of your sources must be print sources, but keep in mind that Galenet can provide excellent access to print sources, such as magazines and scholarly journals.

o  Web sources will only be allowed except in cases that have been cleared by Ms. Carmichael or one of the media coordinators. Carefully evaluating sources is a large part of the research process. Variety and quality are expected.

You are required to use Any student who fails to do so will receive an automatic zero, regardless of whether or not the student turns in a hard copy.

Research Tips:

Keep all research paper materials together

·  Research your subject first. Gather information and study your subject before you form your opinion. You might be surprised by what you discover.

·  Stay on top of deadlines! Refer to the assignment calendar as often as necessary. Deadlines will also be listed on your weekly agendas. Do not procrastinate!

·  This project is meant to be self-directed. We will do some work in class, but much of it will need to be done on your own. You should always feel free to meet with me if you need extra help. Remember that I am in Room 1027 before and after school. E-mail is also a great way to ask for help ()

·  Be extra careful when it comes to avoiding plagiarism. Many students do not take plagiarism seriously, but you should be aware of the serious nature of this act and its penalties, remember the Honor Code.

Page 4

What constitutes plagiarism?

·  Not using quotation marks to identify a direct quotation from your source OR Not paraphrasing correctly

·  Not citing your source when using ideas and information taken from the text

·  Use of others’ work and ideas as one’s own

How can you avoid plagiarism?

·  Use your brain!

·  Take very careful notes as you read through your sources so that you know exactly where your information is from.

·  Add parenthetical citations as you go—both to your outline and your paper.

Grading: These smaller assignments throughout the project will count as homework and class work grades. Your paper itself will be judged according to the rubric below. Be sure to study it carefully ahead of time.

English IVResearch Paper Rubric

4 points / 3 points / 2 points / 1 point / 0 points
Focus / Presents an insightful and focused thesis statement. / Presents a thesis statement with adequate insight and focus. / Presents a thesis statement with minimal insight and focus. / Presents a thesis statement with no insight or focus. / No thesis
Draws strong and clear connections between the thesis and significant related ideas. / Draws adequate connections between thesis and related ideas. / Draws insufficient connections between thesis and related ideas. / Shows little understanding of connections between thesis and related ideas. / Shows no understanding of connections
The paper adheres to the topic and exhibits exceptional sensitivity to audience and context. / The paper adheres to the topic and exhibits sensitivity to audience and context. / The paper adheres to the topic but lacks sensitivity to audience and/or context / The paper strays from the topic, lacks sensitivity to audience and/or context. / The paper does not adhere to topic
Organization / Effectively provides a logical progression of related ideas and supporting information in the body of the paper. / Adequately provides a progression of ideas and supporting information in the body of the paper. / Provides a poorly organized progression of ideas and supporting information in the body of the paper. / Does not provide a progression of ideas and supporting information in the body of the paper. / There is no progression of ideas
Effectively uses transitions to connect supporting information clearly. / Adequately uses transitions to connect supporting information. / Ineffectively uses transitions to connect supporting information. / Does not use transitions to connect supporting information. / No transitions present
Arrives at a well-documented, logical conclusion, involving critical thinking. / Arrives at an adequately-documented conclusion. / Arrives at an insufficiently documented conclusion. / Does not arrive at a documented conclusion. / Does not have a conclusion
Argumentation / The paper incorporates an adequate amount of background information without coming across as a report. / The paper incorporates more background information than argument / The paper is all background information and very little argument / The paper is a report / The paper has little focus
The paper demonstrates exemplary higher order thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize complex ideas, paying ample attention to the “so what” factor. / The paper demonstrates adequate high order thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize complex ideas paying attention to the “so what” factor / The paper demonstrates some high order thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize complex ideas paying attention to the “so what” factor / The paper demonstrates very little high order thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize complex ideas paying attention to the “so what” factor / The paper has no higher order thinking
Support/Elaboration / Effectively synthesizes complex ideas from research sources. / Sufficiently synthesizes ideas from research sources. / Ineffectively synthesizes ideas from research sources. / No evidence of synthesizing ideas from research sources. / No sources documented
Demonstrates exceptional selection of supporting information clearly relevant to the thesis and its related ideas. / Demonstrates sufficient selection of supporting information clearly relevant to the thesis and its related ideas. / Demonstrates insufficient selection of supporting information clearly relevant to the thesis and its related ideas. / Lacks supporting information clearly relevant to the thesis and its related ideas. / Ideas do not connect to thesis
Provides a meaningful presentation of multiple perspectives. / Provides an adequate presentation of multiple perspectives. / Provides a limited presentation of multiple perspectives. / Does not present multiple perspectives. / Only one perspective
Effectively balances use of quotations and student paraphrasing. / Adequately balances use of quotations and student paraphrasing. / Insufficiently balances use of quotations and student paraphrasing. / Does not balance use of quotations and student paraphrasing. / No quotes or paraphrasing
Style / Exhibits skillful use of language, including effective word choice, clarity, and consistent voice. / Exhibits good use of language, including some mastery of word choice, clarity, and consistent voice. / Exhibits ineffective use of language, including weak word choice, limited clarity, and inconsistent voice. / Exhibits severely flawed use of language, including weak word choice, no clarity, and no voice. / Editing not evident
Demonstrates exceptional fluency through varied sentence structure, paragraphing, flow of ideas, and transitions. / Demonstrates sufficient fluency through sentence structure, paragraphing, flow of ideas, and transitions. / Demonstrates limited fluency through sentence structure, paragraphing, flow of ideas, and transitions. / Lacks fluency through sentence structure, paragraphing, flow of ideas, and transitions. / No sentence structure
Counts 2 times (8) / The paper is FIVE to SEVEN pages in length (or longer) including the works cited. / The paper is less than FOUR full pages of WRITing (automatic failure)
Format / Direct quotations are present and correctly incorporated and formatted within the paper. / Direct quotations are present and somewhat correctly incorporated and formatted within the paper / Direct quotations are present, but incorrectly incorporated and/or formatted within the paper / Direct quotations are present but not incorporated OR formatted within the paper / No direct quotations present
The paper uses black, double-spaced, twelve-point, Times New Roman font only. The paper has one-inch margins throughout. / One mistake present with the MLA format / 2-3 mistakes present with the MLA format / 4-5 mistakes present with the MLA format / No MLA format detected
The paper includes a first-page header and subsequent page-number headings. The paper has an adequate title, centered on the first page. / One mistake present with the header/heading format / 2-3 mistakes present with the header/heading format / 4-5 mistakes present with the header/heading format / No header/heading format present
Conventions / Consistently uses standard writing conventions in spelling, and capitalization. / Generally uses standard writing conventions in spelling, and capitalization. / Minimally uses standard writing conventions in spelling, and capitalization. / Does not use standard writing conventions in spelling, and capitalization. / No editing detected
Consistently uses standard writing conventions in grammar, punctuation, and usage. / Generally uses standard writing conventions in grammar, punctuation, and usage. / Minimally uses standard writing conventions in grammar, punctuation, and usage. / Does not use standard writing conventions in grammar, punctuation, and usage. / No editing detected
Information Literacy / Conscientiously and consistently demonstrates integrity in citing practices. / Generally demonstrates integrity in citing practices. / Inconsistently demonstrates integrity in citing practices. / Does not demonstrate integrity in citing practices. / No citations present Automatic failure
Effectively employs an extensive variety of primary and secondary sources, including a significant amount of current information.
*5 sources according to guidelines / Adequately employs a sufficient variety of primary and secondary sources, including a sufficient amount of current information.
*5 sources according to guidelines / Employs a limited variety of primary and secondary sources, including an insufficient amount of current information. / Does not employ a variety of primary and secondary sources and/ or does not include current information. / No citations present
Demonstrates strong evaluation skills in determining resource credibility and reliability. / Demonstrates sufficient evaluation skills in determining resource credibility and reliability. / Demonstrates limited evaluation skills in determining resource credibility and reliability. / Demonstrates no evaluation skills to determine resource credibility and reliability. / No sources/ citations present
The included Works Cited page displays proper format: hanging indents, double spacing, alphabetical order, and the presence of each source within the paper. / One mistake present with Works Cited / 2-3 mistakes present with Works Cited / 4-5 mistakes present with Works Cited / No works Cited (Automatic Failure)
Total points earned:______
x 2
Total grade______/200

Letter Grade:______

Assignments, Point Values & due dates

Assignment / Point Value / Due date

Parent letter

/ 5 pt EC

Career Research (page 3)

/ 20 points

Anticipation guide

/ 10 points

Thesis Statement

/ 15 points
Working Bibliography / 25 points
Research notes pages / 100 points
Outline: completion and format / 70 points
Works Cited Draft / 10 points
Rough Draft completion / 20 points
Peer Edit / 10 points
Final draft w/ works cited & online submission to / 200 points
Total points possible: 480

Project Calendar:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Jan. / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25
28 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 1
Feb / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15

English 4 Research Project Topic Anticipation Guide:

Research Topic:______

Essential Question: How does ______career impact society?

There are really only a couple of options:

A. ______career positively impacts society

B. ______career negatively impacts society

C. ______career positively impacts society, despite some of the negative impressions