Science 8 2014-2015

Maggi O’Neill & Joe Mahler


254-1361, ext. 507, 515


Science 8 is a year of inquiry and activity. This course focuses on four main areas of science: chemistry, physics, Earth and space. Emphasis is placed on learning about the natural laws and phenomena involved, with a special focus on motion and forces, conservation of energy, interactions of energy and matter, and Earth’s interactions. Students will also study how energy connects the concepts to one another. Science8 also continues to focus on deepening students' understanding of the scientific method by having all students participate in the science fair.


Proper and mature behavior when conducting all activities.

Meaningful contribution and cooperation in class and group discussion, as well as during group activities.

Respect for equipment and the views of others.

Prepared for class.

Engaged in the learning process.

Follow all required safety procedures.

Appropriate usage of technology


At the completion of this year, all students should be able to:

  • Use appropriate laboratory equipment, conduct experiments, and analyze data,
  • Apply Newton’s Laws of motion in a real life situation,
  • Predict the effect a change in energy will have on a system,
  • Explain and evaluate electric and magnetic fields,
  • Explain or model the role of plate tectonics in changing Earth’s surface,
  • Explain the role of gravity in the formation and movement of the solar system,
  • Model the motion of molecules and their relationship to temperature and heat transfer,
  • Explain and model the Law of Conservation of matter in physical and chemical processes,
  • Solve problems using engineering principles


Homework may be assigned for the following day or long-term and shouldbe expected daily. Homework is due at the beginning of the designated period. If students do not complete the assignment they may be asked to do so in silent study. Late homework will be marked down 10% each day. Students are expected to record homework whether in a planner or on their ipad/laptop. Homework will also be posted on PCR.


Students will regularly work in the laboratory conducting experiments or collaborating on long term projects. Students must remain focused in the lab and work in a safe manner to avoid hurting themselves or others and/or damaging equipment. Additionally, lab stations must be left clean.


The purpose of grades in this course is to assess each student’s understanding and progress. Students learn in different ways and will be given a chance to express their mastery of concepts in a number of ways. When a student does not understand a question on homework, quiz or test they are strongly encouraged to ask questions for clarification. Students may also include drawings, analogies, examples or math expressions whenever they feel it assists them in explaining their answers.

Grades will not be weighted by categories and will be comprised of the following:

  • Quizzes, Tests, and Projects (typically 20-100 points)
  • In-class activities which includes labs (typically 10-50 points)
  • Homework (typically 5-10 points)


Tests and quizzes will always be announced and posted online. Quizzes may sometimes be open note and typically include fill in the blank and short answer questions. Short answer questions may involve drawing, graphing, writing or mathematics. Some questions may be directly from notes or activities and others will require application or synthesis of the material. Quizzes are shorter in nature and are designed to take about 20 minutes. Time for questions, comments, or concerns is provided during class just prior to a quiz.

Tests will not be open note. Tests will typically include fill in the blank, multiple choice and short answers questions. Short answer questions may involve drawing, writing, or mathematics.Questions will include those that ask students to recall, apply, and synthesize information. An entire class period will be given for the completion of tests, though a whole period is not often needed to finish.

Other types of performance assessments will be made where students can show they have mastered a concept or lab skill. For example, students may be asked to measure a specific volume of water in a graduated cylinder or apply something they have learned in a lab situation.

Projects will be broken down into smaller components and assessments will be made with regard to progress and/or mastery at designated dates.


Students are required to bring all supplies to class every day. A textbookwill be provided when needed. The following is a list of what students need to be prepared:

  • Binder that holds assignments and ruled & graph paper
  • Assigned homework
  • iPad or laptop
  • Pencil