SJA LINKS Committee Meeting

EH – Emily Herbert (President)
RJ – Rebecca Jones (General Secretary)
JD – James Day (Treasurer)
LW – Lizzy Watkins (Vice President)
ZS – Zoe Slack (Social Secretary)

1Website changes

LW explained how the SJA LINKS Wix website had been changed, and how the site explained the LINKS society as a gateway to SJA, rather than a training unit itself.
JD opened the site on his laptop so that the committee could see the site live. There was general appraisal of the website, though RJ asked for her name to be changed to Becky rather than Becca.
It was agreed that photos would be uploaded to Wixafter society socials and events. Completion of forms

RJ and LW agreed to complete the committee forms after the meeting, which they did.
EH was to complete the risk assessment.
ZS had already completed forms necessary for Fresher’s Fayre.

2Fresher’s Fayre

It was agreed that general first aid leaflets would be given out at Fresher’s Fayre, with LW raising the example of some currently in stores, though more would need to be ordered. LW also suggested using the SJA flag in stores as decoration at Fresher’s Fayre. Balloons, green lollies and pens would also be available, though JD would contact the SJA unit regarding pens. The committee agreed that we would reiterate the separation between SJA and LINKS at the Fayre.
RJ agreed to print invitations for Fresher’s Fayre, and to email society members to see who was available to help at Fresher’s Fayre.

3Volunteering agenda

JD and EH were to attend a volunteer meeting. JD explained the volunteering plan which included visits to schools, CPR marathon, fundraising, and training and provision of SJA volunteers.

4Introduction session

ZS proposed a social immediately after the introductory session in the Autumn which was met with appraisal.
RJ proposed the idea of ‘Essential Student First Aid’ for the introductory session which was well received. EH suggested having different themed rooms: ZS would oganise a social room, EH would have a room explaining the society, RC would have a room explaining the two sides of LINKs – SU and SJA, and there would be a scenario room. RJ agreed to book an additional room for the evening. RC agreed to organize trainers nearer the time.

It was agreed that handbooks would be given out again. The following pages were assigned to committee members:

LW – contact infor, website, committee info
JD – fundraising
EH – presedential introduction
RC – training schedule
ZS – social timetable
RJ – collate and print

It was decied that 125 copies would be ordered.

5Committee Clothing

JD explained changes made to committee clothing and was currently waiting for a reply on price.

6Alton Towers

ZS explained that she had been unable to contact the health and safety manager yet but was intending to buy tickets after the meeting. She also planned to call the bus company.

7Grant proposal

ZS requested 12 socials at £50 each to be included in the grant proposal, and the Christmas meal at £5 by 30. JD included guest speakers, handbooks, Refresher’s Fayre, Fundraising and mock scenarios on the proposal, and removed the USBs and London trip.