SWE Collegiate Interest Group (CIG)
Application Procedure
Collegiate Interest Group (CIG)
Application Procedure
June 2015
A. Purpose 2
B. Definition of a SWE Collegiate Interest Group (CIG) 2
C. Benefits of being a CIG 2
D. Contact Information 2
E. Process Steps for Forming a new CIG & Applying for SWE Approval 2
F. After Submitting the CIG Application Package 3
A. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define the requirements and explain how to start a Collegiate Interest Group (CIG) within the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). It includes activities and deliverables for initially starting and obtaining approval for the CIG.
B. Definition of a SWE Collegiate Interest Group (CIG)
A Collegiate Interest Group (CIG) is a body of individual SWE collegiate members enrolled in a junior college, community college, or four-year college/university that wish to function as a recognized SWE entity. A college or university with an existing SWE collegiate section cannot form a CIG. The CIG must have four (4) SWE collegiate members to be recognized initially. Once the CIG is approved, its membership can fluctuate. There is no required minimum. The membership can be zero for one or more years in a row. If the CIG membership is at ten (10) or more SWE collegiate members for more than three consecutive years, then it is highly recommended that the CIG consider petitioning for a Collegiate Section charter. Contact the Sponsor, Region Governor, or SWE Headquarters for more information. At least 50% of the CIG membership must be women collegiates majoring in engineering, engineering technology, or a related field of engineering. The CIG has the flexibility to elect or appoint leaders depending on its size.
C. Benefits of being a CIG
· Allows for fluctuation in collegiate membership numbers, i.e. it is not necessary to maintain the minimum required ten (10) SWE collegiate members.
· Allows a body of individual SWE collegiate members at a school without a SWE collegiate section to operate as a group in the name of the Society of Women Engineers.
· Promotes interaction and mentoring opportunities with other SWE Members on the local, regional, and national levels.
· Provides a support system to increase the understanding of engineering and to enhance professionalism among its members in alignment with the Society’s mission and objectives.
Note: Although CIG collegiate members are entitled to all the individual membership benefits, the CIG will not be entitled to the same benefits as a collegiate section. In other words, a CIG cannot request, apply for, or compete for, collegiate section rebates or awards given out annually by the Society. A collegiate member can still apply for, or compete for, individual Collegiate awards and scholarships given out annually by the Society.
D. Contact Information
Students interested in forming a CIG will need to contact SWE Headquarters at or call (312) 596-5223 for the CIG Application package and for the name and contact information of their appropriate Region Governor.
E. Process Steps for Forming a new CIG & Applying for SWE Approval
Interested students at a junior college, community college, or four-year college/university without an existing SWE collegiate section must perform the following steps to obtain SWE CIG approval.
1) Have all interested students apply for individual SWE collegiate membership online. Go to the Online Member Services at www.swe.org/JOIN to apply electronically.
2) Start meeting as a group. During the “formation period” and until approval is obtained, the group can call itself a Proposed CIG of the Society of Women Engineers.
3) Find a Faculty Advisor from the school who will be committed to supporting the CIG. This person will need to write a letter of recommendation for the CIG and sign the application packet. This person does not need to be a SWE member, but it is highly recommended.
4) Once the Proposed CIG reaches the minimum chartering level of four (4) SWE collegiate members, contact SWE Headquarters and request a CIG Application Packet and contact information for the respective Region Governor.
5) Contact the Region Governor and inform her of their school’s desire to form a CIG.
6) The Region Governor may assist the Proposed CIG with finding a Sponsor. The Sponsor may be a nearby SWE professional section, the SWE Region where the CIG is located, or the SWE Members at Large organization. If the CIG is a recognized club on the campus of a college/university with established administrative protocols, the college/university may act as the Sponsor. The sponsor will act as mentor, guide, and support for the CIG. This includes handling financials and IRS reporting as necessary on behalf of the CIG.
7) Complete the application form and “Agreement of Appropriate Use” and submit to SWE Headquarters for approval. Keep copies of these documents for your files.
Note: It is recommended that steps 3 through 6 be done in parallel.
F. After Submitting the CIG Application Package
1) SWE Headquarters will process the application and send it to the Region Governor for approval. If the application is not approved the Proposed CIG will be contacted by the Region Governor to assist with resolving any issues prior to resubmission.
2) After the application is approved, SWE Headquarters will:
a. Assign a CIG identification number in the membership database
b. Email a complete copy of the package to the Region Collegiate Representative and the New Collegiate Section/Group Coordinator.
c. Send a congratulatory letter to the CIG and copy the following persons
§ Executive Director
§ Region Governor
§ CIG Sponsor
§ Faculty Advisor
§ All charter members of the CIG
§ Dean of the College or University
§ Director of Regions
§ Director of Membership Initiatives
§ New Collegiate Section/Group Coordinator
§ Region Collegiate Representative (RCR)
3) The CIG is recognized through the end of the current fiscal year (June 30). Each year that the CIG intends to operate it needs to renew through SWE Headquarters.
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Rev. 06/08/2015